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Hyeri was amazed. Namjoon tried to suppress his giggles as he did not wish to ruin the unusual scene in front of him.

The sun had come up a few minutes ago and Hyeri being Hyeri, woke up as soon as the first ray of it touched the planet.

She was looking at it weirdly. The sun which was moving at a pretty high pace was followed by Hyeri's eyes as if it had done something shameful.

Her mouth was open slightly, her hairs dishevelled from rubbing it too much against Namjoon's chest.

She felt as if the Sun was being chased away by the darkness as very soon it was gone.

Both of them stayed in silence for a while with Hyeri thinking it was all just a dream.

Seeing the sun at first had made her feel better but it went away as quickly as it came.

"Hyeri? What's wrong?" Namjoon asked seeing how she was thinking very hard.

"Was that the sun?" She asked making the man next to her finally let out his long-held giggle.

"Don't laugh!" She nudged him lightly on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. Yes that was the sun and you'll see it again soon. Tomorrow definitely." Namjoon said with a smile that showed his dimples.

"Oh. It went away so fast." Hyeri said looking at the sky.

"Yeah good things are limited at thins place." Hyeri nodded, not really wanting to start a conversation the first thing in the morning.

"Did you sleep well?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes, thank you for letting me lay on you."

"Anytime." Namjoon said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Water. We need to head out soon." Hyeri reminded.

"Yes we do. We should eat something before doing that though." Hyeri nodded and sat down comfortably.

Namjoon went over to where he was laying before and grabbed Hyeri's bag.

"Is food all you have in that bag?" Hyeri asked, watching him as he took out the containers carefully.

"No there are a few more things that we both collected in the tests that I told you about." Hyeri nodded.

"You made this bag Hyeri." He said with a smile.

"I did? But I don't know how to weave rags." She said looking at the bag.

"Yes you do. I have fixed it a little though since it was not in a very nice condition." Namjoon answered.

"I think that I am not very good in a lot of things too because I too have no memory of doing them but when I get things in my hand, I just know what to do with them." Hyeri nodded, he had already told her that his memory wasn't all that good either.

"Can I carry it then? If it is mine?" Hyeri asked. She didn't really like the clothes she had on for some reason.

"Of course. But if you get tired, you have to give it back to me." Namjoon demanded making her nod like a little child.

"Thank you." Namjoon smiled and handed her a few berries to eat.

"Eat up now. It's going to be a long day ahead."

Back at home, Namjoon's father paced around the living room of his father's small workplace.

"Young master, your father is ready for you." Namjoon's father nodded and followed the assistant.

He was led into a very familiar room that his father liked to call his office.

The desk his father was sitting behind was a glass case. It was locked.

Inside that case lied five big pieces of gold.

The five pieces of the golden spear that was thrown away through the portal.

For centuries, Namjoon's family had been in search of the six pieces, to restore the peace that was so legendary that it was forgotten.

They had successfully retrieved five pieces from five other universes, the only one that was missing was the one in hell.

The one that Hyeri had gone in search for, the reason why Namjoon had to go after Hyeri too.

It wasn't safe, he knew. To lift a curse as big as this was, one could have to give their life away.

"Why are you here son?" Namjoon's grandfather asked his father.

"Namjoon. We haven't heard from him in a while and wanted to know if know something about it."

"Why will I know about someone who wanted nothing to do with our family's legacy."

"Father, it was nothing like that. He wanted to make his own name."

"He had a duty, just like you and I did. Just like our ancestors did and he dare break the chain."

"He knew doing all of this is worthless father. You have destroyed your whole life running after something that is lost."

"Peace is not lost!" His grandfather said now furious.

"It is our duty to restore the world's biggest treasure and it was an honour to give away years of my life for this."

"But were you successful?"

"Yes. Yes I am successful. I have chosen the right person. Someone who is not a part of the family but will be once she gets back."

"That is what you told her right? That you will only accept her as a part of the family if she brings the piece back?"

"I simply told her that she needs to correct your son's shortcoming. We were very close to getting it and your son had cut off not only his but his future generations from out family line as well."

"It's his decision."

"And I respect that. I didn't go to Hyeri it was the other way around."

"She came to you because she wanted to make things right between Namjoon and you. You used her"

"Don't act like you approve their relationship. You have been against that girl ever since Namjoon brought her here as her student!" His grandfather raised his voice now.

"I didn't. You knew that and you used it against her. You have her an option to make things right and that foolish girl just took it. But you know what?" Namjoon's father walked dangerously close to his father.

"I have lost my child, my only child, all because of you. Our best bet is that he is walking in that hellhole with that foolish girl but he could also be dead."

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now