96. Secret Love Affair.

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When you got up to the cave you gasped for breath. Man, that was quite the climb. In a flash you found yourself pinned to the ground. Warm breath on your face. And a familiar black dog on top of you. "Sirius? It's me. (Y/n). I'm one of Harry's friends." You explained as the dog cocked his head at you. "We met a few months ago. I-I brought you some food." As you said this the dog, or Sirius, got off you and trotted back into the cave. When you followed in after him you saw that the dog had now turned back into Sirius. You bowed to Buckbeak and once he bowed back you looked back at Sirius. His hair was as dishevelled as it was the last time you had seen. But his face was gaining more colour again. Living in a cave must not be the best. But you could tell it was doing him a lot better than when he first got out of Azkaban.

"Harry really shouldn't have sent you." He said, avoiding your eye contact. "Especially not this late."

"Actually, Harry didn't send me. He doesn't even know I'm here."

"Then why are you here?"

"I-I wanted to talk to you. I'm worried about him."

"Yes. So am I." Sirius nodded. "Sorry, um, did you say you brought me some food?"

"Oh, yes, of course." You said passing him your bag. "Sorry."

"No, no, really thank you."

"So, you and Harry, you're dating right?"

"I-I- did he say that?"

"No, but it was obvious when the two of you came in here."

"Oh. Well, I think I definitely could've played that a bit cooler now."

"Secret love affair then." Sirius nodded. "Kid's got class. He's definitely my god child."

"Well, he didn't want people giving me shi- grief about being his girlfriend. With everything that happened with Hermione as well."

"Yeah, probably smart." Sirius agreed, opening your bag and digging into a loath of bread. "And you can swear freely around me. I'm not one of your teachers."


"So, (Y/n), what's your story?"

"My story?" You asked as Sirius looked at you expectantly. "Well, erm, you know most of it already. I'm a new student at Hogwarts-"

"I'm going to stop you there." Sirius said pointing at you with the half-eaten bread. "I like you. I think you've got balls -er- metaphorically. There's something different about you though. Dumbledore knows it. That's why he ensured that you were friends with Harry. And I noticed your little episode while you were here last. You had a vision."


"I've been around, or at least I used to until I was arrested. But I know what a vision looks like. I asked Dumbledore about it. He didn't say much though. But that's Dumbledore for you."

"What did he say?" You asked since you had been under the impression that he hadn't said anything.

"Mentioned that he thinks you and Harry have a kind of Psychic connection. Do you know why?"

"No, not at all. Before this year I didn't even know magic was real." You explained. "But I keep getting visions. Visions that give me looks into the future. But they're only glimpses. Harry doesn't know though. Dumbledore said it's best that he doesn't. At least not yet. I hate that I have to lie to him, but if Dumbledore says that it's important..."

"I understand. Sometimes you just have to trust Dumbledore knows what he's doing."

"I know." You nodded hoping you hadn't said too much. "Something big is coming. Whether it's Voldemort or not who knows? All I know is that I need to protect Harry. But I'm not sure if I'm strong enough."

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now