37. A Party.

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A party... Before you saw the party Harry was stood next to you. But now you were stood alone because someone or a lot of someone's had grabbed him and pulled him in. You ran in and found that Fred and George were by Harry "you should've told us you entered!" Fred yelled over the crowd.

"He didn't" you told him through gritted teeth but only he heard, and he ignored you.

"How did you do it without getting a beard? Brilliant!" George also yelled and you gave him a look that said 'shut-your-ass-up-he's-upset-and-confused-and-worried-all-at-once.'

"I didn't, I don't know how..." Harry tried to explain but Angelina appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, if it couldn't be me, at least it's a Gryffindor..."

"You'll be able to pay back Diggory for that last Quidditch match, Harry!" Katie Bell one of the Gryffindor Chasers stated.

"We've got food, Harry, come and have some..." No leave him alone... Service not necessary... Get out...

"I'm not hungry, I had enough at the feast..." but no one listened to him he was thrown, pulled and tugged every which way, with you unsuccessfully tried to stop people from harassing him so much...

The amount of times Harry said, "I didn't do it." To people was ridiculous. By about a hundredth time, in the last half hour, someone had tried to pull him away you stopped them. Pulling him towards you instead, but it was so crowded that you were practically nose to nose.

"Harry go to bed, this is too much right now." You told him giving him a weak smile to try and cheer him up a little before he was going to see Ron.

"Yeah, you're right," He went to turn to his dorm, but George stopped him by trying to give him a butterbeer which he refused.

"I'm tired! No, seriously George... I'm going to bed..." but George tried his best to stop him almost shoving the butterbeer up his nose, you had enough.

"Oh, don't be a dick, George!" You growled taking the butterbeer from him and sitting by the window while everyone else partied...


You don't know how many butterbeers you had, but you did know that whenever you ran out you got another bottle. Nearly everyone was gone to bed now and people were starting to clear up. You weren't drunk, because butterbeers weren't that strong. But you were slightly tipsy and knew that the beer you had in your hand should be your last.

You just sat there looking out the window into the black and dreary outdoors. Clutching your butterbeer firmly, savouring every drop. You were so focused on looking out the window that you hadn't noticed the clanging of all you empty bottles below you.

"Anything interesting out there?" You turned away from the window and saw George picking up your empty bottles "Merlin, (Y/n), how much did you drink?"

"Not enough." You replied bluntly. "Unfortunately, I have self-control." You explained before jumping up and swaying a bit, but you managed to stable yourself.

"Yeah," George snorted, "I can see that."

"Shut up, I'm not drunk, I'm just a tiny bit tipsy." You sighed, then you realised that no one else was there. "Where is everyone?"

"Gone to bed, Fred left me in charge of clean up duty... so... here I am." George said waving his bottles around. The two of you were silent until George asked something he had been waiting to ask for a while. "Are you mad at me?"

"What do you mean?"

"For trying to keep Harry down here, I mean you literally sat here for the whole party and ignored me completely." When he told you this you felt a bit bad? It wasn't that you were ignoring him, you were just not talking to anyone, you were thinking.

"It wasn't just you I was ignoring, I mean, I was a little annoyed about the Harry thing... but it doesn't matter." You sigh.

"Why do you even care about what happened with Harry anyway?" George said. It could have been a simple question but something about his tone infuriated you. You had started to notice that George had been strangely protective over you lately, especially when you were with Harry. The way he acted during that game of Truth or Dare for one thing.

"Because, George," you snapped putting your hands on your hips in frustration. "Harry was upset, hot and bothered, and I care about him and his wellbeing, because he's, my friend." You emphasised the last word. "One of the few friends I actually have, because everyone else seems to think I'm diseased or something. Like I'm the weird new girl who doesn't belong." You ranted finally letting out how you felt since you arrived at Hogwarts. "And I thought that I could trust you, George. That you would understand that what I am going through is actually quite difficult. You have no idea how much extra stuff I have to go through right now, okay? So, I don't need you telling me that I shouldn't care about the only people who seem to care about me."

"Like Harry..."

"Especially like Harry, do you know why? Because he is helping me adjust. Teaching me Quidditch, showing me how to feel comfortable around him. That's all I need to be, George, comfortable. So don't you dare act as if I've done something wrong because I am not in the mood for your crap." You finalised, before going to your dorm.

"(Y/n), wait!" He called, you turned from the bottom of the stairs to your dorm to face him.

"What?" You asked folding your arms, wanting to go to bed.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about what was best for him, you're right."

"Yeah... okay..." You replied, you believed him, but you weren't really sure what else to say.

"(Y/n), I understand if you don't want to talk about it. But please don't push me away, if what you said really is true, then you should know that I care about you, a lot. I don't want you to think otherwise. I don't think you're the weird creepy new girl and I wouldn't have you any other way." You smiled brighter than you thought you could. He understood and that's all that was important.

"Thanks, George, I'll see you tomorrow." You said still smiling like an idiot and George smiled back.

"Goodnight, (Y/n)." He said quietly so you only just heard him before he continued to tidy the common room.

When you finally got to your dorm everyone was already asleep. You got dressed and tucked yourself into bed before drifting off to sleep.

Harry Potter!...

Harry has to compete, they all do...

Binding magical contract, convenient, eh?

Turn innocent occasions to their advantage.

Maybe someone's hoping Potter is going to die for it,

It was a skilled witch or wizard.

Managed to fool a very powerful magical object!

The events of that day repeated until your brain couldn't take it anymore and turned itself off... 

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now