54. The First Task.

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When you had finished you went to go and find Harry and Hermione. You assumed were in the Great Hall, since it was lunch. "Hey guys, is everything alright?" You asked as you sat down by Harry. But they didn't get the chance to answer because McGonagall raced down the Hall towards Harry.

"Potter, the champions have to come down into the grounds now... You have to get ready for your first task."

"Okay," Harry said getting to his feet.

"Good luck, Harry, you'll be fine!" Hermione encouraged him.

"Yeah," Harry said though he didn't sound so sure, so you stood up and gave him a good luck hug.

"It's okay you can do this." And then he left the Hall with McGonagall.


You and Hermione met Ginny before approaching the enclosure. You managed to get a spot near the entrance so that you could go to Harry when he had got past the dragon.

"Hope he'll be alright." Hermione sighed biting her lip.

"He'll be fine Hermione, he's got this." You reassured her.

"Umm... (Y/n)?" Ginny said fiddling with her scarf. "I talked to George, and he told me about your talk yesterday... And I'd just like to apologise for jumping to concl-"

"Ginny, it's okay, I understand."

"Cool, thanks."

"Let's watch the task, it should be starting soon." As you said that the whistle blew, and Cedric appeared from the tent. Cedric had to get past the Swedish Short-Snout which was a blue Gray colour.

You couldn't help but realise that he seemed to be looking for something in the stands. Almost as if he had forgotten where he was. But when the dragon decided to make a terrible sound, reality seemed to kick in.

Cedric raised his wand and transfigured a rock into a Labrador. "What's he done that for?" Ginny asked confused.

"It's a distraction, look," you said pointing at where the dog was now. "The dragons distracted he can get the egg!" And he did just that... Well... Once he was so close the dragon noticed him. Fire plummeting towards him, burning his side. He flinched in pain the stadium gasping in unison. But he was close enough to the egg that he was able to grab it before running away. The ground erupted with cheers, the Hufflepuffs louder than them all.

The judges started to converse with one another. Before Cedric went to the healing tent to Madam Pomfrey he saw his score from the judges. Each judge held up their wand and gave them a score out of ten, receiving thirty-eight out of fifty. Next was Fleur earning twenty-five. Then Krum. Forty. Everyone roared with delight when they each got the egg... Only one Champion left to compete.

"It's Harry now!" Hermione said her voice shaking with nerves.

"Come on Harry you can do this." You mumbled knowing that all was beyond your control now. Harry entered the enclosure an uneasy look on his face. At the other end of the enclosure was the Hungarian Horntail crouching around her eggs. Her gaze fixed upon Harry.

"Come on, Harry, do something! Come on!" You yelled, the audience drowning out your voice. Making almost impossible to hear what you were saying let alone Harry.

Harry raised his wand and yelled loud enough for you to hear over the crowd. "Accio Firebolt!" There was a moment where nothing happened. You and Hermione rose to your feet anticipating the arrival of the Firebolt. Harry stood waiting too, hoping beyond anything that it worked.

Sure, enough the broom flew towards Harry, and he bounced onto it.

"Blimey, it's a broom! He's summoned a broom!" Bagman commentated.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now