42. Getting to Know You.

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When you finished off at the library you went down to dinner. You saw Harry sit down in the corner on his own, so grabbed your food and sat with him.

"Hey, Harry!" You smiled.

"Hey, (Y/n), I'm so glad you're here, for a moment I thought I'd have to eat alone."

"Well, never fear, (Y/n)'s here!" You beamed, causing Harry to snigger.

"Did you find Hermione?" He asked you.

"Yeah, don't worry, She's alright. I only gave her a hug though; she didn't want me to go into the hospital wing with her." You shrugged.

"So, did you go back to Potions afterwards? I must have just missed you."

"No, I didn't, where were you?" You asked pretending to be confused.

"Oh, erm, I had a weighing of the wands ceremony or something, and an interview with Rita Skeeter."

"Ooh, fun," you replied.

When you had both finished your dinner the two of you left to go up to Harry's dormitory to chill out a bit more.

"So... I know I haven't done another Quidditch practise with you lately... but..."

"Harry, honestly, don't worry about it you've had a crazy few days, I understand." You reassured him before entering the portrait hole.

"Really, thanks, (Y/n)."

"Yeah, well, it's no problem, all you need is to have a little bit of fun."

"Thanks again, (Y/n), it's weird, I've barely known you for three months, yet I feel as if I've known you my whole life."

"Stop it, Harry, you're going to make me blush." You said melodramatically, making the two of you laugh as you entered Harry's dormitory. But your laughter stopped suddenly, when the two of you saw Ron sat on his own bed.

"You've got an owl," he told Harry as he pointed to Willow who was sat on Harry's bed, waiting patiently.

"Oh... Right" Harry said awkwardly, as you sat on his bed next to Willow, who hoped onto your lap.

"Hey, girl, you alright." You said softly as you scratched the bottom of her beak, while she lifted her head with satisfaction.

"And we've got to do our detentions tomorrow night, the three of us, Snape's Dungeon. And (Y/n), you have to go to Dumbledore's office tomorrow morning because of Snape." You nodded, but he didn't acknowledge this he walked straight past Harry and out of the room.

"Harry?" You asked trying to get his attention.


"Should we see what Sirius has replied?" Harry nodded and sat next to you, you took the parchment off Willow and handed it to Harry. He unrolled the parchment and read out loud to you:

Harry, I can't say everything I would like to in a letter, it's too risky in case the hour is intercepted... We need to talk, face-to-face. Can you ensure that you are alone by the fire in Gryffindor Tower at 1 in the morning on the 22nd November? I know better than anyone that you can look after yourself, and while you're around Dumbledore and Moody I don't think anyone will be able to hurt you. However, someone seems to be having a good try. Entering you in that tournament would have been very risky, especially right under Dumbledore's nose. Be on the watch, Harry. I still want to hear about everything and usual. Let me know about the 22nd of November as quickly as you can. Sirius

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now