44. The Difference Between the Two.

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You made your way to Dumbledore's office once again, said the password and climbed the stairs entering the circular room. "Ah, (Y/n)," Dumbledore greeted as he gestured to the seat in front of him. You sat in it and smiled uncomfortably.

"Severus has told me that he wishes to give you a week's detention, now why is that?" Dumbledore asked his eyes twinkling behind his spectacles.

"If I'm honest Professor, it's because he tipped me off. So, I refused to go into his classroom and went to find Hermione, who he had insulted." You told him not blinking once.

"Indeed, now, I would happily overlook this fact as I believe you were simply sticking up for your friend. But you still have to do your detention tonight with Potter and Weasley and do a little extra after them."

"Okay, I think that's fair." You nodded.

"I also assured Snape that if you do anything of the sorts again that he may give you any reasonable punishment he would like to." He chirped sternly.

"I understand... I think...?"

"Now on a more important note how is your research going?" Dumbledore asked behaving differently to how you had ever imagined he could. He was acting like a teenage girl who was about to find out the latest gossip.

"Well, actually," You responded once you got over the shock. "I think I should be able to do practical next lesson, after I check out the book on advanced elemental wizardry." You beamed glad to finally update Dumbledore on your progress.

"Brilliant, I have asked Hagrid if he could let you have some privacy near the lake and create some kind of..." but Dumbledore didn't get to finish his sentence as a very flustered McGonagall came running into the office.

"Albus, you'll never believe this!" She shrieked but stopped when she saw you, "Miss (Y/l/n)?"


"Please continue Minerva." Dumbledore said nonchalantly.

"Professor, I don't think I should discuss things in mixed company."

"Minerva, Miss (Y/l/n) here knows plenty already so you might as well go on." Dumbledore pleaded as McGonagall looked confused by his comment.

"Very well, I was trying to teach when a house elf informed me that Hagrid had started to order other house-elves to surround an area near the lake with concealment charms, what on earth could that blithering..."

"Calm yourself, Minerva. Hagrid is doing so under my orders. You see, Miss (Y/l/n) here needs an area where she will not be distracted." Dumbledore stated, when he realised McGonagall questioning look, he added. "Don't trouble yourself, Minerva I shall explain in due course. But I'm sure Miss (y/l/n) here does not want her time wasted any longer." McGonagall squinted her eyes for a second before turning on her heal and heading out the door.

"Are you going to tell her then, Professor?" You asked.

"I've been contemplating it for some time now and believe that it is unfair to keep Minerva in the shadows. She is curious by nature anyway so to deprive her of this would be torture." Dumbledore smiled.

"Umm, Professor, there is one thing that has bothered me from my research," you said.

"And what is that?"

"Malaina's last words, sir," you told him. "She said 'Choose someone with good intentions to protect the person they are destined to love, and curse those who try and tear them apart.' Does that mean that Harry is my true love? Because he's great and all..."

"But you're not in love with him." Dumbledore stated rather than questioned but you felt as though you had to nod to confirm anyway. "There was one very important word that was missing from her final sentiment." Dumbledore encouraged but you stared at him confused. "She said destined to love not to be IN love with, and I believe that there is a difference between the two. I would be lying if I said that there are no accounts of the Guardian marrying their subjects as there are many. But there are a few that haven't." He smirked you smiled back.

"Is that all, Professor?"

"If you have no further questions, you may leave." Dumbledore told you.

"Thank you, Professor." You grinned before leaving the office.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now