100. Lord Voldemort.

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"No, no, no, no, no." You whispered, as you looked around the ominous graveyard. "Why am I here?"

"(Y/n)?" Cedric asked so you snapped your head in his direction.

"(Y/n)? What about (Y/n)?" Harry repeated.


"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"

"I-I don't know a second ago I was with everyone at the Quidditch Pitch and the next..."

"Wait," Harry said, instinctively holding onto your arm. "Someone's coming," You watched as someone walked towards the three of you. You knew who it was. Wormtail. Holding something. Someone. Voldemort. Wrapped in swaddling clothes. But your focus changed when Harry cried out in pain. Clutching onto his scar falling to his knees.

"Harry?!" You said falling next to him. Trying to help.

"Kill the spares." A voice called sending a shiver down your spin.

"Avada Kedavra!" Before you could process what was happening Cedric fell to the ground next to you. His eyes wide with shock. Glued open for the rest of eternity.

"No!" You yelled, tears stinging every inch of your face. "Cedric!" You sobbed hugging onto his stone-cold body. You found yourself crying out. Flinging out your arms. For a moment, the sky was filled with a green and blue light. Before the entire world turned black. Harry's voice calling out to you.

"Where am I?" You whispered opening your eyes only to find that you were no longer in the graveyard. But in the pale white room of your dreams. "Am I dead?" You muttered to yourself as you remembered the last thing that had happened to you.

"(Y/n)?" A voice echoed around the empty space. You couldn't see where the voice was coming from. Turning in every direction. But nothing. At least until someone appeared in front of you.


"Where are we?" He asked rushing over to you but as soon as you saw him you burst into tears.

"Oh, god... Oh..." You sobbed, unable to erase the image of Cedric's dead body from your mind.

"Hey... it's okay..." Dean consoled you wrapping you in a hug. "I'm here. I've got you. What's happened."

"He-he... Oh god..."

"Okay, (Y/n), focus." Dean instructed you. "Can you look at me? Yeah?" Dean said as you slowly looked up at him. "Breathe. You need to breathe with me. Can you do that?" You nodded as you followed Dean's slow breathes. "Better now?"

"Yeah..." You sighed, exhaling deeply. "Yeah, yeah, thank you... Gosh, okay... Sorry..."

"No, don't worry about it. I do have a few questions though. First of all, where are we?"

"Honestly, I don't really know how to answer that." You admitted wiping your tears away. "It looks like the place in my dreams. I think it's my subconscious. But that doesn't explain why you're here."

"Well, if we have some kind of magical, mental connection. Then it wouldn't be that much of a stretch to say that I could enter your subconscious."

"I suppose."

"What happened to you? Have you just been in here since you collapsed? Did you have a vision?"

"No, I was... with Harry... Wait is my body still in the changing rooms?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, it's... I think there's two of me..."


"When I say I was with Harry it wasn't just my spirit or whatever. I was physically there."

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora