9. Preparation for the Match.

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When the fire was finally ready, they started to cook eggs and sausages. Bill, Charlie and Percy arrived in which Percy clearly wanted all of the campers to know.

When you were halfway through eating Mr Weasley leapt from the log he was sat on and waved yelling "Aha! The man of the moment! Ludo!

"Ahoy there!" He called elated "Arthur, old man, what a day, eh? What a day! Could we ask for More perfect weather? A cloudless night coming ... And hardly a hiccough in the arrangements... Not much for me to do!" Arthur made some introductions, Percy first since he had rush over to try and gain approval.

"Fancy a flutter on the match, Arthur? I've already got Roddy Ponter betting me Bulgaria will score first - I offered him nice odds, considering Ireland's front three are the strongest I've seen in years - and little Agatha Timms has put up half shares in her il farm on a week-long match."

"Oh... Go on, then, let's see... Galleon on Ireland to win?"

"Very well, very well... Any other takers?"

"They're a bit young to be gambling. Molly wouldn't like-"

"We'll bet thirty-seven galleons, fifteen sickles, three knuts." Fred said as him and George jumped up dishing all their money out. "That... that..." there was an awkward pause where Fred looked at George as if unsure if it was safe to make the bet they had in mind.

"Come on boys I haven't got all day if you want the bet this is your last chance." You saw the panic rise in their face and knew you had to act. Otherwise, who knew what would happen the whole universe was at stake if they didn't win this bet.

"They bet that, Ireland will win, but Krum will catch the Snitch." You stated standing next to George as the twins looked at you in shock.

"Yeah, what she said" George said slightly uneasy.

"And we'll throw in a fake wand." Fred stated confidently.

"You don't want to go showing Mr Bagman rubbish like that." Percy said irritably. But Bagman started to giggle as the wand in his hand turned into a rubber chicken.

"Excellent! I haven't seen one that convincing in years! I'd pay five galleons for that!"

"Boys, I don't want you betting... That's all your savings... Your mother-"

"Don't be a spoilsport, Arthur! They're old enough to know what they want! You reckon Ireland will win but Krum will get the snitch? Not a chance, boys, not a chance... I'll give you excellent odds on that one... Will add five galleons for the funny wand, then, shall we..." Ludo scribbled furiously onto a notebook.

"Cheers." said George taking the slip of parchment from Bagman and nudging you excitedly. After a bit of boring adult talk and teasing Percy, Barty appeared and was summoned by Bagman.

"Pull up a bit of grass, Barty." Bagman said.

"No, thank you, Ludo, I've been looking for you everywhere. The Bulgarians are insisting we add another twelve seats to the Top Box."

"Oh, is that what they're after? I thought the chap was asking to borrow a pair of tweezers. Bit of a strong accent."

"Mr Crouch! Would you like a cup of tea?" Percy said practically flying to Mr Crouch's feet.

"Oh, Yes, thank you, Weatherby." You, Fred and George choked on your tea, as Percy went hey red in the face, how could you forget that bit? It had made you snigger when you were at home.

After some talk of work at the Ministry they talked about an event that was going to happen at Hogwarts this year. When Bagman and Crouch left Fred decided to ask what everyone else was thinking. "What's happening at Hogwarts dad? What were they talking about?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

"It's classified information, until such time as the Ministry decides to release it, Mr Crouch was quite right not to disclose it." Said Percy stiffly.

"Oh, shut up, Weatherby." Fred said as the two of you started laughing at him.

Finally, it was dusk, and it was time to get ready for the match. You had got changed into a green jumper a black hat and some black jeans (see photo below):

 You had got changed into a green jumper a black hat and some black jeans (see photo below):

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You also wore some light makeup with green hints in it.

There were salesmen apparating left, right and centre. So, you all decided to buy some stuff a long with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Luckily, Dumbledore had put some money into your backpack, so you didn't have to worry. You bought yourself a packet of Burtie Bots every flavour beans to eat while you watch. As well as an Irish scarf to match your jumper.

"Wow, look at these!" Harry said basically runny towards the Omnioculars.

"Omnioculars, you can replay action... slow everything down... And the flash up a play-by-play breakdown if you need it. Bargain, ten Galleons each."

"Wish I hadn't bought this now." Ron said gesturing to a dancing hat he had on his head.

"Four pairs," Harry said to the wizard as Ron tried to convince Harry he didn't need to buy them for him. He didn't like it when Harry did stuff like that for him. Harry bought them in the end and you, and Hermione thanked him for them. Everyone had bought something, except for Fred and George who had bet all their money. But you said that they could share your every flavour beans with you.

"It's time! Come on, let's go" Mr Weasley said with a small spring in his step due to excitement.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now