Chapter 83 Wake Up!

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It had been nearly two weeks since the crash, and Tessa was still asleep. They had done more scans to see if they had missed something. But nothing showed up. Her leg was mending nicely, the cage was still surrounding it. But Chantelle told Mariah, that if things continue like they were, they would take an x-ray next week and then maybe take the cage off. That would mean that she could then ask Kyle and Jack, for the medivac team to fly them and Devon back to the States. Mariah jumped with joy at that news, it meant she would see Bowie and Crystal. She'd missed them so much. Mariah went into Devon's room and told him the good news, his arm had improved such a lot since his operation. They were already giving him intense physio every day. But all Mariah wanted, was for her wife to finally wake up. Carla and Cindy had been a great support to her, she owed them a lot for staying by her side through all of this, but even they were starting to think Tessa would never wake up.

Chantelle was the only person that they could rely on because she kept on telling them the reason Tessa was still asleep was that her body was just taking time to recover. She had been bashed about quite a bit, compared to everyone else on the tour bus. She'd had to be dug out of there, and it had taken them a long time to find her in the wreckage, and then she had to be cut out of there. Chantelle also reminded them that, all the medical teams were happy with her progress. She wasn't deteriorating, she was improving all the time according to them. Devon had even got Mariah and Tessa's parents' hopes up too, by telling them not to give up on her. She was one hell of a strong woman, and I'm sure she's fighting as hard as possible, to get back to us all. When they got to the hospital one day, there was a lot of activity going on around Devon's room. Mariah was worried something had happened to him. But quite the reverse was going on. Devon had been given the all-clear to fly home at long last, and further his treatment there.

Kyle and Jack had sent over the medivac team and they were getting him ready to fly later that day. Mariah was so excited for him, and so were Tessa's parents. Devon asked Tessa's parents if they would like to go back with him so that they could have a break. They had a quick talk with Mariah and decided to take him up on his offer. Mariah had reassured them, that she would be okay on her own until they came back. She asked them to give Bowie and Crystal extra cuddles from their two moms when they saw them. We will do that no problem said, Cindy. Are you sure you're going to be alright? asked Carl concerned. Yes, of course, I am said Mariah I still have Chantelle here, for moral support. And anyway you deserve to have a break. I'm just sorry Tessa's still not awake yet before you leave. She's just waiting for us to leave said Cindy. She just wants to open those eyes, with just her wife around, you'll see. I hope your right said, Mariah. Devon was getting strapped onto the stretcher, and Cindy and Carl had gone back to the hotel to pack their things up. Chantelle was going to go and pick them up, and take them to the medivac flight to meet up with Devon.

Mariah gave Devon a massive hug and kissed him on the cheek. Say thank you to Kyle and Jack when you see them please and thank them for letting me work from here. It's been a godsend to have a distraction now and again. Look after yourself, and hopefully, we will be back together again soon. We will said Devon Keep strong and willing her to wake up. Oh, I will said Mariah I'm not giving up, I will be here holding her hand every step of the way. She gave him one more hug, before they wheeled him out into the ambulance, to take him to the airport and his flight home. Mariah so wished that would be her and Tessa soon. She missed Tessa's arms around her, especially their lovemaking sessions. She was so ready for one of them! But she guessed it may be quite a while yet for that to happen. For a start, she had to open those lovely beautiful eyes of hers first. Mariah marched into Tessa's room, after waving Devon off. Okay you, she said to Tessa in a loud voice.

I have been sitting here with your parents for over two weeks, we have all been very patient. I have just sent your parents back to the States with Devon for a break. So while they are not here, I need you to open those lovely eyes of yours and come back to me. Our kids need us to get home and be with them, so please come on and start to wake up. The doctors have said there is no reason why you haven't opened them yet. So I'm now begging you, I've waited long enough. Mariah put on a playlist of Tessa's songs and tried her hardest to sing along to it. She definitely does not have the voice Tessa has, and, when she does start to sing at home, they all tell her to stop! The memory made Mariah laugh. Why are you laughing? She turned around, and in the doorway stood Chantelle. Did they all get off ok? Yeah, I waved the plane off, shame you two were not on it too. It was said Mariah but one day soon, ah Tessa. Anyway, why were you laughing? said Chantelle again.

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