88. First Love.

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The Great Hall was practically empty when you got there. It was quite nice actually be able to hear each other as you ate. When you had finished your breakfast you saw Fred and George walk in and get their breakfast, so you thought you'd go and talk to them, making sure to tell the others that you'd make your own way to class.

"Heey." You greeted as you sat in front of George and next to Fred.

"Hey, there, (Y/n)." Fred smiled, patting you on the head.

"You alright?" George asked, before he ate his eggs.

"Yeah, I'm fine, bit tired though. How've you guys been getting on?"

"Yeah, fine." George said.


"Yes, Fred?" You questioned.

"What were you guys doing earlier." Fred asked, making you chuckle.

"We had a deal. I won't tell you if you won't tell me what you two were doing."

"We'll tell you if you tell us." George said eagerly. "You'll just have to promise not to tell anyone else."

"What?" Fred said annoyed at how willing George was to tell you their secret.

"Nah," You sighed. "I'd rather live the mystery." You told them, and you took a piece of bacon from Fred's plate.

"Hey! That's mine."

"But I love bacon." You wined.

"Whatever." Fred rolled his eyes.

"Well, I should probably find my friends and get to class."

"Are we not you friends." George asked pretending to be upset.

"Ha, ha, you knew what I meant. I'll see you two later then?"

"Yeah, see ya." They said in unison as you left them.


As soon as the bell rang for break you, Harry, Ron and Hermione made you way to the Defence Against the Dark arts classroom where you saw Professor Moody leave.

"Professor Moody?" Harry called.

"Hello, Potter," Moody replied as his magical eye followed a couple as they, quickly, walked past. "Come in here." The four of you walked into the classroom with Moody following after you.

"Did you find him? Mr Crouch?" Harry asked without a moment to lose.

"No." Moody grunted.

"Did you use the map?"

"Of course. Took a leaf out of your book, Potter, summoned it from my office into the Forest. He wasn't anywhere on there."

"So he did Disapparate?" Ron asked so you rolled your eyes.

"You can't Disapparate in the grounds, Ron!" Hermione stressed for the hundredth time that school year. "There are other ways he could have disappeared, aren't there, Professor?"

"You're another one who might think about a career as an Auror." Moody said his magical eye resting on Hermione for a moment. "Mind works the right way, Granger." Hermione blushed with pride at this compliment.

"Well, he wasn't invisible, the map shows invisible people. He must've left the grounds, then." Harry said.

"But under his own steam?" Hermione questioned. "Or because someone made him?"

"Yeah, someone could've-could've pulled him onto a broom and flown off with him, couldn't they?" Ron said enthusiastically almost as if he too wanted a compliment from Moody.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now