Chapter 53 One Year On!

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They had a wonderful first year of marriage. Thing's could not be going better for Mariah at Jabot, she was highly regarded by Jack and Kyle and was treated as such. Tessa's career was just going from strength to strength, she was enjoying being at home songwriting in the little studio she'd had built at the bottom of the garden. Mariah loved going down there some evenings to just hear what Tessa was coming up with and listening to her sing. It was Mariah's way of zoning out after a busy day at Jabot. This is crazy said, Mariah one Saturday morning in bed! What is? said Tessa teasingly. Stop playing with me said, Mariah, our first wedding anniversary is only two days away. Is it? Oh no! said, Tessa rather convincingly. NO!! screamed Mariah you can't have forgotten? Err well I have been rather busy and the year has really flown by said, Tessa trying to keep a straight face. Mariah was getting more upset by the minute!

"Mariah" shouted Tessa You are so easy! Mariah nearly choked on her morning coffee. You were messing with me? She punched Tessa playfully on the arm. "Ouch" That's what you get for messing with your wife said, Mariah with a smile on her face. I can't believe it's been a year already said, Tessa. We've been doing so much it's just flown by said, Mariah. We have, I've built my little studio thing down the garden, we had our families stay for the summer, which was so much fun. Especially when Shelby proposed to Ashley in our garden in front of everyone! Said, Tessa. Yeah! Mom and dad were not expecting that to happen, but they were thrilled for them said, Mariah. I remember our parents cornering us and asking when we were going to give them grandchildren too? Oh god don't remind me said, Tessa, It was so awkward thinking of what to give them as an answer! We did sort of tell them we'd think about it I think? said, Mariah. My mind was a bit of a blur at the time because we'd had a few too many mojitos. Yeah! We were a bit wasted wasn't we said, Tessa.

Mariah drank her coffee and slid under the bed covers again, Tessa did the same and joined her. Have you changed your mind about us having kids? Mariah blurted out. Err I don't know said, Tessa, I've not really thought about it in a while. Mariah's face fell at Tessa's answer. Hey! said, Tessa cupping Mariah's face in her hands. I didn't say no! I just said I'd not thought about it, since the last time we thought about having them. You have obviously been thinking about it more than me? said, Tessa. I guess it has crossed my mind once or twice said, Mariah, I guess I'm just getting to that age, where the biological clock is ticking. Tessa smiled at her and gently kissed her on the lips. Well, I am prepared to start listening and have a conversation with you, about us having kids eventually and most importantly how we're going to do it? I'm guessing if you've been thinking about it for a while, then you must have had a look into how we go about things, without having a man in the picture said, Tessa. I have a little bit said, Mariah but I didn't look too deeply. Because I wanted to know if you were up for having kids too?

Well, let's just start having little chats about it then? said, Tessa. I don't want us glued to a computer screen twenty-four-seven though, because we are tentatively looking to do this further down the line. Ok said, Mariah, I'll take that on board. Now come here! She pulled Tessa towards her. My god! If this is your reaction to me agreeing to tentatively look down the line with you. What are you going to be like when we seriously start putting the wheels in motion? I don't know said, Mariah, it just makes me happy that we're getting on to the same page! They spent the rest of the morning making love to one another. Afterwards, they both fell asleep exhausted. When Mariah opened her eyes she could not believe it was one o'clock in the afternoon! She slowly woke Tessa up. Argh! Why did you wake me? If we don't get up now, we would have missed the whole day said, Mariah. What's the time then? said Tessa still a bit groggy. Would you believe me if I said it's gone one? Err! No! said, Tessa now squinting at the clock. "Holy shit" Precisely said, Mariah. Ok well, I need a shower to wake up said, Mariah, moving to the bathroom. 

You go down and put on another pot of coffee, and by the time you come back up, I will be out of the shower. Once they were both downstairs, Tessa knocked them up some bagels with scrambled eggs for a quick meal. That hit the spot said, Mariah after she had devoured it. I'll clear up said, Tessa, you pour the coffee and take it to the sofa. Sitting down cuddled up on the sofa with some music playing in the background, Mariah asked Tessa what she would like to do for their anniversary? Ooh, I have no idea at this point. Have you any ideas? Well not really said, Mariah, I was thinking we could do a trip back to Orlando? But I'd really like to do something a bit more romantic maybe? What like a beach holiday? Maybe. Where is somewhere you've not been before? Ooh now, I'll have to put my thinking cap on said, Tessa. Do you mean here in the USA or around the world? Let's say close to home said, Mariah. Well, that's easy then said, Tessa The Grand Canyon!

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