41. Potions.

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A week later you had read so many books on the history of Guardians you thought you'd explode with knowledge. You now thought that you were ready to start practical work but were unsure where you would do it. You had decided that you should go to the library and check out a book called: 'Advanced Elemental Wizardry'. Which contained information on how Guardian magic worked. The had been in the restricted section but Dumbledore gave you unlimited access.

During Charms class you were practicing the summoning charm. It wasn't too hard, everyone in the class had got it now, apart from Harry and Neville who were given extra homework on it.

"It's really not that difficult, Harry," Hermione said attempting and failing to reassure Harry "You just weren't concentrating properly..."

"Wonder why that was?" Harry stated.

"Never mind though, hey, Harry, Double Potions to look forward to now." You replied sarcastically, before receiving a 'I-don't-think-that's-helping' look from Hermione.

Urgh... Potions, it was successfully proving to be the worst subject, due to the Slytherins and Snape. Ron had been right during the world cup, Snape despised you but purely because you were friends with Harry, plus you were ready to throw a sarcastic comment at Snape to defend Harry, which he very much appreciated, but it did cause you to have a few detentions and lose a few house points... Oops...

The Slytherins weren't much help either the girls in particular had come up with a new nick name for you "freak!" It's very creative... The Slytherin boys had decided they liked it as well. Over the past week the Slytherins have been far from short of insults for Harry as well. Hermione was very persistent with telling both you and Harry to "ignore them." Repeatedly.

When you, Harry and Hermione arrived at the dungeons the Slytherins were already waiting outside. Every single one of them sporting a badge that read Support CEDRIC DIGGORY- the REAL Hogwarts Champion!

"Like them, Potter?" Malfoy called when he noticed you. "And this isn't all they do- look." when he said this Malfoy pressed down onto the badge and a green glow appeared changing the writing to say POTTER STINKS

"Oh, very funny," you rolled your eyes.

"Really witty." Hermione scolded to Pansy and her friends who were giggling hysterically.

"Want one, Granger, (Y/l/n)?" Malfoy asked, shoving his badge in your faces, "I've got loads. But don't touch my hand, now. I've just washed it, you see, I don't want a Mudblood sliming it up." Harry was so angry by what he had said that all the feelings he had been holding in for the past week seemed to channel itself into one action: grabbing his wand and aiming it at Malfoy. Everyone took a few steps back apart from you and Hermione, staying with Harry and Crabbe and Goyle, who stood by Malfoy.

"Harry!" Hermione warned Harry in shock.

"Go on, then, Potter," Malfoy said raising his own wand.

"Oh, come on, Malfoy, for once stop being a dick!" You yelled before turning to Harry, "I know you're angry but there's another way." You said this in a slight whisper, but unfortunately it wasn't quite quiet enough as Malfoy heard you.

"No, (y/l/n), let's see what he's got. Moody's not here to look after you now, do it, if you've got the gut..." They stared at each other in the eye for a moment before instantaneously firing a spell at each other. Harry yelled,

"Furnunculus!" While Malfoy screamed,

"Densaugeo!" As the spells shot out of the wands they collided into the centre. Before ricocheting in different directions, Harry's hit Goyle who started sprouting boils. But Malfoy's hit Hermione square in the face, she threw her hands to her mouth in panic.

"Hermione!" Ron yelled, finally coming over from the corner he was in while spectating. You and Ron ran to Hermione's side as Harry turned around to see what had happened. Ron dragged her hands away from her face to reveal that her already rather large teeth were beginning to grow larger by the second. They were already perching on her chin. She let out a cry once she had felt them, so you thought it best to put her hands back over them.

"And what is all this noise about?" Shape's voice echoed. As the Slytherins all piped up to give there explanation of what had happened, but Snape looked over to Malfoy. "Explain."

"Potter attacked me, sir..."

"We/they attacked each other at the same time!" You and Harry shouted together.

"... and he hit Goyle... look..." Snape looked over at Goyle, who was now so covered in boils that he was completely unrecognizable.

"Hospital wing, Goyle,"

"Malfoy got Hermione! Look!" Ron called as you pulled her hands away from her face once more, her teeth had now grown past her neck. The Slytherin girls laughed but Snape showed no sign of any reaction,

"I see no difference." At this Hermione's eyes began to fill with tears as she turned around and started to run away. Within seconds she was out of sight.

At this point you were absolutely fuming, and you weren't the only one. You, Harry and Ron started to yell at Snape calling him names and scolding him. You couldn't really hear what you were saying as the three of you were so loud that it echoed around the corridor. But Snape seemed to have understood at least some of what the three of you were saying.

"Let's see," Snape said in his usual calm tone. "Fifty points from Gryffindor and a detention each for Potter, Weasley and (Y/l/n). Now get inside, or it'll be a week's worth of detentions." Harry and Ron went to go inside but you stood your ground.

"No." You said as both Harry and Ron turned to look at you trying to stop you from doing anything stupid. But it was too late for that. Snape simply raised an eyebrow,

"Did you not hear me, Miss (Y/l/n)?"

"Oh, I heard you perfectly, Professor." You challenged. "And you can put me in a week's detention if you truly want to, but right now I'm going to find my friend, who you - her teacher - just insulted and made her cry." You finalised before looking to Harry who was smirking at you with pride. When no one said anything else you turned proudly on you heal, head held high, and walked away.

"Miss (Y/l/n)! Come into my class now!" But you ignored him. You were on a mission, a mission to find Hermione. Your instinct told you to go to the Hospital wing, so you did. You couldn't have had a better idea. For right outside the door to the Hospital wing was Hermione, crying her eyes out. You approached her carefully before placing your hand on her shoulder. She jumped a little but when she saw you, she relaxed, her teeth were now reaching her ribcage. But you ignored that and engulfed her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around you sobbing onto your chest because her teeth didn't allow her to rest her head on you shoulder.

"Right, Hermione," you said softly pulling her off of you by her shoulders. "Madam Pomfrey will be able to sort this, but you need to go in there, ok?" Hermione nodded in response, clearly embarrassed to talk in front of you, "would you like me to go in with you?" You asked but she shook her head.

"Okay, Iunderstand, just don't be afraid to bend the rules a little." You winkedat her, before pushing her through the door and leaving to go to the library.Knowing that even after Potions Harry wouldn't be back for a while, due to RitaSkeeter. Plus, you didn't want to talk to Ron at the moment, even thoughHermione wanted you to try. You were going to... just, not yet...

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now