58. I Wouldn't Call It Dancing.

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"Well, you ready, then, Harry?"

"Err..." Harry stuttered unsure what to do.

"What's wrong Harry are you scared of dancing?"

"No." Harry said sternly rising from his seat. "I'm just, kinda scared of you."

"Me?" You asked ceasing up with laughter.

"Well, what you're going to make me do."

"Oh, right, okay." You said trying to compose yourself. "Well, you needn't worry, I'm just going to make you dance no more no less. But first we need to clear a bit of space." Harry nodded and helped you move the sofas and coffee table, so you had a little more room to dance. "Right, I'll put the music on." You said lowering the needle and the music box started to hum a beautiful waltz.

Harry stood in the middle of the room playing with the sides of his robes. You took off your robe so that you were left in your shirt and tie and stepped closer to Harry. "It's going to get hot so you might want to take off your robe." You said trying not to make that sound inappropriate.

"Er... what? Oh." Harry asked before realising what you meant and putting his robe on the sofa.

"Right, you need to put one hand on my waist." You said directing Harry's left hand as you had instructed and placing your right on his shoulder. "And the other needs to hold mine." You said as you took his hand in yours. Harry watched your every move. For the first time that you've known him, he had nothing to say. He had become the socially awkward boy that he had been in the books. "Okay, now usually the male would lead." You said causing panic to form in Harry's eyes, "but for now you can follow my lead." You reassured him getting ready to take the first step.

"And... one two three, one two three, one two three..." You counted each step as Harry looked down at his feet shuffling every so often to catch up with you. "Right, now, look at me Harry, try to move with the music, one two three, that's a bit better." You smiled at him "all you've got to do is relax." Harry smiled back after a while no longer looking at his feet.

"Good, now you're moving in time with the music, try to add in some rise and fall, okay? Like this, up, down, down, up, down, down. There we go still a little stiff, but you are getting there." You told him, but as you did, he stood on your foot and slipped. Luckily, you caught him, but it look like you had dipped him his eyes wide in shock.

"Sorry, I didn't... umm... mean to... umm..."

"It's okay," you chuckled at his cuteness, "You know it's usually the girl who gets dipped." You teased as he got up to his feet.

"Hey, I thought you said you shouldn't be mean to me."

"Eh, it's okay once in a while. Now get back into frame and do some more terrible dancing."

"Hey! I thought I was doing quite well."

"I mean, yes, but I wouldn't call it dancing."

"Rude." Harry moaned putting his hand back onto your waist and taking your hand in his.

You lead him around the common room, every so often telling a joke to ease the tension so that he'd dance a bit better. He didn't realise it, but it worked every time. He would always trip up if he started getting tense or nervous, so you knew you had to get him out of it. Granted you weren't as good as a teacher at dancing than he was at Quidditch, but you still think you gave it a good go.

"You know, um, the music stopped." Harry said after a while making you realise that the two of you had been swaying around the room in silence for a while. You had gotten so caught up in the dancing that you hadn't noticed the absence of the music.

"Oh," you said stopping in your tracks. "I didn't notice."

"Yeah, me neither, how was I doing?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, brilliant... not quite perfect yet... But you'll get there." You said.

"Only with you leading, I'll probably look like a right prat out there."

"Maybe but not as much as you would've been without any practise." You smiled, as Harry looked down at you for a few seconds until he cleared his throat,

"Well, we should probably get out of hold now, right?" Harry asked, you looked at Harry and furrowed your eyebrows for a moment. Suddenly, becoming aware of the hand on your waist. Looking down at your hand that had his wrapped around it. You had become so used to his hand being in yours that a part of you didn't want to let go.

"Oh... umm... Yeah... Sorry?" You said walking away to go to the gramophone and put it somewhere safe. Relieved by the absence of the green eyes that could so easily hypnotise you.

"No... it was fine... it was... nice... I mean... fine," Harry corrected himself. Your head was racing with new thoughts, thoughts that were confusing you more and more by the second. I wish Harry would hold me again... woah... Why am I thinking this... let's go to bed early I can just wipe away all these strange thoughts in my sleep.

"I think I'm gonna go up to my dorm early," you said grabbing your robe. "All that dancing has tired me out a bit."

"Yeah, okay, I'll see you in the morning," Harry replied oh that smile is so adorable... No... No, it isn't! You thought to yourself before running up to your dorm and collapsing onto your bed.

Why am I thinking this way? I've never thought of Harry that way ever. He's just my best friend, why would he be anything else. Too many thoughts ran through your head. All you seemed to do was contradict yourself. Your thoughts only calming when you finally went to sleep.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora