32. Into the Goblet

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The next day was a Saturday but everyone still seemed to wake up early. You, Harry, Ron and Hermione went downstairs to the Entrance Hall together. In the Entrance Hall people were crowded around the Goblet of Fire. A beautiful golden line circling it.

"Has anyone put their name in yet?" Ron asked a third year.

"All the Durmstrang lot," she replied.

"No one from Hogwarts yet?" You asked her.

"Not that I've seen." She told you before turning back to her friends.

"Bet some of them put in last night after we'd all gone to bed, that's what I would have done if it had been me... Wouldn't have wanted everyone watching. What is the goblet just gobbled you right back out again?" Harry stated before laughter could be heard behind you. When you turned around you saw Fred, George and their friend Lee Jordan.

"Done it," Fred whispered proudly to the four of you. "Just taken it."

"What?" Ron asked completely oblivious.

"The Ageing Potion, dung brains."

"One drop each," George said rubbing his hands together with excitement.

"We only need to be a few months older."

"We're going to split the Thousand galleons between the three of us if one of us wins," Lee said looking as gleeful as the other two.

"I'm not sure this is going to work, you know," Hermione said.

"Yeah, she's right, however..." You said gaining a look from Hermione "I really want to see how this backfires."

"That's the spirit, (Y/n)," George said before realising what you said. "Hey, wait a second..." but you just smiled back up at him.

"Ready?" Fred asked the other two "C'mon then... I'll go first." You watched closely, trying your best not to laugh at the inevitable. Fred walked to the edge of the golden line, rocking back and forth. He looked like he was going to jump, but instead he took one massive breath and stepped over. Nothing had happened. At least not until George yelled in triumph and joined his brother behind the golden glow.

Then a loud sizzling filled the Hall and both Fred and George were flung out of the circle and onto the stone floor. A piping noise followed them. Once you finally caught a glimpse of them you saw they had both grown long white beards. Everyone in the Hall laughed even Fred and George, but no one laughed louder than Lee.

"I did warn you," Dumbledore's majestic voice rang out as he looked down at Fred and George. "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Phuket, of Ravenclaw, and Mr Summers, of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little, too. So, I must say, neither of their beards is anything like as fine as yours." Fred and George did as Dumbledore had suggested as Lee followed them still bellowing with laughter.


The Decorations in the Great Hall now showed that it was Halloween, you decided to sit by Dean and Seamus. "There's a rumour going round, Warrington got up early and put his name in, that big bloke from Slytherin who looks like a sloth." Dean informed you.

"We can't have a Slytherin champion." Harry said disgusted.

"And all the Hufflepuffs are talking about Diggory," Seamus continued. "But I wouldn't have thought he'd have wanted to risk his good looks."

"Oh, come on, listen," but you were cut off by some very loud cheering from the Entrance Hall. Angelina had walked into the Great Hall looking embarrassed but still elated.

"Well, I've done it! Just put my name in!"

"You're kidding?" You replied. You hadn't talked to her much but Harry sort of did a get to know the team kind of thing before he was going to train you. Angelina was always incredibly supportive.

"Are you seventeen then?" Harry asked.

"Course she is. Can't see a beard, can you?" Ron returned.

"At least someone from Gryffindor is entering." You said very pleased.

"I really hope you get it, Angelina." Hermione told her.

"Thanks, Hermione,"

"Yeah, better you than Pretty-Boy Diggory,"

"What're we doing today, then?" Ron asked the three of you.

"Well, Harry said that he'd give me my first Quidditch lesson today..."

"But after that I was thinking we'd go down to visit Hagrid." Harry said.

"Okay, just as long as he doesn't ask us to donate a few fingers to the Skrewts." Ron agreed.

"I've just realised, I haven't asked Hagrid to join S.P.E.W yet!" Hermione said suddenly excited. "I'll go up now and get the badges ready!"

"She gets excited by the stupidest things." You say rolling your eyes. "So should we go get our brooms, Harry?" You asked Harry who nodded and the two of you started to go up to the common room, but Harry stopped in the Entrance Hall.

"Hey Ron... it's your friend..." it was Fleur Delacour. She was putting her name in the fire. Ron went a slight peach colour before the three of you started to go up to the common room.

"What d'you reckon'll happen to the ones that aren't chosen?" Ron asked as you neared the fat lady. "Reckon they'll go back to school, or hang around to watch the Tournament?"

"Dunno." Harry replied.

"Stay around, I suppose, you know, since Madame Maxime is judging and all... Balderdash..." You said before walking through the portrait hole and going straight to your room.

When you got there Hermione was sat on her bed contemplating something. "You alright, Herman monster?" You asked but Hermione glared at you.

"You know I don't like it when you call me that."

"I know, it's just funny... but seriously what you up to?"

"Trying to find a job Hagrid would be able to do..."

"Oh... Well, do you want to come watch me attempt some Quidditch?" You asked her, trying to avoid the S.P.E.W topic.

"No, I'll come down later so we can go to Hagrid's."

"Okay... just don't be up here for too long." You tell her before grabbing your Cleansweep and meeting Harry in the common room. "Ready?" You asked him almost bubbling to the brim with excitement.

"I should be asking you that." He said laughing at you. "Ron's coming to spectate, that alright?"

"Perfect!" You beamed, running out of the Portrait hole.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now