72. Hogsmeade, Bagman and Rita.

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You and Harry went back to normal, the two of you were still upset that Hagrid was still staying in his hut but you had decided that you would cheer each other up; plus you had the day in Hogsmeade that Saturday and Harry said he was going to go much to Hermione's surprise...

"I just thought you'd want to take advantage of the common room being quiet, really get to work on that egg." She told him.

"Oh, I... I reckon I've got a pretty good idea what it's about now," Harry told her.

"Have you really? Well done!" She praised him before heading to the Library, you sniggered at how gullible she was as she left.

"What?" Harry asked confused by your sudden amusement.

"You haven't got a clue about that egg, have you?" You asked him still trying not to laugh.

"I mean, no, but I have got five weeks, (y/n)."

"Mhmm, I hear ya."

"Oh, shut up." Harry said as he went up to his dorm.


At Hogsmeade the four of you wondered around while your shoes squelched in the slush. Harry seemed to be gazing out in different directions, you knew this was because he was looking for Hagrid so you left him to it, feeling sorry for him. He eventually suggested that you'd all go to the Three Broomsticks which you agreed with because you could do with a butterbeer.

When you entered the crowded pub Harry scanned the room before his eyes glinted with sadness; he had realised that Hagrid was still in his hut alone.

"Come on, let's go and buy some butterbeers." you said before ordering four and sitting down.

"Doesn't he ever go into the office? Look!" Hermione whispered pointing to the mirror behind the bar. Sure enough in the reflection was Ludo Bagman sat down crowded by Goblins looking rather angry at him. You watched the peculiar scene until Bagman stood up and made his way over to Harry.

"In a moment, in a moment!" He said hastily to the Goblins. "Harry! How are you?" He bellowed. "Been hoping to run into you! Everything going alright?"

"Fine, thanks," Harry replied sheepishly.

"Wonder if I could have a quick, private word, Harry?" Bagman asked running his hands together as if his grand plan was about to unfold. "You couldn't give us a moment, you three, could you?" Bagman stressed to you, Ron and Hermione.

"Er, yeah, of course." You replied taking your butterbeer and sitting at a different table.

"Why did we have to move?" Ron groaned.

"Honestly, Ron, that's not nearly important." Hermione scolded. "I for one want to know what he's up to."

"Yeah, he's rather fond of Harry, isn't he?"

"What's that mean?" Ron asked.

"Well, Bagman tried to talk to Harry before the first task, that's why he was a little late." You informed them.

"How d'you know that?" Ron asked.

"Harry mentioned it." You lied. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I think Hermione is right."

"I wonder what those Goblins are doing, it's very strange to see them act like this." Hermione explained.

"Maybe Harry will know something." You said, "We'll have to ask him." Just then the three of you saw Fred and George run up to Bagman.

"What are those to up to?" Ron moaned.

"I don't know." Hermione said also confused.

"Maybe they know something we don't." You suggested as Harry walked to the three of you.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now