Chapter 82- Hiding Problems

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(Death's Pov)
"So... everyone can see him now?" "Yes Gamer, although hearing that you've had a dead shadow walker following you around most of the time is rather disturbing" Angel answered... we were currently having a 'house meeting' with everyone, just to make sure everyone's on the same page about Li's existence. "Wait, does that mean they've been watching all of us this whole time?" Chase asked "Uh... well-" "Kind of, yes" Li answered, interrupting Gamer "But I've been mostly watching Gamer and De-" "Don't you fucking dare" Gamer glared at Li... wait- was Li about to say my name?! "I don't know how to feel about this..." Seraphina started, folding her arms as she avoided eye contact with Li "Are they actually here here, like solid? flesh and bone?" Alex questioned "No, we've tested it out... the closer he is to Gamer, the more 'real' he is" Dark answered "Reason why he looks a bit translucent right now" I added... Li was standing on the opposite side of the room from Gamer. Distance between the two now in order to 'prevent' another shadow walker vs shadling fight like the other day. "So... how are we suppose to keep Li a secret from everyone else?" Nilima asked "At this point, we just to keep the two separated until we can figure out something else" Angel answered "Li, that means no more following Gamer around during school hours" Angel told the shadling as they pouted, folding their arms.

(No One's Pov)
Aristomache was sitting in her study, going through the final guest list for Hell's upcoming event "My queen" Aristomache lifted to her eyes to the door where a tiny grey-skinned demon stood in a small black dress with a blue ribbon tied around her waist "Yes Cyan?" "Black Councilor Issac Marray wishes to speak to you" Aristomache signed "Send him in" "Yes my queen". Cyan disappeared out the door, a few seconds later, a cloaked man walked into the study "My queen-" "Spit it out already, Issac... why is the Black councilor of the Reaper Wing in my study?" Aristomache interrupted "To report something within the Reaper Wing" Issac answered "Then go annoy Jackal with it, it's his Wing afterall-" "Regarding the development of Elizabeth Widow's powers" Aristomache froze. "W-what about Angel?" the queen asked, putting down the papers she was looking at "Report from Lucifer, Angel's transformed into 'God Mode' about four weeks ago-" "And this is the first time I'm hearing about this?" Aristomache was getting angry "You've been incredibly busy lately, none of us have been able to-" "Enough" Aristomache hushed the reaper. "Inform Jackal of this, now" "Yes my queen" Issac quickly walked out of the room, closing the door behind himself as Aristomache held her head in her hands "Oh god no... not now....." that news just added another thing to Aristomache's list of things to take care of.

-Killen Base-

Lev opened up another box, the last one he had to unpack yet a killen knocked on the door of the infirmary "Sir? Grey Leader has arrived and wishes to speak with you in the command room" Lev signed, putting the box on the counter "Guess this has to wait..." Lev muttered under his breath before grabbing his red killen coat. He put in on and walked over to the killen "Alright" the killen lead him down two corridors before stopping in front of the new command room door "He's waiting for you inside" the killen told Lev, the demon gave them a nod before knocking once on the door "Come in" a voice answered. Lev took a steady breath before walking inside, closing the door behind himself, immediately making eye contact with the Grey Leader "You wished to see me sir?" "Yes, Romainov... come over here" Grey Leader waved the demon over, Lev hesitantly walked over to him. "I'd like to talk to you about Darkbrooke... last time I saw you, you were unconscious in the loading bay with several other soldiers of both my army and your cult" "It's John's cult, not mine" Lev looked at the ground as he folded his arms "Oh sorry, I thought- I saw the ring and... never mind" Lev looked at the ring on his left hand 'Why am I still wearing this thing?'. "I just... after the attack, I talked to most of the soldiers that were with us and all of them have no memory of the attack" Grey Leader stated, looking at me with his fake worried eyes "I want to know if you remember" "Of course I do... I would've been able to stop those kids if I had my heart stone". I looked up at him "I remember asking you constantly for my stone yet you ignored me" "I'm sorry Romainov, I didn't think that the base would be invaded by some... teenagers, I was warned and shown signs yet didn't pay attention to them" Grey Leader sort of apologized to Lev, his eyes however wondering to the heart stone that now hung around Lev's neck.

"I see John's returned the stone to you" "Yeah, he was... kind enough to get Naila to fit it, now I don't have to worry about losing it" Lev told him, pretending to smile a bit "Well talking about the stone, may I have a look at it again?" Lev immediately held the stone close to his chest... he felt the stone's harsh distrust for the Grey Leader. "No" Lev answered, taking a slight step back from the leader "Why not?" the Grey Leader asked with a strained voice "Because I want to make sure I have it with me at all times... I don't want what happened in Darkbrooke to happen again" Lev lied, he could practically hear the stone screaming out it's distrust and hate towards the leader before him. "I'm just worried... what if what happened in Darkbrooke happens here, I have friends and soldiers to protect... and I want to keep John safe as well" Lev added to the lie "He would do the same for me..." Lev looked up at the Grey Leader "So I'm sorry and I don't mean to be disrespectful sir, but I can't remove the stone from my person" "...I understand". Lev relaxed a bit after hearing Grey Leader's words "I have soldiers and friends of my own that I wish to protect at all costs, including my wife" Lev raised a brow "You have a wife, sir?" "Of course I do" the Grey Leader laughed a bit "We all have that special someone" he smiled, sending a cold chill through Lev's veins. Grey Leader looked over at the door "We're planning on having a kid of our own soon... say Romainov" "Yes sir?" Grey Leader looked back at Lev "If you had a family of your own, how do you picture your future with Chevalier?" "With... Chevalier?" Lev repeated quietly. "W-well I already have a kid with another demon-" "Of course, but consider the possibility of a family with John" Grey Leader said as Lev thought a bit... he had never considered any future with John before due to the two constant fighting.

"I... d-don't know, two kids maybe, John would end up being Isabella's stepfather-" Lev stopped himself 'Why- what the hell?! Stop! You don't have a future with that... that...' Lev closed his eyes as he bit his tongue, no horrible name to call John whatsoever... Lev couldn't feel the hate he had for the devil. "You two haven't talked about it yet?" Grey Leader questioned "N-no, no we haven't" Lev answered, opening his eyes yet keeping them to the floor "Well... if you ever want to talk, I'm always free" Grey Leader smiled a bit before walking out the door of the room. Lev let out a breath in relief, glad that Grey Leader was gone as he held his heart stone close to his chest. As Grey Leader walked down the corridor, his smile turned into a scowl 'Overprotective of that fucking stone now, great' he thought... during their conversation, he was holding in his anger, thinking that Lev's become overly paranoid and dependent on the very stone that the Grey Leader needed "I'll try again later...".

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