59. Control.

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The next day people kept asking Harry if he wanted to go to the ball with him. It was beginning to irritate you a little. You tried to tell yourself that it was because you knew they were only asking him because he's famous. But you always got a surge of satisfaction whenever Harry would reject them. You had History of Magic that day so grabbed your book, said a short farewell to Harry, Ron and Hermione and left.

According to the book use your powers without touching the plant. You needed to feel it without actually physically doing so.

The book tells you that hand movement will help but you need to use your 'guardian ways' to 'connect to mother nature'. The book advised that you weren't quite ready to move onto the other elements yet, so focusing on the earth you went to focus of touchless magic.

You backed away from your mini garden and hovered your hands in front of you and did as you had before, this time concentrating on your surroundings on each rustle in the trees you started to feel the tingling sensation around your eyes you noticed the ground beneath your feet start to rumble and then... nothing... absolutely nothing... it all just went back to normal...

"Urgh..." You moaned in frustration. You were on a role earlier and now you seemed to have lost your touch, literally. You tried again... and again... and again... but nothing... You kept doing the same thing but still nothing. Admitting defeat, you realised you had to leave it for the day and head back to the Castle. It was last period so you could go upstairs to the common room. Once you got there Harry and Ron were sat at a table, so you decided to sit with them.

"Oh, hey, (Y/n)," Ron greeted, "good lesson?"

"Could've gone better." You replied sitting down between them.

"So, we still haven't got any dates, but..." Harry started to say but you lost concentration, you thought you could hear someone crying and calling for help, it sounded so... desperate... but you had no idea where it was coming from.

"(Y/n)?" Harry asked as you snapped back into reality to look at him. "Are you okay?"

"Umm... er... Yeah... sorry must've zoned out or something." You said trying to ignore what had heard.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"No, sorry," you replied but this time you noticed something behind him. A plant. Dying. You tried your best to forget about it and talk to Harry and Ron, but it kept catching your eye. Harry started to look more and more concerned, but you couldn't help it. It was like metal trying to resist a magnet. Your eyes started to tingle. "No not here," you muttered to herself, but you couldn't stop it you were starting to lose all control.

"Ahhhhh!" instead of speaking Greek you screamed in pain as you tried to stop yourself. Your eyes burnt greater than they had before, and it scared you. You crouched down, your hands covering your face. You got up. The plant wasn't dying it was swaying. But unlike the other plants you had saved it wasn't blue. It was black and dark, with simple out lines of white. When you realised your surroundings, you saw both Harry and Ron looking up at you. They had seen. They weren't supposed to see. So you did what any rational person would and ran out of the portrait hole.

"(Y/n)! Stop!" Harry's voice called after you, but you were too scared. You carried on running. After a while of aimlessly running, You stopped with no idea where you were and started to sob. It hurt to cry; your eyes steaming with pain as your tears shed one by one. The pain only scared you more. Something gripped onto your hand, "(Y/n), it's just me," Harry said turning your to face him his eyes widened as he gazed upon your face. "(Y/n), your eyes!"

"What is it?" you asked about to rub the tears away but instantly moving your hand away from your face in pain. Harry turned you around to a mirror that was behind you. Instantly noticing what it was that had Harry so concerned. The flesh around your eyes had peeled off. They were red and sore and... vanishing... your flesh began to heal by itself.

"What's happening to me?" You sobbed as Harry wrapped you in hug.

"I don't know." He said, "It was almost like our first Quidditch practise, d'you remember? Your eyes turned completely blue. Except this time, they turned black." When he said this, you left the hug and looked up at him. Black? Why on earth would they turn black? "It's okay, you'll figure it out, I know you will." He smiled, catching onto your concern as he grabbed your hand in his and put his other hand on your waist.

"What are you doing?" You asked, as Harry started to sway to the non-existent music.

"Dancing, don't worry, I've had the best teacher." He smirked.

"Really, then why aren't you leading?"

"Eh, we haven't quite got there yet." Harry teased as he flung you out of hold and span you back in so that you were wrapped in his arms.

"You've learnt some new moves."

"Well, you pick up on a few things when Aunt Petunia watches dance programmes." You simply nodded with understanding before spinning back into hold.

"So, did Ron see my eyes?" You asked biting your lip and looking up at your friend as you swayed in sync with each other.

"No, it was just me." Harry smiled as you sighed with relief. "Not sure what to tell him though."

"Tell him it was a really bad cramp or something." 

"Yeah," Harry agreed.

"Please don't tell anyone about this?" 

"You have my word, Professor (y/l/n)." Harry smirked.

"Hey," you giggled, "that's not fair."

"Why? Because you're on the receiving end this time?"

"Shut up." You grinned as Harry span you under his arm. "I must say, though, Potter," you teased, "you're doing very well."

The both of you just swayed together until you were finally calm again. They eventually changed to a slightly more relaxed hold. Your arm wrapped around his neck as your head rested on his shoulder. Harry's arm was wrapped around your back in a hug while his other hand was still interlocked with your own.

"Thank you," you nearly whispered.

"No problem, what're friends for?"

"No, I mean it, I don't know what I would've done without you."

"Well, I don't know what's happening with you, but I know that I'll be here for you. Whatever it is. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, but I'll be here." Harry told you softly.

"I really appreciate that," you said, stepping out of hold and smiling up at him before taking his hand. "C'mon let's get back to the common room."

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now