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After you decided you looked decent enough for other people to see you, you came to the conclusion that you couldn't be able to hide you feelings forever so came to the decision that you would talk to Dumbledore so that you could understand just how much the universe had adapted for you. Mind made up you left the bathroom and headed to Dumbledore's office.

Once you got there you saw that the door was left open so walked straight in.

"DUMBLEDORE!" You yelled looking all around for him.

"Yes, Miss (y/l/n)?" Dumbledore addressed you calmly from the staircase to his telescope.

"I need some advice." You told him as he walked down the stairs to his desk while you sat yourself in front of him.

"What with?" He asked once the two of you had settled.

"It's Harry." You sighed causing Dumbledore to nod his head for you to continue. "Well..." You panted wondering where to start. "You know you told me that the universe adjusted for me to be here." Dumbledore nodded to show he understood. "Well... would me... um... Well... just how much can it adjust... how much can I change without ruining everything...?"

"And where has this come from?" Dumbledore asked.

"I may have... kinda... kissed Harry... Again..." You admitted slowly.

"Again?" Dumbledore repeated. "This has happened before?"

"Yes... On Valentine's Day. But the thing is... I can't... Well... I don't..."

"Know what to tell him..." Dumbledore finished for you.

"Yes!" You almost yelled. "So I thought maybe... You would know?"

"You've been doing splendidly on your own, so far. Why don't you tell me?" Dumbledore said clearly testing you in some way.

"But I..."

"Does it affect the plot for this book, currently?" Dumbledore asked you, you weren't expecting him to say that, but then it made you think...

"I don't think so... at least not this year..." You confessed.

"And would you let your feelings interfere more than they should?"

"No." You said more to yourself than to Dumbledore, if you were being honest.

"Well, then, as ling as you know what you're doing then I trust that all will be fine."

"Oh... really...? Thanks Dumbledore!" You said relieved that you might have a chance with Harry.

"No worries." Dumbledore smiled.

"Oh shit, I've got to go find Harry." You realised your hand reaching you head as you remember how you left him, that's when you saw Dumbledore chuckle, "Oh cra... I'm mean shoot... sorry, Professor, I'll watch my language."

"No need, (y/n), it escapes us all, every so often."

"Well... I've gotta go. Thanks again." You said before running out of his office and back to the common room.

You ran into the common room and saw that Harry wasn't there so ran to his dorm to see Dean and Seamus playing exploding snap.

"Hey, (y/n)." Dean said as the two of them looked up at you.

"Want to join us fer a game o...?" Seamus asked, but you didn't let him finish as soon as you saw that Harry wasn't in there you shit the door and went back to the common room thinking you must have missed him.

"Harry?" You called once you reached the bottom of the stairs. "Harry?" He didn't reply. "Oh, Hermione!" You called as your friend looked down from the book she was reading. "Have you seen Harry?"

"He left to find you about a minute ago." Hermione told you confused by the way you were acting.

"Urgh! You're kidding!" You yelled before running out the portrait hole as you ignored Hermione who called to you.

"(Y/n), what's going on!?"

Right if I was Harry, where would I go to find me... the library? No I'm not Hermione... maybe... I don't go there that often... I mean I love books but they're... shut up, (y/n), I need to concentrate.........
I got it! The Quiddich Pitch!

So that's exactly where you went running all the way to make sure that you wouldn't miss him. When you finally got to the Pitch you started to yell again.

"Harry! Harry! Please say you're here!" You yelled.even louder not seeing him at all. "Oh, for fucks sake, Harry, where are you." You mumbled bowing your head and turning to leave again.

"(Y/n)... I'm here..." You looked up and saw that Harry was right in front of you, you must have ran pasted him.

"Harry!" You said flinging your arms around him. "I'm so sorry, I... I don't know what I was thinking... running away like that it was stupid..." You told him eyes beginning to water a bit.

"No... I'm sorry..." Harry said taking you shoulders so that he could look at you. "I should've understood what you were saying instead of putting so much pressure on you."

"That's not your fault, you couldn't hide your feelings any longer."

"That's no excuse." Harry said moving a strand of hair out of your face.

"Well, it better be," you said causing Harry to squint his eyes in confusion. "Because I don't think I can hide mine either." You told him, Harry's eyes widened for a second in a way that showed he wasn't sure that what he.was hearing was real. So you pulled him down to your level bringing his lips to yours so they connected beautifully, Harry placed his hands on your sides as your arms wrapped themselves comfortably around his neck before you pulled away. "I want this." You told him as your head leaned on each other just like before.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now