Chapter 3- Looking For You

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"Let go of me!" Death yelled as Noah and Wilford dragged him into the dorm house "I have to find him-" "DEATH! He's gone! Accept it already-" Death elbowed Wilford in the throat and attempted to run out the door, running into Lucifer. Lucifer hugged Death as tears rolled down his face "H-he can't be gone..." "Its okay, let it out" Lucifer whispered-
(Akire's Pov)
"Akire? You alright?" I snapped out of the memory, looking at Declan. Originally, we were heading over to 1C's classroom due to me agreeing to help Declan carry some new textbooks back to the dorms... I'm only helping him because his mates are lazy pieces of shit who were invited to a party. "Yeah, completely fine, let's just hurry up" "Alright" we continued to walk down the corridor... this fucking school is just too big. I'm surprised no one has gotten lost during first year of being here. We turned down another corridor, walking about halfway until I stopped... my classroom. There were all these white flowers piled up by the door left by other students... I smiled a bit, remembering how much Gamer hated white flowers, mostly because of them meaning purity, innocence, silence, secrecy or heavenly... reminded him too much of heaven really. "Akire?" I ignored Declan as I picked up one of the roses and turned it to black... farewell and sorrow, death, courage and resistance, beginning of new things or journey.... I know he's still out there, this is just the start of the next chapter.....

(Death's Pov)
I heard a bit of noise coming from the room next to mine and Dark's... Wilford and Broody's room. "So nothing- no sign of him at all?" "She said it was like he vanished into thin air" I pressed my ear up against the wall in order to hear the guys' conversation better "So that means he survived, right?" Alex's voice asked "Not really, a few killens got out alive dragging some people out so Gamer might be dead in their hands-" "Way to be positive Rohit-" "Like you can talk Gardener" right, makes sense that Leo and Noah would be fighting. "Can you guys quieten down, Dark and Death's dorm is literally on the other side of that wall- Dark" Broody's voice trailed off as the door from the other room opened. I quickly jumped onto my bed and closed my eyes right before the door opened... Dark looked into the room, I could feel his eyes on me "Dark?" I heard Anti's voice "He must've passed out from not sleeping" "Should we take him to the school nurse or-" "You kidding? He's finally asleep now, hopefully he stays asleep for a bit" Dark closed the door, I listened to them walk back into the other dorm room where the others were. I opened my eyes and got off the bed, getting dressed into some clean clothes and put my shoes on "Virus" I whispered as the tiny ball of shadow crawled out from under my pillow and ran over to me while I emptied my school bag. I placed a few things in the bag then picked up Virus, who immediately climbed up my arm and snuggled in-between my neck and black jacket I just put on. I put the bag over my shoulder and quietly opened the window, climbing out and slowly closed it, I turned my head to see Janus from his dorm house. I brought a finger up to my lips, receiving a nod from Janus before he walked back inside while I quickly and quietly made my way out the gate and down the block...

I finally made it to the docks, seeing the ruins of the once standing warehouse and cops surrounding it. I carefully made my way over to a building around the back of the ruins, making sure no one saw me. Absolutely nothing. I looked around- a bait-shop with a camera facing this direction... maybe, I mean its possible. I quickly rushed over to the bait shop- open window. I climbed in through the window, quietly walking through the shop, over to a small room with a couple of cameras. I worked out how to rewind the footage to the day of the explosion then pressed play, and of course the first thing in the footage is the back of the warehouse destroyed with a few men dressed in black making their way over- wait, what. I sat there confused... who would walk over to a building that just exploded? The men were searching the wreckage for something, not even caring if there was gonna be a second explosion or not. One of them pulled out a body- that's Gamer... the guy picked him up, him and the others walking off out of view of the camera "No- where are you going?" I whispered to myself, searching the different screens of the other cameras until I found the men. The camera facing the docks showed them walking over to a boat where a girl was waiting for them... none of them looked like killens, but who are they- the guy placed Gamer down on the boat, the girl sat down next to him, moving Gamer's head onto her lap. She unzipped his hoodie and lifted up his shirt, putting something on it to stop the bleeding right before the boat left the docks.... I made a mental note of which direction the boat went, then set all the camera's back to normal. I climbed back out of the window I used to get in and made my way down to the docks....

(No One's Pov)
"Sir-" "No" Lev answered the killen. Lev had only been walking down the hallway, on his way to see how his friends were going until a young killen stopped him in order for an answer for their question. "Why-" "I-" Lev saw John walking over towards them "We can't just break a demon out of the Reaper Wing prison, its impossible... only few have been able to break out themselves, only one has managed to not get recaptured" "Sir-" "Enough, you heard him, now go back to your post" John said. The young killen quickly walked off as John grabbed Lev by the arm and pulled him out of the hallway into the command room, locking the door behind him. "John-" Lev got punched in the face.... ever since the explosion, Lev had tried so many times to check if those EU students where okay, always ending up getting caught by either Cyprise or Inessa, until yesterday... John caught him red-handed and had beaten the shit out of Lev until he couldn't physically get up. Lev was confused as to why he was being punished now, he hadn't done anything wrong today. John grabbed the collar of Lev's shirt and slammed him into a wall, staying silent as Lev hissed in pain, falling to the ground. John grabbed Lev's wrists, lifted him up and pinned Lev to the wall and bit down on Lev's collar bone while Lev yelled out in pain. Lev tried to push John off of him as blood dripped down his chest and back.... John smirked at Lev, seeing his tear-streaked face filled with pain and absolute hate "Don't look at me like that" John brought his hands up to Lev's face and wiped away the tears "This was all your fault to begin with, you chose to betray me, you helped the enemy, you're the one to blame Levan~". Lev glared at John "Now the little russian demon has nothing to spit back? How pathetic" John laughed quietly "Guess I can only hope that you've learned your lesson min knuste juvel~"....

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