63. Christmas.

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The Christmas holiday had started. It was amazing snow was falling around every inch of the Castle. Everyone seemed to be bursting with energy. You, Harry, Ron and Hermione really enjoyed yourselves. But it wasn't long before people found out that you and Harry were going to the ball together. So unfortunately, this lead to you getting your fair share of insults and dirty looks. Ron kept trying to get Hermione to tell him who she was going with, but Hermione always responded the same way.

"I'm not telling you; you'll make fun of me." But it was only then that Ron realised,

"Hermione, your teeth..."

"What about them?"

"Well, they're different... I've just noticed..."

"Of course, they are, did you expect me to keep those fangs Malfoy gave me?"

"No, I mean, their different to how they were before he put that hex on you... They're all... Straight and... And normal sized." At this Hermione grinned mischievously, making it impossible for you not to laugh.

"Well... When I went up to madam Pomfrey to get them shrunk, she held up a mirror, and told me to stop her when they were back to how they normally were, and I just... let her carry on a bit"

"Oh, Hermione I'm so happy for you, I said, didn't I?" You exclaimed with glee.

"Mum and Dad won't be as pleased as you, (Y/n). I've been wanting to shrink them for ages, but they wanted me to carry on with my brace. You know, they're dentists, they just don't... look! Pigwidgeon's back!" And so, he was twittering away on top of a banner with a piece of parchment tied to his foot.

"Stupid little feathery git!" Ron said running over to Pigwidgeon. "You bring the letters straight to the addressee! You don't hang around showing off!" The four of you took the letter to the common room where Harry read it out loud:

Dear Harry,

Congratulations on getting past the horntail, whoever put your name in that goblet shouldn't be feeling too happy right now! I was going to suggest a conjunctivitis curse, as a dragon's eyes are its weakest point...

"That's what Krum did!" Hermione whispered,

... but your way was better, I'm impressed.

Don't get complacent, though, Harry. You've only done one task; whoever put you in for the tournament's got plenty more opportunity if they're trying to hurt you. Keep your eyes open... Particularly when the person we discussed is around... And concentrate on keeping yourself out of trouble.

Keep in touch, I still want to hear about anything unusual.



It's CHRISTMAS!!! You were woken up by Hermione who had a massive grin on her face,

"Come on, (Y/n), wake up. It's Christmas."

"Already?" You groaned not wanting to get out of bed.

"Yes, (Y/n), come on, presents!" Presents! As soon as she said that word you practically leapt out of bed.

Both you and Hermione opened your presents together. Ron had got you an assortment of wizarding treats from honey dukes. Hermione got you a copy of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'. Mrs Weasley had knitted you an ice blue jumper with the first letter of your name knitted in gold. From Harry you got a miniature Quidditch Pitch with small players flying around scoring goals. And from Dumbledore a selection of his favourite Muggle fictions and many others. You and Hermione met Harry and Ron in the common room before going to breakfast as usual.

You spent most of your morning in the common room. You decided to read a book that Dumbledore had given you called 'Dragons of Autumn Twilight'. Sitting on the sofa next to Hermione who was reading the book you got her, while Harry and Ron played with Harry's new penknife. Eventually Harry and Ron looked bored and turned to you and Hermione,

"Come on, let's do something, the four of us, we haven't done anything together for a long time." Harry asked,

"I guess." Hermione responded putting down her book. But you? You purposefully ignored him knowing that this would aggravate him.

"(Yyyyyy/nnnnnn), pleeeeeeaaaaaase," Harry wined kneeling in front of you.

"Shush, Harry, I'm reading." You smirked, but Harry was having none of it.

"Well, that's easily rectified." He said standing up and taking your book away from you.

"Hey, Harry, give it back!" You said standing up trying to reach your book, but Harry ran away. But he never could've anticipated what happened next. You climbed on the sofa and just as he was on the other side you jumped onto his back.

"(Y/n)! What the fuck?" Harry yelled in surprise.

"That'll teach you to steal my stuff." You panted.

"Oh, yeah well... You haven't exactly got it yet." He said, you couldn't see his face, but you could tell that he was smirking.

"Challenge accepted." You launched yourself over Harry's shoulder. Sliding down his arm and took your book from his grasp. "Aha!" You called but you soon realised a massive flaw in what you just did... You were now hanging upside down from Harry Potter's Shoulder... "Umm... any chance you could help me down?" You asked awkwardly as your three friends laughed at your situation.

"What? You want my help?" Harry asked, testing your patience.

"Yeah, yeah, alright, Potter you can gloat all you want. Just put me DOWN!"

"Oops, alright cranky pants here you go." Harry said as he lowered you onto the sofa sneakily taking the book from you.

"There we go." You said standing up and brushing yourself down.

"Are you ready now?" Harry asked the corner of his mouth curling upwards slightly. He seemed to be under the impression that you hadn't noticed him take it.

"Oh, yeah, I'm ready." You said walking up to Harry so that you were practically nose to nose. "Next time, Harry," you said causing him to look directly into your eyes, "I would try to be a little more subtle." With that you took the book from his hands and walked away to stand with Ron and Hermione. "So, what should we do?" You asked as Harry still stood there mouth slightly agape with shock.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now