Chapter 58- Welcome Home Week [Part 2]

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-Day 2, Monday, 10am-
(Gamer's Pov)
"Gamer, wake up" Lali nudged my arm, I opened my eyes a bit to look at her "What?" "It's time to get up-" "No" I groaned as I turned over, pulling the covers over my head- why does my head hurt so much? "Come on- you agreed to come with me to see Sovanna today... you're seriously not that hungover". Lali sounded a bit mad- wait... hungover?....oh.... now I remember.... Ares. Ares gave us a car ride to North Gadweask to a nightclub that the famous and wealthier people of Hell go to then the rest of it is kind of a blur, but I do remember most of it- Lali pulled the covers off me. "No-" "Get up or I'm gonna call Death and put him on speaker or facetime-" "Don't get him involved at stupid o'clock" I snapped "Actually it's ten in the morning" Lali folded her arms as I slowly sat up, immediately realizing that I was still in last night's clothes "The fuck- I'm still in a stupid skirt?!" Lali laughed a bit at me. "I'll let ya get dressed into something else if you're up and walking in twenty minutes, hungover and skirt or not" Lali walked out of the room, most likely back to the one she's staying in. I signed, getting out of bed and quickly getting dressed into normal clothes.
Thirty Minutes Later
I walked down a corridor into the palace foyer, seeing Lali standing by the door, waiting for me "Such a shame, the skirt suited you well" I jumped a bit as Leo laughed, appearing out of nowhere "Leo-" "Yeah yeah, the 'appearing' and 'spooking' people is your shadow-walker-thing, but boy it's fun" Leo laughed a bit more. "Anyway, Lali's invited me to come with you guys to an overlord's house" Leo seemed very excited, the only time I've ever seen him this excited was when Lucifer paired him up with Isra just so she had someone to practice her powers on, but... who'd ever think that the once demon-devil-hating angel would want everything to do with Hell and it's citizens. "Hey! Hurry up! Sovanna's waiting for us" Lali called, I signed "Next year, I'm planning my own week and not accepting invitations to play 'tag along'" "Well I'm enjoying every second of this" Leo smirked, walking over to Lali with me dragging my tired hungover-self behind him.

(Death's Pov)
Things have been going pretty slow this morning; Alex is dead asleep due to the four of us staying up til three in the morning playing card games, Anti was in his dorm trying to finish some school work and hand it in before getting in trouble and I was just sitting on my bed scrolling through media on my phone... or more like looking at all the photos Lali had been posting of last night's 'adventure' her and the others had. Only a couple of the thousand pictures had Gamer in them, he just looked down-right bored in the little get-up the girls made him wear... I bet ya he got drunk out of boredom. Angel wasn't in any of the pictures, indicating that she didn't go with them and most likely stayed at the castle with something 'better' to do. Leo wasn't in them either, only the ones of them before they went out and when they came back, meaning he didn't go either, he must've gotten bored and sent me that picture, expecting me to react and call him... fucking asshole. I signed, falling backwards onto my bed... it's so boring when there's no danger or actual drama going on around here- my phone dinged, indicating a new post from Lali. I looked on her page to see a new photo posted; her leaving the palace with Leo and Gamer... that's right, she wanted to go see Sovanna while she was there. I couldn't help laughing a bit, Gamer looked dead tired and hungover from the night before, yet dressed as his normal self once again, black surrounding his eyes as well. I turned off my phone and looked up at the ceiling... I wonder what Mangle's up to, I mean she's got the whole girls' floor of the house to herself and it did sound quiet... I sat up and got off my bed, walking out of my dorm into the hallway and upstairs to the girls' floor. I walked down the hallway until I got to Mangle and Angel's dorm, I went to knock but froze... maybe she is asleep like Alex or busy doing school work like Anti- the hell am I doing? Overthinking something as stupid as that?

I heard a muffled voice accompanied by Mangle's; she's on the phone "Michael, please- no, I'm not mad or anything" her voice... it sounded like it was on the verge of tears and so apologetic yet... it was really annoyance. "I didn't come home because I've got school work to catch-up on" a lie, and not your usual 'Mangle's obviously a bad liar' lie, it was one that was driven with annoyance and desperation for an excuse, an excuse to end the phone call here and now. "I- of course you don't believe me, you never believe me or even listen to me!" Mangle snapped as I immediately stood back from the door "I'm not lying- yeah, I know lying's a sin! But so is pride and neglection" the hell is that archangel saying to her to make her so angry? "It's always your way or the highway- no, I'm not rebelling! I'm stating a bloody clear and obvious fact!" She snapped again, yet immediately quietening herself in order to not be heard by the guys downstairs "You know what-" "Hey Mangle!" I called from behind the door "Hurry up! We need to get this fucking work done or Ianthe's gonna have our heads!" yep, trying to cover her while also making her very aware that I've heard majority of the phone call. "I'll be there in a minute!" she reluctantly answered back "Sorry Michael, I have to go-" she paused a bit "No Michael, I'm not doing such thing... why? because it's his choice, okay? You want him back there so bad, then talk to him yourself" Mangle hung up the phone. A second later, Mangle opened the door and grabbed the collar of my shirt "As much as I'm grateful of you covering for me, that doesn't get rid of the fact that you were earsdropping-" "I could've just yelled out something else or say nothing and let you get caught out on your own lie" I smirked as she let go of my shirt, looking at the ground. "I know you wouldn't lie to someone unless you really needed to, either for someone or yourself" I said as Mangle kept her head to the ground... she sounded so annoyed and angry just seconds ago yet the girl I was looking at right now looked ashamed of herself.

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