34. Hagrid?

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When you walked down to Hagrid's hut you saw the Beauxbatons carriages by the pumpkin patch. Harry knocked on the door and heard a dog barking Fang you told yourself. Hagrid opened the door almost instantly.

"'Bout time!" He bellowed. "Thought you lot'd forgotten where I live!"

"We've been really busy, Hag..." but Hermione stopped as soon as she actually saw Hagrid. Which was the reason you, Harry and Ron had stayed completely silent. All of you absolutely stunned by his appearance. He was wearing his best (but still not very pleasing to the eye) suit. He had attempted to make his hair less mane like. But instead, it looked greasy from the product he had used tied into two low bunches.

You took advantage of the trio's stunned, yet hilarious, silence to introduce yourself to Hagrid. "Hi Hagrid, I'm (Y/n), the new student in your Care of Magical Creatures class."

"Ah, yes, Dumbledore's told meh all 'bout yer, of course, glad ter see yer hanging 'round that righ' crowd."

"Thanks." You beamed as Hermione gained consciousness once more.

"Erm... where are the Skrewts?" She asked.

"Out by the pumpkin patch, they're gettin' massive, mus' be nearly three feet long now. On'y trouble is, they've started killin' each other." Hagrid replied.

"Oh, dear" you replied stamping on Ron's foot because you knew he was about to make a comment on Hagrid's new hairstyle.


"Really?" You asked Hagrid ignoring Ron's complaining moans.

"Yeah, 's'ok, though, I've got 'em in separate boxes now. Still got abou' twenty."

"Well, that's lucky." Ron said sarcastically, but Hagrid didn't notice it and you stood on his foot once again.

"Ouch, (Y/n)" he moaned in a harsh whisper. The four of you entered and sat down at the table while Hagrid made a cup of tea. It didn't take long for the conversation to change to the Tournament.

"You wait," Hagrid told the four of you, "You jus' wait. Yer going ter see some stuff yeh've never seen before. Firs' Task... ah, but I'm not supposed ter say." He teased.

"Go on, Hagrid!" Your three friends said trying to egg him on, as you simply giggle at their curiosity.

"I don' want her spoil it fer yeh, but it's gonna be spectacular, I'll tell yer that. Never thought I'd live ter see the Triwizard Tournament played again!"

The four of you had Lunch with Hagrid talking about this and that and Hagrid also brought you up,

"So, (y/n)? You settled in at Hogwarts alright?" He asked.

"Oh, yes, thanks, it was a lot easier than I expected, and these guys helped out a lot which I really appreciate. As well as Dumbledore he definitely made it easier, I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't the headmaster." You told him truthfully.

"Good, great man, Dumbledore, always said it. It'll be a shame when he retires, I shudder at the thought of Hogwarts without him." Hagrid said before making more tea.

Hermione tried to get Hagrid to join S.P.E.W, but she was unsuccessful, so much so that they started a debate. "It'd be doin' 'em an unkindness, Hermione. It's in their nature ter look after humans, that's what they like, see? Yeh'd be makin' 'am unhappy ter take away their work, an' insultin' 'em if yer tried ter pay 'em." Hagrid argued.

"But Harry set Dobby free, and he was over the moon about it! And we had his asking for wages now!"

"Yeah, well, yeh get weirdos in every breed. I'm not saying that there isn't the odd elf who'd take freedom, but yeh'll never persuade most of 'em ter do it... no, nothin' doin', Hermione." Hagrid said to a now very unimpressed Hermione. When it started to get dark, you decided it was time to get to the Castle for the Halloween feast and announcement of the champions. "I'll come with yeh, jus' give us a sec." Hagrid said got up and started to look for something. It took a while for the three of you to realise that thing he was looking for had an extraordinarily strong smell. In fact, you didn't realise until it reached your nose.

"Hagrid, what's that?" Ron asked as he choked on the fumes.

"Eh?" Hagrid asked obliviously, "Don' yeh like it?"

"Is that..." but you couldn't finish you sentence because you're throat felt as if a cat had scratched it out.

"Is that aftershave?" Hermione finished for you as you tried to do you classic finger gun snap but took a sip of water instead.

"As... eau-de-Cologne," he corrected "Maybe it's a bit much, I'll go take it off, hang on..." and with that he left the hut and attempted to wash it off.

"Eau-de-Cologne?" Hermione repeated.

"Hagrid?" You huffed in disbelief.

"And what's with the hair and the suit?" Harry said.

"Look!" Ron called pointing out of the window to where Hagrid was stood by the carriages. He was blushing like an idiot at Madame Maxime. Her students behind her, ready for the feast. They talked together for a little then Hermione said.

"He's going to the Castle with her!"

"Heeey!" You called offended. "Idiot, he was supposed to wait for us!"

"He fancies her!" Ron said trying not to look disgusted. "Well, if they end up having children, they will be setting a world record, bet any baby of theirs would weigh about a ton."

And with that the four of you went to the Castle, without Hagrid.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now