33. First Quiddich Lesson

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"Right, (Y/n)," Harry said as you entered the Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch. (McGonagall had given you permission to use it whenever you wanted for the whole year). "I thought the best idea was to start with flying lessons, because that's the most important skill in Quidditch."

"Okay..." You said a little nervous.

"It's okay, (Y/n), I'll be up there with you the whole time and if I can catch a snitch, I think I can catch you." Harry reassured you.

"Cool, thanks, Harry."

"Now first I want you to put your broom on the ground." Harry said but you gave him a quizzical look.

"Harry... I know you've been doing this a while, but I really don't think I can fly if my broom is on the ground."

"Just trust me, okay?" You nodded and the two of you placed your brooms on the glistening green grass. "Good, so I'm going to teach you something we were taught in our first year." Harry said making sure his was stood on the right-hand side of his broom. "It's pretty much been pointless so far... but it may come in handy one day... who knows." Harry lifted his right hand above his broom and said "up!" And as he said that the broom shot up to his hand, and he smirked at you as if he was expecting some sort of praise for it. "Okay, (Y/n), it's your turn."

"Right." You said more to yourself than to him. "I've got this." You placed yourself by your broom and as Harry had done and said "up!" But the broom rolled a little causing you to huff in disappointment.

"No, you see, you need to believe that you can do it, say it again bit with more determination and fear." Harry told you.

He's right I have to believe. You steadied your breath and closed your eyes with fear you repeated to yourself. You let your brain wonder to the reason you were at Hogwarts. That thought seemed to drive your energy. Before you knew it your eyes shot open because they started to burn and you almost yelled. "Up!" Harry looked at you amazed what? Did he not expect that I could do it? You thought as you felt the polished wood of your broom in your hand.

"Well done, (Y/n)!" You heard Ron yell from behind you on the bench. "Barely anyone can do that until their tenth try. Of course, Harry did it on his first but that was awesome."

"He's right, you know, that was pretty awesome." Harry complimented, although he seemed hesitant, his eye darting frantically.


"Okay... so now we need to mount our brooms, make sure that your feet are firmly on the ground... yes that's good... And the positioning of your hands doesn't really matter much... just do whatever's comfortable for you... Okay... You ready?" You simply nodded with anticipation "Okay... I'm going to count to three, and once I do all you need to do is kick off and hover and then we'll take it from there..." You nodded once more. "Good... One... Two... Three!"

You did as he had instructed. You felt your feet slowly lift from the ground Harry had done the same and he was watching you a proud smile on his face. You looked down at him elated.

"I did it look!" You exclaimed happily.

"Well done, now do you think you're ready to go higher?" You nodded again "Ok then all you need to do is lift the broom a little." As he said this you did, you started to rise higher and higher up, you stopped at about ten feet where Harry met you in the air.

"This is sooooo cool!" You said unable to hide your excitement.

"Yeah," Harry laughed "it sure is. You ready to learn how to steer now,"

"I was born ready!" You called back.

"Brilliant." Harry smiled. "So, it's pretty similar to how you got up here, all you need to do is lean the broom in the direction your flying."

"Okay... got it." You replied.

"Good now do as I say, lean right..." You did so and when you did the world seemed to glide in the other direction, you did it, "Now lean left..." You did so again. "Fabulous! Now try flying around a little!" Harry ordered.

"Okay... lean right, fly right... I'm doing it! Look! Harry! I'm doing it!" You yelled with joy as you flew around getting the hang of it, you even managed a loop the loop. Ron was cheering with pride down on the bench. Harry was laughing at the pair of you, clapping his hands as he still hovered above the ground.

You and Harry flew around a little chasing each other and doing all sorts of things on your brooms. When Harry stopped to catch his breath, he checked his watch.

"C'mon, let's get down now!" Harry called once he stopped laughing. And the two of you sunk fully down so that you landed in front of Ron.

"Well done, (Y/n)" Ron said giving you a hug "You're really a natural it's like you were born to fly." You blushed a bit at this.

"Thanks, Ron... wait was that?... was that a compliment?" You teased.

"Shut up, (Y/n), if you tell anyone..."

"It's alright it can be our secret." You winked. You checked your watch and saw that it was half twelve realising why Harry had said to come down. Seeing the time made realised how hungry you actually were.

"So, (Y/n), I was thinking that next week we should meet back here, yeah?" Harry said acting a lot more like a teacher than a friend.

"Yeah, sure, Professor Potter." You said mocking him.

"Oh gosh, please don't call me that." Harry begged.

"Why, ProFessOr, what you gonna do give me detention?"

"Oi, don't be mean or I won't teach anymore."

"Aww, pleeeeeaaassse you know I was joking." You pouted. But Harry face suddenly went serious.

"Umm, Ron could you give us a minute?" Harry asked him.

"Yeah, I guess..." Ron replied confused. Harry immediately took your arm and brought you to the side about eight feet from Ron.

"Harry, what is it?" You asked concerned as you saw his eyes filled with worry and curiosity. "What's wrong?"

"Your eyes, (Y/n)."

"My eyes?" You said trying to not think that your best friend was crazy.

"Yes, when you summoned you broom, the second time, your eyes went blue. Your whole eye. Not just the iris the pupils but the sclera too they sort of sparkled," he said almost as if he was hoping he was going crazy too.

"Umm... are you sure?" You asked trying to comprehend what he told you.

"Yes... no..." he sounded very unsure. "I know what I saw but I don't know if I was imagining it."

"Well..." You said unsure what to say. "I'll look into it." When really you were thinking I'll ask Dumbledore.

"Okay, good, I'm sure it's fine, I just wanted you to know, and I don't want anyone else to think I was crazy.

"I understand, and I don't think you're crazy." You assured him.

You returned to Ron who looked very lonely stood on his own and you smiled at him. But, before you could say anything you heard rattling behind you, it was Hermione with her badges.

"Oh, good, Hermione," Ron said. "Brilliant." The three of you started walking to Hagrid's, leaving a stunned Hermione in the middle of the pitch. "Well, hurry up," Ron called to her and she ran to your side as you went off to meet Hagrid properly for the first time.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now