80. Power.

151 10 1

After the task everyone kept asking Harry, Ron and Hermione stuff about what had happened in the lake. However this didn't mean that no one was talking about you. Although you used to be the freak, the girl who appeared out of no where, the girl who shouldn't belong; now you were the girl who attacked Draco Malfoy, without a wand.

Every time you saw a Slytherin they would stare at you frightened and as soon as you had passed them you could hear them mutter about you behind your back. Luckily, so far no one other than the Slytherins seemed to know about it and Seamus, Dean, Ginny and Neville all agreed not to tell anyone about it because the last thing you need is for people to talk about your unique magic. However, it was only a matter of time until the word spread across the whole school.

You still haven't had any dreams or visions like the one you had before the first task and you were pretty sure Dean was starting to realise that there was something going on with you which worried you a lot. 

Dumbledore would ask you for advice every so often and, of course, you would give it to him in exchange for him to give you advice. But most importantly, you and Harry would find places to hide away from everyone else for some alone time. You would often hide in some of the secret passageways that Harry had memorized from the Maurders Map. No one had yet found out about the two of you which you both took pride in.

The next time you would have History of Magic you went down to your garden to see if you could do anything about controlling your power.

You knew that it was your anger at Malfoy that had caused your power to work which confused you because you knew that you were supposed to calm your emotions. So you decided that you would try to think about your emotions but stay calm because, now that you thought about it, you didn't actually feel aggressive when you were angry with Malfoy; you were a calm angry... if that made sense.

You approached your Deathly Hallows bush and decided that you would help it bloom. You closed your eyes as you kept yourself calm and slowly opened them, raising your hands in front of the bush, as the burning sensation greeted your eyes again.


The bush started to make popping noises as it bloomed beautiful blue flowers you stopped yourself when you were pleased with how it looked.

"Blue... it's always blue..." You said to yourself. "Is there a reason? Oh, at this point I don't care..."

You were too pleased with yourself to care at that moment in time so you decided you would try a different element. Fire.

You took some fire wood and placed them in a pile away from most of your garden. You stood up and composed yourself and thought back to what you did when Draco had confronted you.

"Combust." You repeated the same spell you had muttered at the second task and the wood glowed a blue flame fizzing in the wind you then decided that you needed to see what you could do with this fire so focused on like you had before and whispered "kykloforó" once you said this you helped the fire move through the grass and spread so that it circled you and although it behaved like fire would it did not spread beyond your control. Just to test how far you could go with this particular element you tried one more thing. "afxánoun" and just like that the blue fire grew in size all around you. "amydrós" you muttered to completely diminish the fire.

You then tried to control the air, being able to make wind blow the leaves off of your trees and create tornados and carry your book into the air. Then you swiftly moved onto water, the final element, you managed to make small whirl pools as well as take water from the clouds you had made previously, you even realised that you could even extract the water that lived peacefully within your plants. Not only did you realise this, you also realised that you were extremely powerful and that you could be unstoppable one day. Once you find out how to fix your visions.

But just then your eyes flickered to one of the chapter names "Chapter 10: The Power To Forget." Curiosity consumed you so you turned to it. "Most people are only aware of the fact that a Guardian controls the elements and protects their subject. However, they can also do something else, make people forget. This is not the usual obliviate spell that most witches and wizards are aware of, this spell erases any encounter you have had that can expose the Guardian for what they are. If a Guardian believes that enemies or even their own friends have caught on they will use this to make them forget only to protect their selves, not to protect others." You continued to read shocked by the change in narrative, you suddenly felt like the author was trying to attack you instead of help; you stopped reading terrified of what you could read next.

You left your garden with an ill feeling in your stomach unsure of how to act. You made your way to the common room where you met Hermione. "Hey 'mione, you alright?" You asked her.

"I'm a little worried about you, actually." she admitted, "I over heard something a group of Slytherines said earlier."

"Oh, it's probably nothing 'mione, they're just being over dramatic."

"No, they were afraid, (Y/n)."

"Afraid?" You repeated. "What are the Slytherines afraid of?"

"You?" She told you this and remained silent so she could finish. "They said you attacked Draco during the second task, I was so worried that I went to ask Ginny and she wouldn't talk to me about it-"

"Hermione, stop you're scaring me!" You exclaimed.

"It's scaring me too."

"Oh, I wish everyone would just forget what happened!" You yelled, the fear increased and you flung your hands to your head as your eyes burnt and opened as if you had just performed a spell and a great gust of wind swirled around you.

"Sorry, (Y/n), what did you just say?" Hermione asked, confusing you.

"I said, I wanted everyone to forget about it."

"Forget about what? Sorry, what were we talking about?"

"We were... um... nevermind." You said walking away slowly so that you could leave, weirded out by her behaviour. As you left you bumped into Ginny.

"Oh, hey, (Y/n) everything alright?"

"Um... yeah?" You said more like a question than an answer. "Listen... Ginny... about the second task-"

"It's ok, I get it, Malfoy was being a dick, you wanted to get away from that."

"But what I did-"

"Was totally understandable, I'd want to run away too. It doesn't make you any less of a Gryffindor than the rest of us."

"No... I... thanks?" You said walking away from her trying to understand what you just listened to. That was when you passed Malfoy, Pansy and some other Slytherines.

"Hey, freak!" Pansy called.

"What do you want?" You asked irritated by their mere presence. "Decided that you're no longer afraid of me?"

"Ha! and why would we be afraid of you, (Y/l/n)." Malfoy taunted.

"Because of..." But that's when you realised what you had done I wish everyone would just forget what happened!... If a Guardian believes that enemies or even their own friends have caught on they will use this to make them forget only to protect their selves... This would explain why everyone was acting the way they were, why Hermione forgot you conversation why Ginny thought you simply ran away, why Malfoy believes he was never afraid of you. Overwhelmed with emotion you ran outside towards the lake when a voice called to you. "(Y/n)!" A familiar voice rang and you turned to see Dean running towards you.

"Dean, hey, sorry I don't really want to talk right now."

"Oh, are you ok? It's just I really wanted to talk to you."

"Can it wait?" You asked hopefully.

"Not really." Dean sighed. "I think I know what you are." At this you stopped dead in your tracks.

"Wha- What do you mean."

"(Y/n), I know you're a Guardian."

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora