12. Chaos in the Camping Ground.

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When you finally got back to the tents no one wanted to go to sleep. So, Mr Weasley said that you could all have one last cup of cocoa together. You were all talking, and you finally got close to Harry and Ron talking about Quidditch at Hogwarts.

"So, you think I could join the team?"

"I mean, yeah, you'd have to try out, obviously, but I can always put in a good word, being seeker and all that." Harry said.

"We could always put in a good word as well." George said butting in between you and Ron. Ron started to look a bit annoyed at the way his brother kept acting around you.

"Yeah, we've been on the team longer than Harry, and if you're good, and three of us put in a good word or two." Fred agreed with his brother.

"Yeah, it'll be cool if we were on a team together." George smiled as Fred dragged him away due to the look Ron had given him.

"I could teach you, if you'd like?" Harry said eagerly.

"Oh, my, gosh, would you?" Harry nodded. "I would, bloody, love that." You said with the same amount of enthusiasm.

"Language!" Mr Weasley called more stern than usual.

"Sorry, cap, I mean, Mr Weasley." You said cringing at the reference no one else in the room would understand.

You carried on talking to everyone for a while. Until Ginny fell asleep on the table spilling hot chocolate everywhere. So, Mr Weasley insisted that you all go to bed. You, Hermione and Ginny went to your tent and got into your pyjamas and lead in your beds that were next to each other. Hermione was in the middle with you and Ginny on either side.

"You know, I kind of feel left out with the two of you." Hermione said with a hint of mischief in her voice which caused a little suspicion in your mind.

"Why?" You asked squinting at her tone.

"Well, there's the thing between you and George, and then there's Ginny's crush on Harry." Hermione said waiting for you to pick up on what she said.

"Wait, Ginny, you like Harry?" You asked knowing the answer.

"Maybe, it's just stupid. Hermione thinks I should start dating other guys instead of waiting for Harry, I just dunno." Ginny spilled you loved how she was starting to warm up to you now.

"That's a brilliant idea, show him what he's missing, and have a little fun with it at the same time." You said knowing that you had to encourage this.

"Okay I will." Ginny said defiantly.

"Woah, you go girl." Hermione said loudly causing you and Ginny to 'shush' her.

"You've never said that before in your life, have you?" You asked trying to suppress a giggle.


"Okay, well, I wouldn't do it again." You said full on laughing and the other two joined in.


"Get up, girls!" Mr Weasley yelled urgently waking you up. You got up and grabbed your jacket, knowing there wasn't enough time to get dressed. There were screams, cries and bellows of laughter coming from outside the tent. You exchanged confused and worried looks with both Hermione and Ginny.

Leaving the tent, you saw a crowd of wizards moving together with their wands raised. But the sight above them froze you to the spot. There were four figures, four people, levitating in the air above them. Struggling. Tears streaking their faces that were plastered with terror and panic. You knew who those four people were. Muggles. Mr Roberts and his family. The fact that you knew they would survive didn't change the scarring image in front of you. Your blood to running cold.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now