39. Channelling.

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That afternoon, you made your way to Dumbledore's office. Told the Gargoyle the password and made your way up the staircase before knocking on the door.

"Enter!" A voice called from inside.

"Ah, (Y/n)," he said when you came into view. "Come and sit down." You did as you were told.

"What was it you wanted to talk to me about, Professor?"

"Harry, my dear, and the Tournament."


"You seemed to encourage that he should do it yesterday evening. That confirmed, for me, that he should compete. However, I am worried for him and the first task, I'm assuming you know what it consists of?"

"Dragons." You nodded plainly.

"Exactly. Now I know that Harry had fought off many things in his time at Hogwarts, but he's always had friends by his side..."

"Don't worry, Professor, I won't rest until Harry is able to beat that Dragon, and I know Hermione will do the same." You reassured him and he gave you his classic Dumbledore smile.

"I have no doubt." He told you, "That is all I should really tell you, Tournament rules and all." Dumbledore said "How is Ron? I've notice that he has been distant recently."

"Oh, he's just jealous of Harry. I mean, I get it because his best friend is extremely famous, so it would've got to him eventually. But he's taking it out on Harry, and refusing to believe that he didn't put his name in. But he'll come round before long." You stated and Dumbledore simply nodded understanding.

"While you are here, (Y/n), is there something you wish to tell or ask me?" Dumbledore asked, you were about to say no. But then you thought back to the Quidditch Lesson you had with Harry yesterday.

"Actually, yes. Professor, I was wondering if you knew anything about eyes completely changing colour?" When you said this Dumbledore gave you a look as if he wanted you to elaborate. "It happened yesterday morning, Harry was teaching me how to fly, so that I could learn Quidditch. But when I did the Up Charm, I felt my eyes burning. I didn't think much of it until Harry talked to me in private. He said that my eyes had turned a sparkling blue and that it covered my pupils and sclera too."

"Ah, I see. (Y/n), you managed to do something called Channelling."

"Channelling, doesn't that involve the Spirits of those who have died?" You asked,

"No, Channelling is a rare piece of magic that is only seen once, or if you're lucky twice, in a millennium. Which means that it has been misinterpreted over the years.

"People believed that when one channels, their mind moves out of the way, and they watch what happens with little interaction. This is not true. Channelling comes from a place of understanding our purpose. It is a natural way to be in alignment with our soul's purpose on earth. It is not how we connect and get to know Spirit.

"In Channelling, you alone merge with the energy of the Earth, and all its companions, Fire, Water and Air.

"Channelling is a process that begins with deep relaxation into what is called a trance-state. But you are still in charge of your mind, which many people have missed. But you must be careful not to seek out spirits, for you will be defiled by them.

"Channelling can open a doorway to the Spirit World, but it can just as easily be shut. Channelling Spirits is dangerous because more often than not the Spirit takes charge and ends up Channelling you instead and you lose control.

"This is magic that needs no instrument, wands are a way for wizards to channel their magic through, and even that can be changed. But pure channelling is through the four elements."

"So... I have a rare magic, that comes from the Earth, Fire, Water and Air?" You asked very unsure.

"Yes, and historically only Guardians have ever been able to possess such power, and only the best of Guardians at that."

"I don't quite understand, Professor. How did I, a Muggle born with no wizard ancestry, become a powerful Guardian?"

"I've been looking into that as well, but I have yet to discover it."

"So how do I use this power? How do I control it?"

"Alas, I do not know. It is a magic that is unknown to many, and those who have attempted it have never as such succeeded properly. Look at Professor Trelawney, she like many others tried to channel but she tried with the belief that the Spirits were key, which means that she is often stuck within that trance-state."

"Professor Trelawney tried Channelling? Why?"

"People think that Channelling gives you wisdom of the future because only Guardians have possessed the power, and although the Spirits are wise it is not the wisdom that people seek. The Spirits give wisdom in forms of prophecies, and once a prophecy is said it must be fulfilled, dangerous magic, very dangerous."

"Oh, that makes so much sense now," you said linking everything together. "But I still don't know how to stop the Spirit World from entering my channel."

"You are a very strong witch, (Y/n), otherwise you wouldn't have received this power. Guardians before you have managed it successfully and by themselves. I cannot help you, but what I can do is give you time off of any lessons that you so wish, in order for you to practise your skills."

"Okay... right, I think I understand... right so before my first try I should... do a Hermione... find any books I can and study it in as much detail as possible..."

"That's a brilliant idea, (Y/n), and if you were going to study any part of Guardian history in particular, I would study Apollo."

"The ancient Greek God?"

"Yes, now let's organise a timetable."

You and Dumbledore came up with a decent timetable for you. replacing all your History of Magic lessons with a free period. You thought this was the best lesson to miss seeming you already knew most of it anyway. Also, not a lot of important things for Harry happen in that lesson so you didn't have to worry about that.

You also came up with an excuse to tell Harry, Hermione and Ron later. You would say that you were getting private tutoring for the years you had missed. You still didn't like lying to them, but you had to for their own safety.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now