Cliché {Fred Weasley x Reader}

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This is officially my longest oneshot at 5,748 words. I got really into this oneshot so I hope you enjoy it. 

Edit: Forgot to mention requests are open.

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"No way. Not possible. I'm just a normal person. Not.. not this.. this witch thing you claim me to be." To any normal person the idea of being something magical would be a dream come true, but for me it was a nightmare. A nightmare where I'd have to admit that there was something wrong with me. To admit that everyone was right in calling me a freak. It didn't help that I knew this day would be coming. Of course when I had a dream about this day I only ever thought of it as such. I was a kid when I had the dream after all. How was I supposed to know that it wasn't just a dream?

"Oh sweetheart, relax! It's nothing to fret over!" I had stopped my pacing, which I didn't even realize I had been doing, as I narrowed my eyes at the woman who claimed I'm some kind of witch. "You have no idea what this'll affect!" I didn't mean to raise my voice at her, but the fear growing inside made me do things I wouldn't normally do with a calm and clear head. Though could anyone blame me, I was just told information that changes everything. "On the contrary, I know exactly what this'll affect. However, you are in luck that I, your aunt Prudence, am here to help you with everything!" I shake my head as I look away from the insane woman. "Nope. I'm already a freak as it is. I'm not going to give others more fuel for the fire of insults." A sigh escapes the lips of my aunt. "I know I calculated you'd find this difficult, but I didn't expect you to be this against being a witch." Slowly the fear I felt turned into anger as she spoke. "Just shut up! I'm not a witch and I'll never be one!" As the words left my lips one of my snowglobes exploded, almost mimicking the way I felt.

I stare at the broken glass in disbelief as the liquid from the globe drips onto the floor. Then in an instant it's fixed. I shift my gaze to the most logical place, my aunt. The stick in her hand confirmed that she was the one to fix the snowglobe. I look from her stick to her face, spotting the brief sadness on her face which is covered by a smile. "I understand this is a lot to take in, sweetheart, but it'd be best if you learned to control your magic so things like that won't happen again." I look back over at the previously broken snowglobe and sigh. "I guess you're right." I mumble as I run a hand through my hair. "You'll enjoy it, I'm sure of it. Plus I was thinking that you'd enjoy going to my alma mater. Only if you're alright with moving out of the country." I snap my head in her direction. "Out of the country? What about my parents? I can't just abandon them here! Plus I can't just move places like that!"

Prudence waves her hand in front of her face as I notice that her stick is nowhere to be seen, she most likely put it away when I wasn't paying attention. "Oh how simple minded you are." Her words just make me frown. "Your parents and I have already spoken about the matter when I knew you were about to turn eleven. They agree that you should learn to control your magic. Sure your father was against you moving in with me in London, but he knew that it'd be better if you were with me so I could help you with anything you'll ever need." I stared at her in disbelief. There is no way my parents would agree that easily. Especially not with me moving to somewhere new with someone I didn't know that well. Though it's not my fault my father never talked about his sister nor was it my fault she only visited when it suited her. I mean she used to be in my life when I was a tiny tot, but when I turned eight she rarely came around. My father always had an excuse, but I never fully believed them because they never made sense. I just learned to accept them to keep from causing a fight.

"Now I know this is a lot to take in so I'm giving you a day to think about it. I know, it's not the ideal time limit but if we want to make the transition as easy as possible we have to start as soon as possible." I just nod, not sure what else to say. "I'll let you be so you can think everything over." Again I just nod. However, before leaving me alone my aunt gave me a quick hug. Once I was alone I plopped down onto my bed. So many things were running through my mind. I just didn't know what to do. I could stay, but I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling I felt every time I thought that way. I mean I had dreams when I was younger where I'd be living in a castle with others who were magical just like me. Yet that's all it ever was to me. My parents made sure of that. My dreams stayed dreams. Nothing more nothing less. Yet I kept track of each of them, especially the ones that seemed like they were visions of the future. Though my parents don't know I keep track of my dreams in a dream journal, mainly because I knew how they'd tell me that I shouldn't think much of them.

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