40. The Library.

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You arrived back at the common room and approached Harry, still looking very glum. And Hermione, who was trying to cheer him up.

"Hey, guys." You greeted; Harry replied with a single groan.

"What did Dumbledore want to talk to you about?" She asked, fucks sake Hermione already? Fine let's get this lie over with...

"He wanted to give me private tutoring for the years I've missed out on at Hogwarts. So instead of my History of Magic class I'll be going to him." You told them and Harry gave yet another groan.

"So that means I'm going to be alone in History of Magic as well..." Harry said looking at you for the first time since you arrived back in the common room.

"You'll have me." Hermione said sounding offended by that comment, but Harry gave you a look as if his point was only further proven, which you couldn't help to crack a small smile at.

"I think it's very unnecessary for them to take you out of a very important lesson." Hermione stated.

"Hermione the only lesson you don't think is important is Divination and if I left that one then Harry would be alone." You told her.

"I guess you're right, but I don't think they should take you off timetable. It would mean that you'd have to catch up on that as well."

"No, I won't, because it's like dropping a class altogether, like you did with Divination." You told her.

"Well, then I completely disagree with it, I mean, what are you going to do when your tutoring is over?"

"I don't know." You answered truthfully. "I guess I'll have a free period, can't be too bad I could do homework and other stuff in that hour." Hermione gave a little breath to show that she realised there was nothing she could do about the matter. so, you spent the rest of the day together.


The next day was difficult, during Herbology the Hufflepuffs seemed very annoyed at the Gryffindors. When one of the bouncing bulbs (of which you were supposed to be re-potting) hit Harry in the face Ernie Macmillan and Justin Flinch-Fletchley laughed at him. To be fair you sniggered a little, but you still checked if he was okay, and they were laughing at him.

Hermione kept trying to keep a conversation going as Ron and Harry still weren't talking. You and Hermione stood in between them. Although you were insistent on staying next to Harry since Ron was still a little annoyed with you as well. They talked to the two of you, but they never engaged with each other.

In Care of Magical Creatures, Malfoy had a few things to say. Saying that Harry wouldn't last in the Tournament. Oh, you so wanted to tell him the truth but didn't want to risk anything. And even better, Hagrid had the class walk the Skrewts. Getting the leash on wasn't actually too bad it was walking it that was tricky. They were stronger now and every time their ends exploded, they went flying and you Ron and Hermione went with it (Harry was talking to Hagrid).

But when you would usually have History of Magic you went to the library. It was the first time you had been in there. Even though you were Hermione's friend, you knew that she would try to rope you in her S.P.E.W research so hadn't wanted to. Plus, all the effort you put in to make sure Harry followed the book, as well as your sessions with Dumbledore made free time impossible.

But the library was beautiful.

To say that you were nerding out was an understatement. The library was massive; tens of thousands of books; thousands of shelves; hundreds of narrow rows. If you had the time then you would be explored every inch of it, but unfortunately you didn't.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ