11. Quiddich World Cup.

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"And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, kindly welcome... the Bulgarian National Quiddich Team!
"I give you, Dimitrov
"Ivanova" as each player was called out a scarlet-robed player flew out into the stadium.
Aaaaaaand... Krum"

"That's him, that's him!" Ron yelled with excitement as Viktor Krum flew into the stadium. Ron wasn't the only member of the crowd that was excited with his arrival. Everyone seemed to either swoon or scream.

"And now, please greet... The Irish National Quidditch team!
"Presenting... Connolly!
"Aaaaaand... Lynch!" Seven green-robed players had now whizzed into the centre waiting for the Quaffle, the two Bludgers and the Golden Snitch.

The game had started "They're off! And it's Mullet! Troy! Moran! Dimitrov! Back to Mullet! Troy! Levski! Moran!" It was incredible you couldn't believe how amazing Quidditch was. I mean, you knew it was awesome, but this was indescribable.

"TROY SCORES! Ten-zero to Ireland"

"What? But Levski's got the Quaffle!"

"Harry, if you're not going to watch at normal speed, you're going to mess things!" Hermione said to a very confused Harry. The Irish were doing fantastic within 10 more minutes they had managed to score two more times.

The Bulgarian Beaters became more violent to give themselves an advantage. It worked, Ivanova managed to dodge the Keeper, Ryan, and score Bulgaria's first goal. The Veela danced in victory. But everyone gasped as the two seekers dove through the middle of the chasers. You followed them with you Omnioculars as the plummeted.

"They're going to crash!" Hermione screamed, but Krum pulled out of the dive, though Lynch wasn't quite as lucky, he hit the ground with a thud. There was a collective groan as Medi-wizards ran to Lynch's aid. Ginny looked at the scene in horror, but Charlie reassured her.

"He'll be ok, he only ploughed! Which is what Krum was after, of course..."

When Lynch finally got to his feet the Irish crowd cheered, including yourself. The Irish were on a role in only fifteen more minutes they were winning with 130-10. The game seemed to get dirtier as it went along as well. The Bulgarian Keeper, Zograf, collided with Mullet, giving Ireland there first penalty.

The Leprechauns taunted the Veela for this creating the letters 'HA HA HA" in the air. This angered the Veela causing them to get to their feet and dance. The boys all immediately put their fingers in their ears. But you weren't paying attention to the Veela. You were looking at the referee. He was now in front of the Veela and started flexing his muscles and grooming his moustache to impress them.

"Now, we can't have that! Somebody slap the referee." Bagman said as a Medi-wizard, who had his fingers stuffed in his ears had kicked the ref in the shins. The referee seemed so embarrassed at his actions that he started to try and send away the Veela.

"Now there's something we haven't seen before... Oh, this could turn nasty..." Bagman said as everyone looked at the sorry sight.

The Bulgarian Beaters decided it wouldn't be a good idea to argue with the referee. Gesturing towards the leprechauns that now had formed the words 'HEE HEE HEE'. This did not change the ref's decision if anything it made it worse. The ref blew his whistle twice signalling two penalties for Ireland.

If the game wasn't intense before it certainly was tense now. The beaters on both sides had reached a point of no mercy. Dimitrov shot straight at Moran, who had the Quaffle, nearly knocking her off her broom.

"Foul" you yelled in frustration, pointing furiously at the player that had hit Moran. You looked back and saw that the Weasley's, and Harry and Hermione were now looking at you in shock and amusement. You had to agree that this probably did look weird to them. In their point of view, this was your first ever Quidditch match. George seemed to not only be shocked but also proud as he took some of your every flavour beans.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now