17. A Guardians Nightmare

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The following week was fantastic, Mr Weasley and Percy had barely been home. But you still managed to become close to everyone else. The day before you'd have to leave for Hogwarts, everyone was home except for Mr Weasley who was still at work. Mrs Weasley said that they were working him too hard, and you thought she was probably right. But you weren't paying attention, you were reading a book that Hermione had given you about charms. she had given you a few books so that you could catch up on the stuff you had missed the last three years.

"What are you two up to?" Mrs Weasley asked the twins.

"Homework." Fred replied.

"Don't be ridiculous, you're still on holiday."

"Yeah, we've left it a bit late," George also replied.

"You're not by any chance writing a new order form, are you? You wouldn't be thinking of restarting Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, by any chance?" At this point you looked up from you book, you wanted to see this.

"Now, Mum, if the Hogwarts Express crashed tomorrow, and George and I died. How would you feel knowing the last thing we ever heard from you was an unfounded accusation?" Fred said a fake pained expression on his face. Their expressions and wit made everyone in the room laugh including Mrs Weasley.

"Oh, your father's coming!" Mrs Weasley said looking up at the clock before you heard Mr Weasley come into the kitchen.

"Well, the fat's really in the fire now. Rita Skeeter's been ferreting around all week, looking for more ministry mess-ups to report. And now she's found out about poor old Bertha going missing, so that will be the headline in the prophet tomorrow. I told Bagman he should have sent someone to look for her ages ago."

"Mr Crouch has been saying that for weeks and weeks." Percy said.

"Crouch is very lucky Rita hasn't found out about Winky. There'd be a week's worth of headlines in his house-elf being caught holding the wand that conjured the Dark Mark."

"I thought we all agreed that the elf, while irresponsible, did not conjure the Mark?"

"If you ask me, Mr Crouch is very lucky no one at the daily prophet knows how mean he is to elves." Hermione snapped, and before long she had started an argument with Percy. Mrs Weasley had to stop it in the end, telling you all to check that you'd all packed properly.

You closed your book and went upstairs to the room you shared with Hermione and Ginny. Hermione complained about the way wizards mistreat elves. But you didn't listen even though you did agree with most of the things she was saying. You didn't want to listen to her complaints. So, you packed the book you were reading and anything that you had left out.


The next morning you woke up early, but after an hour of struggling to get back to sleep you went downstairs. Taking your blanket with you. After having a glass of milk, you fell asleep on the sofa.

You were in a room that was completely white, was it a corridor, it looked a little like a train station. Curious. You walk along the path until a spasm of red liquid was splashed all over the floor.

It was blood.

You looked to see where the blood had come from, you continued walking to find the source. And you did. There, in a row were people, people lead on the floor, you ran over to see if they were ok, but then you saw who they were. They were dead.

The first of the bodies was Barty Crouch who would be murdered by his own son in the coming year. The second one was Cedric, you felt tears fall down your face as you looked at his head that was tilted backwards. His eyes widened in shock, you couldn't look at him, it was too much. The next was Sirius Black, you could tell by his shaggy long black hair, but he looked more relaxed than Cedric did. More tears fell down your face looking at his peaceful corpse. After Sirius it was Dumbledore, your face was now hot and streaming with tears. One after the other, some of them falling into your open mouth, you didn't want to see him die, but you had no choice. Next along was someone you didn't recognise. Not from description anyway but you had realised the pattern. It was Charity Burbage the Muggle studies teacher her skin battered and bruised.

Next was Hedwig, the poor beautiful owl whose white feathers still shone a little, then it was Mad-Eye Moody, the real one, next was Dobby, then Griphook, then Colin and Dennis Creevy, Lavender Brown, Tonks and Lupin together and... Fred.

You couldn't cope anymore, you let it all out and sobbed to you hearts content. To see Fred's face stuck with that inhuman smile forced across his face for all eternity tore you to pieces. You hadn't realised that next to Fred someone was rocking back and forth and sobbing as well. You only noticed when he wrapped his arms around you, nesting his head into your neck and crying even more.

It was George. His brother was dead. He was heartbroken. He would never be happy again. You knew this, but you didn't want it to happen.

He looked up at you, his face filled with betrayal. "You could save them, why won't you? You knew this would happen. Why didn't you save them? Why can't you save him?" He asked you, he strangely felt calm even through the gigantic sobs he made.

"I can't, I'm sorry, George, I can't, or the universe would implode." George huffed a fake laugh that sounded like he didn't believe you. "Please George, I didn't want this just as much as you." You said in between sobs.

"No, (Y/n), you have to save them." George said before he turned around and left you alone with the bodies that lay before you. But they weren't lying anymore. They were standing, still holding their last facial expressions. It was terrifying.

Something grabbed your wrist, it was Fred, the others walked like zombies to help Fred corner you.

"Save us." They said in unison. When you didn't reply Fred brought his hand up to your face and went grab it and...

You woke up with a scream, it was a dream it felt so real, "(Y/n), are you ok?" Someone was in the room with you, but you still didn't want to open your eyes. You were too afraid you were still in that place.

"Who's there?"

"(Y/n), it's George, open your eyes." You felt him sit on the sofa next to where you were now sat. You opened your eyes, the room looked blurry because your eyes were filled with tears. The silhouette in front of you came into focus as the tears left your eyes. You instantly began to sob again.

"Oh, (Y/n), what's wrong? Was it a nightmare?" George said as he wrapped his arms around you, stroking your head.

"I think so, it just felt so real, it was horrifying." You said, leaning into his chest leaving your tears on his shirt.

"It's ok, do you want to talk about it?" He asked trying to comfort you, but you just shook your head.

"Hey, umm, what time is it?" You managed to say after a couple of minutes, before moving off of George's chest to look at him.

"It's about 5 in the morning."

"What are you doing up? I didn't wake you, did I?" You said feeling a little guilty.

"No, I just couldn't sleep, why were you down here anyway?"

"Oh, I couldn't sleep either, nerves I guess." You tried to giggle but it didn't come out properly.

"Well, if you're ok now, I think I'll go back upstairs and see if I can sleep." He said starting to get off of the sofa, but you stopped him.

"No," you called as he just stared at you blankly "can you stay, please? I don't want to be alone, I'm a little shaken." you said attempting a smile.

"That's fine, there's enough room on the sofa for the both of us." George said laying down onto the sofa and putting himself under the blanket, you joined him. Led on his arm you looked up at him and smiled a real smile looking deep into his eyes.

"Thanks for staying with me."

"It's ok, I'll always be here for you if you need it."

"Same here." After you said that you snuggled into George and felt his arm go around you before drifting off to sleep.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat