Chapter 76 Forgiveness? No!

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When the kids had gone down for their afternoon naps, Dena texted Cindy and told her what she had told Mariah to try and do while she was at work. Well, that sounds like a great idea said, Cindy. Do you think she'll be able to do it? Do you know what? said Dena I have no idea at this point. I just think they both need their heads knocking together. Cindy laughed. It would have saved us, a lot of angst that's for sure said, Cindy. Your right there said, Dena. In Mariah's office an hour later, there was a knock on her door. Mariah sighed. "Come In" Kyle's head appeared around the door. Am I interrupting? No! No! I've just been staring at a blank piece of paper for the last hour. Can I ask why? said Kyle. Err, well I guess it's better you know. It's to do with Tessa and me. Are you sure you want me to know about your private life? queered Kyle. About this yes, because it may affect my work said, Mariah. She proceeded to tell him what she had done and that she had apologized to Devon. But Tessa was having none of it, and she'd gone off to Australia to start her tour and hadn't said goodbye. And she'd also told Mariah that she'd really hurt her and she needed time to figure it all out in her head.

Wow! said Kyle that's a lot to adjust to. Did she at least say goodbye to the kids? Oh yes, she did that said Mariah. She said goodbye to everyone except me! I was sitting here with a blank piece of paper in front of me because my parents think it would be a good idea if I wrote Tessa a letter and open up and tell her how sorry I am and how much I love her still. Well, that does sound like a good idea said, Kyle. It can't hurt and it won't make things any worse than they are already. So I can see where your parents are coming from. Tessa was looking out of the plane window in first-class, still wondering what to say on the blank screen of her phone. Penny for them? asked Devon as he was going back to his seat. Oh, my parents wanted me to send Mariah a text message before I left, and I didn't do it because I don't know what to say. Well said Devon I can tell you I went to her office just before we left. And Mariah apologized to me, but she also gave me a message to tell you. She did? said Tessa with a little smile.

Yes, she did. She told me to tell you, that she hoped the tour went well and that she loves you very much. Oh god, sad Tessa. What's the matter? asked Devon. I don't know how to unhate her after what she did? I have to forgive her, and I don't know if I'm capable of that? Well, she is very sorry, for what she did and said I think reading between the lines. She was frightened that you will never forgive her and end your marriage! Really? Do you think she thinks that? All I know said Devon is that it's dawned on her, how much she has upset you, and I know that she wants the chance to fix this if you can see your way to meeting her somewhere in the middle. So I suggest you get a pen and paper out and write down what you want to say first. Because you won't be able to use that phone until we land and get to the hotel. probably? Ok, I'll charge it up and switch it off said, Tessa. Oh and Devon. Yeah! Thank you for telling me all that. It's ok Tessa I want you two back where you belong. And where is that? asked Tessa curiously. Back together of course said Devon as he went back to his seat. 

After Kyle left, Mariah sat down again to try and compile the letter to Tessa. I think I'm going to write it out first and then put it in an email, that way it will get there quicker and she can read it when she arrives in Australia. Well, I say read it. Obviously when she sees who it is from she may not even bother to open it! Mariah called her PA in and told her the same thing when she arrived this morning. Hold all calls etc, ooh and could you make me a coffee, please. On the plane, Tessa had managed to find some paper and a pen in her bag. She then ordered a coffee, she thought she needed the caffeine fix for this. Mariah's pen was poised over the paper when her PA came in with her coffee. Can you put it on the table next to the sofa please, I need to write this letter in comfort and not behind my desk said, Mariah. Remember no calls or interruptions. Unless their life or death said her PA. That's right said Mariah and thank you for the coffee. Her PA loved working for Mariah. She was so nice compared to all the other bosses she'd worked for. Mariah got up from her desk, walked over to the sofa took off her shoes and propped herself up with the pillows, and swung her legs onto the sofa. She took a sip of her coffee and then started to write. 

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