Chapter 17- Imprisoned

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-Hell's Palace-

(No One's Pov)
"Annadite, please corporate-" "FUCK OFF!" Annadite yelled, chains rattling against the wall she was leaning against. The demon had chains wrapping around her wrists and ankles, easily breakable yet she was too weak to even try and break them, she also had her old metal blindfold on. "Annadite-" "Leave. Me. Alone" Annadite growled at Jackal "You're almost due for your child, we just want to help you-" "You can help me by telling the seven demons what they are and getting me out of this FUCKING PRISON!". "Annadite, take the medicine-" Annadite managed to kick Jadarius in the jaw "Fucking bitch-" "Enough! If she doesn't except help, she won't get it" Aristomache motioned her two cousins out of the prison cell, she followed close behind as a reapriestess locked the cell door. The three royals walked out of the Reaper Wing Prison "What's to happen when she has the child?" Jadarius asked "She won't take the fucking painkillers, what's the bets that she doesn't want anyone help her deliver the child?" "Annadite will be at her weakest point, she won't be able to stop us from helping her then" Jackal answered Jadarius as Aristomache came to a stop. "Ari? You alright?" Jackal asked as Aristomache looked past them at the other end of the corridor, Erik stood there, near the corner connecting to another corridor as the three royals walked over to him. "Erik? Why are you here and not at EU-" "He's not alone" Lucifer interrupted, appearing by Erik's side as Aristomache's eyes narrowed "What's he doing here-" "We decided to pay a little visit and have a talk about Gamer Shadow and-" Aristomache grabbed both of them by the arm and dragged them out of the corridor into an empty study, followed by Jackal and Jadarius.

"The fuck is wrong with you two-" "Don't get pissed off at us when you've been selling lies to a bunch of kids about who and what they are-" "It's for the best" Aristomache interrupted Erik, Lucifer's face hardened "Gamer still believes that he's not wanted by God yet no one tells him that God and Satan are fighting over him, Gamer doesn't know he actually has parents, no one's bothered to tell Angel about her mother's time in Hell, Death hasn't been told about the fucked up detail about himself, the seven don't even know what they're about to become". "You've got some fucking nerve being here, and I can't fucking believe you'd also be involved with this Erik-" "Don't drag him down with you Aristomache, you've done more fucked up shit than him and I combined" Lucifer stood up for his friend "Just because he's the youngest out of you lot doesn't place all the blame on him, it goes straight to the oldest, you". Aristomache's face turned cold, eyes filled with hate "How dare you speak of me like that-" "How dare you send your younger cousin to the mid realm to babysit a bunch of broken teenage demons" Lucifer interrupted "Please Ari, hear us out" Erik quietly begged as Aristomache looked at him. "Erik-" "Everyone's been right from the start Ari, also Lucifer... the seven need to know now... we don't have forever, with the black councillors dying and the killens still after Gamer- they managed to get him so many times last year while being at EU" Aristomache looked at the ground "They need to know why all this is happening". Silence followed after Erik's words, until Aristomache signed "They'll be told the truth at the next anniversary ball" "That's near the end of the year-" "It's the best I can do at the moment Lucifer, I've got too much to do and too little time to worry about telling seven teenage-demons crap that happened years ago"....

Lucifer walked down the corridor of the Phantom Wing with Erik trying to catch up to him "Lucifer-" "Who the fuck made that stupid bitch queen in the first place" Lucifer muttered under his breath, eyes burning red with anger. Erik grabbed Lucifer's arm, making the archangel stop and look at him "What?" "Calm the hell down" Erik hissed, voice stern yet full of worry "I am calm-" "Luci" caught off guard by his nickname, Lucifer's attention was now on Erik "There's seriously nothing more we can do, it's all on Aristomache now to keep to her word". Lucifer turned his head away "Its Aristomache, like she would-" "She will... I'll make sure of it" the hesitant confidence in Erik's voice didn't make Lucifer believe a single word, yet he signed... a pitiful smile pulling at the corners of his lips. "And to think you're the youngest-" "Fuck off, Mike's only older by a month" Erik crossed his arms "Plus your height doesn't help-" "I'm only an inch or two smaller than Jackal and Euanthe is actually the smallest-" "Sure" Lucifer rolled his eyes. "The day you're tall is the day you're older than me-" "You're fucking older than me by-" "Erik, calm down" Lucifer grinned as Erik caught on to what the archangel did... twisting the argument to the point that Erik's the one in the wrong. "You fucking asshole" "You were the one who told me to 'calm down', fucking around with your words helped".....

-Killen Base-

Lev sat in the command room as John, Cyprise and a grey army soldier went over a plan. "So this new soldier... this is the only file you have on them-" "Like they never existed, just how Grey Leader expects it to stay" the soldier answered John's question coldly "And they're expected to be one of my new killens?" "Yes sir". Lev at the other end of the table signed as he knew where this conversation will go and end, this isn't the first time the Grey Leader had unexpectedly gave the cult a new recruit. John shook his head "I have to know more about them than this, and how do I know this isn't just another way Grey Leader's trying to fuck me over?" the soldier didn't dare to answer... another thing Lev knew, the Grey Leader had multiple times set up the cult for failure out of spite, anger and or complete boredom. John sent the grey army soldier and Cyprise out of the room then looked over at Lev "Levan" Lev looked up at John, cold expression on his face "Your opinion, please" Lev looked at John, completely confused. Since when did you want to know my opinion? I'm fucking nothing compared to you in this situation, so why are you asking me?. Lev stood up and walked over to John, taking a good look at the file on the soldier the Grey Leader wanted to give them. After thinking for a bit of what John wants for the killens, Lev looked at John "There's no possible way to figure out if this is another fucked up stunt, but looking at we do have on the soldier in question... they'd be a good addition, but we take some precautions" "What do you suggest?" John asked. "Me and Inessa use truth serum on them, I'll try using my powers to see any chaos caused by them, then they stay under the supervision of Cyprise" Lev suggested as John smirked "And to believe I was going to kill you during your first year of being a killen, very glad I didn't" John laughed a bit "Thank you Levan~" John whispered into Lev's ear, Lev's eyes glowed a bit [John roughly grabbed Lev's wrist, grip tightening each second... John slammed Lev into the wall, raging anger burning in his eyes]. Lev blinked a few times as the vision played in his head while John had already left the room, leaving Lev alone. H-How? What am I going to do to piss John off that much? Lev shook his head, trying to get rid of all possible reasons or events, a dark chill running down his spine as a question plagued his mind.

"What is John going to do?".....

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