45. Detention.

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When you left Dumbledore's office, you went to go to your next lessons. You didn't have History of Magic, so you didn't have to practice your abilities just yet.

Once all lessons were over you and Harry said goodbye to Hermione and left for your detention with Snape. The two of you entered the dungeon and saw Ron sat at a desk looking disgusted at something.

"Come in, Potter, (Y/l/n), don't make me remind you why you're here." Snape snapped. You and Harry sheepishly sat by Ron. Although leaving a seat between you since Ron had decided to put his bag on the seat next to him. "While you are here you will be pickling rat's brains."

"Urgh!" You screamed unaware that the sound was audible causing Harry to sniggered next to you.

"Yes, Miss (Y/l/n), but it is not a time for you to be slacking. If you have not completely pickled fifty brains each, then for each brain you haven't pickled I will take five house points from Gryffindor, understood?" The three of you nodded. "Potter, Weasley you will be here for forty-five minutes. That should be enough for the three of you to complete this. However, Miss (Y/l/n) will be staying a little while later. I must go as I have more important matters to attend to." And without another word Snape swept out of the room leaving the three of you alone.

You all started off silently pickling your rats' brains. Every so often you and Harry would give each other a disgusted look but Ron kept his head down. By the time you had pickled around thirty of your brains you still had half an hour left.

"This is brilliant if we continue like this then we'll be finished in no time." You stated feeling overly optimistic.

"Yeah, that'll show Snape." Harry agreed but Ron acted as though you didn't say anything.

"You know using this stuff," you said scoping some of the strange pickling liquid goo, that was a gruesome brown, black colour, in your hand. "Makes me want to do this." When you finished that sentence, you smeared the goo onto the side of Harry's face.

"(Y/N)!" Harry exclaimed, "That's disgusting!" He said trying to get it off of his face.

"What? I said I'd get you back, didn't I?" You grinned.

"Oh, (Y/n), you messed with the wrong wizard." Harry said throwing a cocky smile your way.

"Oh yeah?" You quirked an eyebrow, "What you gonna do, Potter or should I say scar head?" You added using the nickname Draco always used in a mocking way.

"(Y/n)," Harry said pretending the name hurt him, "That's offensive."

"Well, why don't you do something about it." You said edging closer to him.

"Maybe I will." Harry said also moving closer so that you were almost nose to nose.

"If you two are going to flirt again, please do it while I'm not around." Ron said. "Clearly, (Y/n)'s not the only one whose a flirt, Harry."

"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked as rage filled you to the core,

"You see Hermione recently, have you Harry?"

"You can't seriously believe what Rita Skeeter wrote." You pressed.

"Whatever." Ron said before putting his head back down and pickling his brains some more. You and Harry gave each other a look before continuing to pickle your own brains in silence.


When you had only five minutes left you were on your final brain. Ron had already finished, and Harry had two left to pickle. Snape came in as if nothing had happened and began to observe you.

Once Harry had finished Snape almost looked disappointed. "I guess the three of you aren't completely incompetent. Very well, Potter, Weasley, you may leave, (Y/l/n), you still need to stay." When he said this Ron was gone in a flash. But Harry didn't run, he decided to give you a quick hug before leaving at an average speed.

"So, (Y/l/n), you seem to have Dumbledore wrapped around your finger, just like your dear old Saint Potter. But those tricks will not work on me, no matter what your purpose is." Wait a sec... Dumbledore told Snape? of course he did. "Now since you decided to abandon one of my lessons, you will do it now. Good luck." He said this with a very iconic smirk.

You spent the next half hour concentrating awfully hard on the antidote you were creating. Making sure that you didn't make even one mistake. Even with Snape peering over your shoulder every so often. When you were satisfied with what you had done you placed your pen on top of your notes to get Snape's attention.

"I'm done." You stated as politely as you could. Snape looked into your cauldron as nonchalant as always.

"You may leave." Full of pride you packed you notes and left the class.

You went straight to the common room and found that neither Harry nor Hermione were there. So, you figured that they were in Harry's dorm. You assumed correctly. When you walked in both of them were muttering to each other with hushed voices.

"Hey guys?" You said trying to ignore what you had just walked in on.

"(Y/n)!" Harry almost yelled getting up from the bed urgently but banging his head in the process.

"Are you guys alright?" You asked closing the door behind you.

"Yeah, fine" Harry lied, "How was Snape?"

"Not bad I just had to brew an antidote." You stated trying your hardest to ignore their strange behaviour. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing." Harry lied again.

"Harry, you're a really bad liar."

"No, I'm not."

"Harry, we need to tell her." Hermione said sounding very stern.

"Tell me what?"

"Fine," Harry sighed in defeat. "When Ron and I got back to the common room Fred and George were there..."

"And?" You egged on,

"Well, George confronted Ron about what he said about you but then Ron told George that he... that..."

"Harry, what did he say?" You asked starting to panic, you never thought Harry would keep something from you.


"Harry." You said sternly though gritted teeth.

"Ron said that George shouldn't even bother with trying to flirt with you. Because we were flirting with each other and practically a couple already, alright!?" Harry blurted out.

"What?" You gasped taken aback.

"George thinks that we're getting together, because of Ron." Harry said softer but you knew he was annoyed about this situation himself.

"Then what did George say?"

"Nothing he just froze for a second, looked at Harry then went up to his dorm."

"And what did you guys say!" You asked getting annoyed at this point.

"Umm, well, nothing..." Hermione admitted awkwardly.

"So, you didn't think that you'd deny any of it did you?" You asked looking straight at Harry.

"(Y/n)," Harry said moving closer to you wanting to give you a hug,

"No, Harry." You said trying to back away but instead banging into the door. "You knew that I liked him, both of you did, and you didn't even stand up for me! I would have done it for either of you. Hell, I already have! All day people have been asking me about you two asking if you were dating, and I didn't stand there like an idiot. I told them the truth."

"(Y/n), I know that." Harry defended "but it all happened so fast I didn't know..."

"Save it Harry James Potter, I don't want to talk to either of you." When you finished your sentence, you left the dorm slamming the door behind you.

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now