47. Lesson 2.

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It was Saturday, and you did attempt to talk to George, but he ignored you and carried on talking to Fred. Fred didn't like that you weren't talking so every time George ignored you Fred would give you a look to say sorry. You understood that it had only been a day, so you didn't pester, but it didn't stop you from being in a bad mood. Harry noticed this and persuaded you to do some Quidditch practise again. You brought your broom to the Quidditch Pitch and saw Harry holding a Quaffle. You smiled and prepared yourself to mount your broom, but Harry stopped you.

"No, no. no, we know that you can fly but today we are going to work on your Quaffle techniques. Once those are perfect, we can combine the two."

"Oh, okay." You said putting your broom on the bench next to Harry's Firebolt. "What's first?"

"Just a simple throw and catch exercise."

"Okay?" You said before Harry threw the ball at you hitting you in the head. "Ouch!" You half giggled half moaned "Why d'you do that?"

"Reflexes need improving, but we'll get there."

"Hey!" You yelled defensively "I don't like you like this."

"Like what?" Harry asked chuckling at your responses.

"All teachery, it's weird."

"One, I'm pretty sure that's not a real word, and two, you're here to learn so stop complaining."

"See, the Harry Potter I know would never say anything like that." You said proving your point but passing him the Quaffle at the same time.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to get used to this side of me won't you." Harry said once again trying to catch you off guard by throwing the Quaffle at you but this time you caught it.

"Well now you're just being predictable."

"Whatever, (Y/l/n), pass me the ball." You did so but gave Harry a pointed look since he called you by your last name, "Oh, shut up."

The two of you played catch for a bit while Harry yelled commands at you. Telling you to throw in different ways and things like that, which you managed to do brilliantly. "Fantastic, (Y/n)! I think we can move on now, 'cause your throwing and catching is superb!"

"Cool." You replied passing him the Quaffle.

"Right let's see what your tackling's like." Harry said. "Okay so because you would be in the air you won't be able to jump on them or pull them to the ground so don't even think about it." Harry told you as if he was expecting you to do something like that which made you chuckle. "The best way to start tackling is to fly next to your component and snatch it, okay, you got that?"

"Got it, fly beside and snatch."

"That's it now I'm going to stand here" Harry said as he stood in front of you and slightly to you left. "And then I want you to do exactly what I just-" without waiting for Harry to finish his sentence you stood next to him and tugged the Quaffle up and out of his arms. Standing in front of him grinning at the look on his face.

"You were saying?" But while you were busy gloating Harry had snapped out of his surprise and punched the Quaffle. It flew out of your hands which allowed him to catch it.

"Rule number one never boast in front of your component." Harry grinned. "In doing so you give them the opportunity to counter your attack." You merely responded with a funny face. "But other than that, it was a very good tackle. We'll do it again but this time instead of standing still I'm going to be moving. Once you get the Quaffle I'll try and get it back, okay?"

"Yep, I'm ready." You said bracing yourself.

"Okay... go!" Harry started to run off, so you chased after him. Once you had caught up with him you went to grab it off of him, but he skillfully dodged you. Swirling around to turn in the other direction. But the next time this happened you called his bluff and snatched the ball from him like you had before.

"You've gotta stop being predictable!" You called, as you ran off in the other direction. But sooner than you expected Harry had caught up to you. Damn it I should've anticipated how fast he was. Harry reached for the ball, but you were having none of it, so you stopped in you tracks. Before Harry could process what, you had done you were running in the other direction.

Once Harry had caught up with you for the second time you needed to come up with a new tactic. So, you slowed down not stopping but making it seem like you were going to do the same again. This allowed Harry to take the Quaffle but as soon as it was in his light grasp you punched it, as he did earlier, and caught it.

"Okay, okay, okay," Harry called stopping to breathe a little. "That was good." He panted. "We can stop now."

"Really?" You asked also panting, Harry nodded as confirmation. "You're not trying to trick me or anything?"

"No." Harry laughed although it sound like it took a lot of effort to do so. "But that was good thinking. No, we can move on now."

"Cool... what now?"

"Dodging. You need to be able to dodge Beaters while passing the ball, but don't worry I'm not going to use the actual Bludgers yet." He reassured you. "Hermione taught me a spell that will make these bean bags fly in random directions."

"Are you sure that will work?"

"Positive. Now get ready to pass me the Quaffle, okay?" You nodded. "Good. Rebus!" Once Harry said the spell the bean bags began to fire at you. You and Harry played catch, avoiding the bags when you could. After a while, the bean bags started to pelt harder. It became almost impossible to dodge because about four of them would come towards you at once.

"Harry, is it supposed to do that?" You asked as a bean bag hit you in the face for the third time.

"Not exactly."

"How do we stop it?"

"Dunno, Hermione didn't tell me the counter curse." Harry called as he got hit by three at the same time.

"Right, you know what..." you took your wand out of you jacket pocket and pointed it to where the bean bags were coming from. "Immobulous!" All the bean bags stopped in mid-air instantly.

"When d'you learn that?" Harry asked.

"... Tutoring... I'm just glad it worked I haven't actually used it before." You replied.

"Well, we better collect these up, then."

"Yep." You agreed as the two of you collected all the bags up. Well, all but one that you couldn't reach. "Harry, do you think you can reach that one?" Harry walked over to you and looked up examining the height of the bean bag.

"No that's too high," Harry said. "Here, I'll lift you up."

"Okay." You put your hands on his shoulders and jumped so that Harry could grab you by the knees. Lifting you so that you were at the same level as the final bean bag and grabbed it with minimal effort. "Got it."

"Good." Harry said letting you slide down back to your normal height. You landed with almost no gap between you and Harry; your hands had ended up on his shoulders while his lay on your waist. He didn't say anything he only stared down at you.

"So... thanks for a great practise today, Professor Potter." You teased as you stepped back so that the air could move freely between the two of you.

"Hey, that's not fair, you know I don't like it when you call me that." Harry wined.

"What's wrong, Professor, is that against your rules?" You teased even more.

"Alright, (Y/l/n), you wanna play? I'll play, but you might not like it." Harry threatened as you walked over to your broom.

"Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure teachers aren't supposed to threaten their students." You said turning with you broom in hand so that you could face him.

"Well, I'm no ordinary teacher." Harry said walking up to you before reaching behind you to grab his own broom. But as he did, he hit you on the head with the end of his Firebolt.

"Ouch." You laughed rubbing the back of your head.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to... I was just trying to..."

"I know, I know," you chuckled "Well, jokes over. Let's head to the castle," you said which made Harry look a bit dejected as you walked off of the pitch together.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now