81. Dean.

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"I- You- How?" You managed to huff out as Dean just stood there in front of you.

"I figured it out, from you having visions to scaring Malfoy off with the power of the elements."

"But..." You tried to think of how to comprehend what was happening. "How do you even know what a Guardian is?"

"I- I just do." Dean admitted. "I mean, maybe I read it somewhere. I must've, right?"

"Honestly, Dean I don't even know what to think at this point." You told him "You shouldn't even remember about what I did at the second task."

"You made everyone forget?" Dean asked you seriously. "Why?"

"I don't know. But more to the point, why didn't you?"

"I- I don't know."

"Well, what do you know?"

"I know that you're able to control all of the elements now, and you keep having visions of people dying, and people who will die and that you're here to protect Harry, he's your subject." You were taken aback by how specific he was as cogs started to turn in your brain.

"but... That's incredibly specific, you couldn't have read that in a book. All of those things are about me not just Guardians. So the question now is, what are you"?

"What am I?" Dean huffed as he hastily followed you to the common room. "That's ridiculous, if you really do know Harry's story inside and out then you know I'm just a wizard, muggle born, I never knew my father but never knew anything about magic before four years ago."

"That's what I used to think, Dean, but here I am. Besides, I may know Harry Potter as the author wrote it like the back of my hand," You admitted as you walked up the changing staircase. "But it's not exactly the same, the main gist is, but because I'm here now it's not going to stay that way. Things will change, Dumbledore said that the universe will have made room for me, changing things based on my decisions, maybe that's what happened with you."

"That's a big maybe."

"Well, it's all I've got." You said before approaching the fat Lady and saying the password to get into the common room. "Wait here a second." you ordered Dean as you walked up to your dorm and grabbed your guardian book.

"What's that?" Dean asked and you looked at him weirdly. "I mean, I know it's a book but-"

"It's a guardian book." You told him. " It's what I've been using to learn my abilities and stuff. There's only two chapters that I haven't read yet, but there could be something in here, I don't know."

"There's a lot of 'I don't knows' going on here."

"Yeah, I'm just making up as go along. But don't worry, I'm very good at it." You said as an attempt to reassure Dean but he didn't look any less concerned as he had a few seconds before. "Should we go somewhere more private so that no one can listen in?" You asked suddenly very aware of the fact that you were in the rather crowded common room.

"Yeah, sure. I often go to this quite roomy supplies cupboard to do homework or stuff. Come, I'll show you." Dean said and the two of you made your way out of the common room and only a little bit down the corridor before walking into a cupboard that was only slightly bigger than a toilet cubical. "Will this do?" Dean asked he turned on a light and the two of you sat on the floor.

"This is perfect, Dean." You exclaimed as you opened to the page you were reading earlier and started to read out loud. "The power to make other's forget is the only power the guardian has that we know how to reverse. This knowledge can, if you are smart enough, be used against the guardian and bring down their demise..." You trailed off as you said this.

"I thought you said this book helped you?" Dean said clearly just as horrified as you were by this.

"It did. Well, earlier today I did think that the author was becoming slightly aggressive but-"

"(Y/n), it sounds like this book could be used against you as well as for you. You cannot let anyone else get possession of this book." Dean stressed.

"No kidding." You agreed. "C'mon, lets read on we need to see where you come into this...'However some guardians may be harder to defeat, even if you do figure out to use this power against them. This is because some of the strongest guardians have their own protector, this wizard is usually referred to as the apprentice, and they will protect the secret of the guardian the best that they can. The apprentice usually tends to be a muggle-born or half-blood and they share a bond with the guardian, so the best way to weaken these powerful guardians is to kill the apprentice. The bond is arguably even stronger than the bond between the guardian and the subject, but there aren't many cases of this relationship so there isn't any evidence of this. However, the bond is so strong because the guardian herself chooses their apprentice, whether it is consciously or not." You and Dean stayed silent for a good few seconds, you couldn't wrap your head around any of this. Everything was just happening all at once and none of it at all made any sense to you.

"So... I'm your..." Dean tried to break the silence in a very awkward manner. "You chose me...?"

"Yeah..." You sighed. "Apparently... Did you want to... maybe, go back to the common room...?"


"Yeah... We can... think more about this another time." You decided, as it was too much to take in at that moment.

"mhmm, I think that's probably the best idea, right now." Dean agreed, so the two of you, silently, made your way back to the common room and went up to your dorms without another word.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum