48. The Essence of Nature.

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The next time you would've had History of Magic you ran to the library. Checking out 'Advanced Elemental Wizardry' before running down to Hagrid's hut. Luckily, Dumbledore decided to get cover for Hagrid's lesson. Meaning that he could take you to the area he bordered off before taking some well-deserved time off.

When you reached his hut, he smiled at you. "Alrigh' there, (y/n)?"

"Alright, Hagrid."

"Righ' then, off we go." He said striding towards the lake. "Dumbledore's told meh all abou' yer o'course. Known this whole time I hav'. Didn' tell 'arry though, nope, couldn' betray Dumbledore, great man Dumbledore. And o'course if yer e'er need some help, yer can always count on meh."

"Thanks, Hagrid," you said beaming up at him.

"Well, 'ere yer go. It won't let anyone in but yerself, so don' yer worry 'bout that. And good luck (Y/n)."

"Thanks again, Hagrid," you said before awkwardly stepping forward. You ears suddenly popped as if you had just breached through water. It didn't look much different except for the fact that there was a slight rainbow refracted light that surrounded you in a slight dome. Almost as if you were inside of a bubble. Yo turned back around to say goodbye to Hagrid but he seemed to avidly avoid eye contact. You tried to get his attention as he started to turn and head back to his hut but you soon figured out that as soon as you had stepped into the dome he could not see or hear you. After a moment to wrap your head around how mad it all was you chose a spot near an oak tree by the edge of the lake and opened your book.

"Okay, (Y/n), you've got this." You told yourself trying to keep your breathing at an average rate. "Okay, first chapter, 'Harnessing the Power:

"'All Guardians have the power of nature. But first you have to capture the essence of nature,' Capture the essence of nature?" You exclaimed in confusion "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" But even with your confusion you decided to read on.

"So... 'Capture the essence of nature'... yeah 'let it soothe your mind, calm your emotions, and just breathe, clear your mind.' Gosh, it sounds like the person who wrote this was high. So, clear my mind... meditation basically, I can do that 'Feel freedom, space and peace' okaaaaay... 'Connect with the powers that surround you. Feel the natural world under your feet. Let it help you see that you are not alone, you are not lost, but right there.' What the f...? 'Take in all that power and let it spark inside of you.' Right so I think I can do that... I'll know it when it happens... right?" You said putting the book to the side and standing firmly on the ground.

"Clear your mind." You muttered closing your eyes. "Breathe" you hummed focusing your breath into the nose and out of the mouth. Feel free... space... peace... You repeated over and over Feel the natural world under your feet. You chanted focusing on every detail around you, each fold of the lake each whistle of the breeze. Take in that power. You concentrated on what was happening around you and remembering why you had to do this, for Harry. Then a similar sensation came over you. Your eyes began to burn, and they shot open. Exactly as they had on the Quidditch Pitch, you cried out in shock as this time you didn't have a spell to shout out.

"I did it!" You exclaimed feeling enormously proud of yourself you grabbed the book to read the next chapter. "'Chapter 2, using that power (Earth):

'Using the tips from the previous chapter use your imagination, but start with something small, like making a flower bloom and let that power spark into that action...' Okay...." You hummed looking around to find something simple to do when your eyes fell onto a dead flower. You knelt down in front of it and cupped your hands around it.

You closed your eyes and focused same as before... But nothing happened... You tried again... Nothing... And again... Nothing... "Urgh... why isn't it working." You wined "How am I supposed to know what to do?" You looked back at the book, but it didn't help, it seemed to just assume that you'd get it, telling you to try if on bigger things, but how was that supposed to work if you couldn't even resurrect a flower...

It frustrated you... When you did it in the Quidditch Pitch you had something to say, you didn't have to try... maybe you need an incantation... But how would you find one... the book didn't mention anything of the sort... But you had to try...

"Erm... bloom!" But nothing happened. "Okay... bloomius flowerus?" But the flower just laid there limp in your palm. "No, of course not. Come on, (Y/n), think of something else."

This time you focused your energy like you had before but thought back to the Quidditch Pitch. Trying to channel all your meaning into the flower. Remembering that you had to do this. That this flower would represent success. But not letting your feelings take over too much, only focusing on your pride. The tingling around your eyes started to return and burn and as they did, they shot open you cried out,

"Anthízoun!" You looked down at the flower in amazement as it grew and unfolded its petals. Revealing a beautiful blue primrose that almost look as if it were glittery.

"Wait a sec... did I just speak in Greek!" You exclaimed confused. "Merlin's testicles! I did!" You leapt from your feet in excitement and shock. When you called yourself down you decided to pick the flower as a souvenir and brought it up to your dorm.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Hermione greeted you when she entered the dorm "How was your tutoring?"

"Boring." You lied.

"Oh, never mind though. Harry and I are going to hang in his dorm, wanna come?"

"Sure." You said unable to stop the smile on your lips as you hung out with your two favourite people. Confident that you might actually be able to keep their lives on track.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now