28. A Day in the Hospital Wing.

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You woke up later that day and saw that you were still in the Hospital Wing. Your vision was almost completely back now but it was limited to a short distance. But that meant you couldn't see the clock so had no idea what the time was. You turned over and saw a bunch of (f/c) flowers in a vase on the bed side table, there were also two get well soon cards.

The first read:

To (y/n),

Get Well Soon,


Harry, Hermione and Ron Xx

P.S I'm walking normally now, and Madam Pomfrey said that you'll probably be able to get up around dinner time. :) and Hermione picked the flowers Harry, and I had no idea what to get which put me on card duty cause my handwritings better than Ha....

You smiled when you finished reading it. He had run out of room on the card because he wrote so much. You loved how much your friends cared about you even though you haven't known them for that long. So, you moved onto the other card which read:

To (y/n),

Get Well Soon

From George x and Fred!!!!!! (He forgot to add me the idiot)

You giggled a little after reading that one still in awe with the fact that you were friends with some of your favourite fictional characters. You wondered what the time was because you really wanted to leave the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey must have noticed you'd woken up as she came rushing over to you.

"Miss (Y/l/n), you're awake," she said hastily lying you back down.

"Yes... Um... What time is it?"

"It will be dinner in about 5 minutes. Still unable to see?"

"Only long distances." You admitted before taking the drink Madam Pomfrey had handed you. It was the potion you had before tasting as vile as it had the night before. "When can I leave?"

"Not long now, that potion should clear your head, so you'll be able to walk and see as you had before."

"Brilliant, thanks Madam Pomfrey." Madam Pomfrey seemed to be surprised by what you had said, and it made you wonder if most people ever thanked her.

"It was my pleasure, it is my job, so no thanks needed."

"I know, but I still appreciate it," you said giving her a kind smile before she went over to someone on the other side of the room. Not long after, you heard a couple of footsteps come over to you the two ginger figures slowly crept into focus.

"(Y/n), you're awake!" George panted as if he had been running.

"Hi Fred, George, you alright."

"I think we should be asking you that." Fred said smirking. "You're talking normally now though I see."

"Yeah well..."

"Oh, you should've seen yourself," Fred said now unable to hide his amusement at all. "You were all, oh Georgie." Fred giggled putting on a squeaky voice. "I must let you know that I am the only one who calls him Georgie, well except Mum. But I will allow you to as well, you know considering the circumstances." He said before winking at you, prompting George to elbow him in the ribs. "Ouch."

"How did you guys get here so fast?" You said ignoring Fred's comment.

"Well, George here, made me run." Fred said before George elbowed him in ribs. "Again. Ouch."

"Really? Why?"

"Well, Madam Pomfrey said that you'd be able to go at dinner, so I wanted to make sure you weren't alone."

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now