107. Farewell, But Not Goodbye.

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Once you had got to the almost empty train platform you turned to give Dumbledore a farewell, but he was already gone. You should've known. It took you a while to realise why the platform was so empty until a pair of extremely familiar voices called out to you. "(Y/n)!" They yelled in unison. You turned and as you had figured Fred and George were scurrying over to you. "What are you doing back here?" George asked you. "The train's going to leave any second."

"Oh, what were you two doing then?"

"Well..." Fred hummed. "You know..."

"Yes?" You egged on.

"Well..." He slurred even more. "We might have almost left something in the Gryffindor common room that we don't think McGonagall would have appreciated."

"Do you know what?" You chuckled. "I really don't want to know."

"Probably wise." George smiled his adorable grin as the train gave a warning hoot. "I think that's our cue."

"I think you might be right." You smiled as the three of you hurried onto the train.

"(Y/n)!" Ginny called when the three of you finally made it onto the train. "You two almost made her late." She scolded her brothers.

"It wasn't their fault, Ginny," you told her honestly, but she did not seem convinced. "No, seriously, I was talking to Dumbledore in his office."

"Yeah, we found her on her own," George said defensively.

"Come on, we ought to look for somewhere to sit or there'll be no spots left."

"I'll see if I can find Harry, he's got Willow."

"Are you two, okay?" Ginny asked hesitantly and her two brothers exchanged a withdrawn glance with one another.

"Well, um, as good as we can be," you told them, but then you had remembered that the three of them had been with you when you had fainted. You remembered Fred and George's concerned faces when you had woken up in the changing rooms. "I'm sorry if I scared you guys," you apologised much to the surprise of your three friends. "Seeing me collapsed like that mustn't have been fun."

"No kidding," Ginny almost laughed.

"I never asked what happened while I was gone."

"Well, you seemed to be in pain most of the time," Fred explained his face paler than usual as he recalled the memory. "Bruises and scars kept appearing out of nowhere. No one knew what was happening to you and Dumbledore kept trying to tell us to be patient and not to worry."

"Yeah," George scoffed. "As if we could do that."

"Dean was so worried he passed out for a while," Ginny said.

"Well, thank you, for being there for me, guys."

"Are you sure you're, okay?" George asked his hand on your shoulder, so you smiled up at him.

"Yeah." You nodded. "Harry's safe, so I am."

"Did you really see him?" Fred asked.

"Yeah... I did." You left them in a thoughtful silence for a moment before you sighed. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather leave on a happy note."

"Sure you don't want to sit with us?" George asked, watching you his eyes still deep with concern.

"Yeah, I'm sure, thanks. Don't worry though. There's no way I'm going to let you guys leave London without a proper goodbye."

"Glad to hear it." Fred smiled before you set off down the train to try and find Harry, Ron, and Hermione. As you wondered down the narrow corridor and almost collided with the trolley lady.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now