46. What do I do?

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You ran down to the common room fighting back tears. When you see Ron sat with Dean and Seamus, full of rage you stride up to him. "Are you happy with yourself now?" You spat,

"What do you mean." He said moving uncomfortably in his seat. You could tell that he knew exactly what you meant but didn't want to admit anything.

"Did you want to break me?" You asked "Did you really want to see me upset? Well, you did it so well done. This is me... broken." You said as more tears fell down you checks. You turned from him and went to exit the portrait hole. It was only about five and you didn't want to explain anything to Lavender and Parvati.

You left and went to go to... to... You hadn't the faintest idea where... You stood in front of the Fat Lady crying you slumped onto the ground hoping that no one would see you like this. You heard the Portrait swing open, so you turned and saw Dean stood there looking at you with pity.

"Hey." He said sitting down next to you.

"Hey" you sniffed.

"Do you need a friend?" He asked "Well, one you don't want to kill anyway." You sniggered at this trying to wipe away your tears.

"That would be great, thanks." You said and he gave you a hug. "If you could go and find me one that'll be great." You laughed.

"Hey! And here's me being all nice." He teased.

"Well, you know I'm joking so..."

"Well, I'm glad you're able to make a joke. That doesn't seem like you're broken to me." He comforted.

"Ahh, you see I'm just very good at hiding it."

"Well, if you stop telling yourself that then maybe you'll see what I and everyone else sees."

"And what's that?" You quirked an eyebrow.

"That you're just someone who is going through a lot." He smiled down at you, and you looked at him waiting for elaboration. "I'm impressed, I really am, at how well you've settled in, so give yourself a break, okay? Friend drama happens a lot you just happened to get caught up in Harry and Ron's."

"Yeah, well, if Ron showed that he could care about me just a little bit that would be nice." You sighed.

"He does care." You rolled your eyes at this. "No seriously he does. In his own way he's just being protective. He's just also a bit of a drama queen."

"Tell me about it." You laughed.

"He'll come around, for both you and Harry, don't worry." The portrait swung open once more and this time Harry appeared.

"Hey guys?" Harry said looking at the two of you on the floor.

"Hey, Harry." Dean greeted, "I think I'll leave you two to it." He said before getting up and leaving. When Dean had gone Harry sat down where he was.

"I didn't realise you and Dean were that close." Harry said.

"Yeah, well, sometimes for storyline purposes certain things get missed." You said.


"Don't worry." You chuckled.

"Look, (Y/n), I really am..."

"I know." You sighed, "I was just... Well, I am just..."

"Yeah, I know." Harry sighed "I just wanted you to see..."

"And I do, I just wish that..."

"I understand, but there's nothing that..."

"I know." There was an awkward moment where neither of you said anything. "Harry, I know there was nothing you could really do so... I forgive you."

"Thanks, and I'm just sorry that Ron opened his mouth in the first place."

"It's not your fault."

"I know but I still feel responsible, I just act differently around you."


"Well, that was lovely." A voice said behind the two of you. Confused, the two of you turned around and saw the Fat Lady sniffling into a handkerchief.

"Erm... thanks..." you muttered.

"Well, we should probably get back to Hermione, she'll be wondering where we've gone."

"Yeah okay." You agreed standing up and walking over to the Fat Lady. "Balderdash." You said to her.

"Oh yes... of course..." she sighed before blowing her nose very loudly. You glanced at Harry who shared the same confused expression.

"Erm... are you going to let us in." Harry asked her his voice bordering on a condescending tone.

"Oh... yes... sorry..." You went back to Harry's dorm where Hermione was sitting her leg bouncing as she waited.

"Oh, thank goodness." She cried running over to you and swallowing you in a hug. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Hermione." You said breaking away from the hug. But something dawned on you causing your smile to falter.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked you.

"What do I do about George?"

"Umm... (Y/n) ... I don't think you can do anything." Hermione said gently as she rubbed your shoulder.

"What do you mean? I have to do something, right?"

"Look, (Y/n), we've known George for longer and he believes that family is everything. So, he is going to believe every word that Ron has told him."

"But if I try to talk to him..."

"He's going to need time to get over this, if he's seen us together then he'll probably think that it's proof that we are flirting."

"This is ridiculous we don't even know if he likes me." You nodded trying to weigh all your options. "Then I pretend this never happened try and keep him as my friend."

"That's actually a good idea." Hermione agreed "You should try to rebuild what you had."

"Brilliant." You beamed.

"Perfect." Harry huffed.


The three of you laughed together for a while as if nothing had happened. After a while you started to get tired so leaned your head on Harry's shoulder. Silent as Harry and Hermione talked about how they were going to make sure Harry was alone while he was talking to Sirius. You heard the door open, but being too tired to turn, you stayed on Harry's shoulder.

"Not exactly trying to prove me wrong, are you, (Y/n)?" You groaned; it was Ron.

"Whatever." You sighed, getting up and swinging your cloak around your shoulder. Facing Ron so that you were inches away from him. "Assume all you want, Ron. I'm not going to stop being myself just to prove a point and quite frankly I don't care for your shit. So, I'm going to bed, you coming Hermione?" You said looking at Ron.

"Er... yeah sure." Hermione replied in a small voice.

"Cool, Goodnight, Ronald." You said before flicking your hair in his face to get past him and feeling awesome at the same time. Dean gave you a cheeky little wink as you left causing the grin on your face to widen with pride.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now