Chapter 41- Family is Like Playing Cards

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(No One's Pov)
There is two castles in Hell, one is Hell's palace inhabited by the Royal family, the second one is a lot smaller and inhabited by the seven Black Council members. One of those black councilors was a tall woman with warm ivory skin, dark brown eyes with darker brown hair and dark blood-red lips, dressed in black and red; even though she looks as though she was in her late twenties, she was indeed much older. This woman is the Black Councilor of the Threat Wing and a torture demon, more or so... a ripper demon. She walked into her room with a glass of alcohol, about to sit at her desk which was piled with paperwork "Councilor Rochelle Burns" Rochelle turned around, finding Michael standing by the door "Michael" Rochelle glared at him as her smile filled with venom "Tell me why one of God's archangels has arrived at the footstep of the Black Councilor of the Threat Wing?" "I have a strong feeling you know why". Rochelle held her glass containing the toxic alcoholic liquid as she leaned against the counter "I'd like to be reminded by the handsome intruder" she took a sip from her glass, not breaking eye contact with Michael "I'm here to talk about Gamer Shadow-" "What's there to say about him? Heaven didn't want him and Hell couldn't keep him.... nothing to the innocent other than that". "You know there's more to him" Rochelle rolled her eyes as she took another sip from her glass "He's not the real reason to why you're here... if he was your reason for showing up in Hell then you'd be at Shyama's instead, not at my feet asking me to obey like fucking mutt on a leash" Michael let out a frustrated sign "Rochelle...." he couldn't find words to keep him from getting on the Black Councilor's bad side. "You're not here for Gamer.... you're here to talk about Death, you want my help with something involving the ripper demon" "More like a favor" Rochelle raised an eyebrow as the angel had caught her attention "What sort of favor?" "One that involves the removal of the ripper demon from EU and from Satan's 'plan' for his future". Rochelle placed her glass on the desk "Alright, I have to stop you there" she cracked her knuckles "Why would I remove one of my own from a tiny fallen angel? A fallen angel who still hasn't sinned in all his life? A fallen angel who is my own's 'best friend' or some shit.... why would I stop my demon's chance of turning an innocent further away from what they use to be?".

"The main reason why Satan let Death be Gamer's 'protector' during his time in Hell is because Death could do the job, it isn't any demon or devil's fault that he got a bit attached to an innocent-" "That's the point Rochelle, he's attached..." Rochelle's glare harshened as her face grew cold "And what's wrong with that?" she spat "Demons are allowed to have feelings". "Death's sin is wrath and his feelings have gotten the best of him.... there's a likely chance there'd be a repeat of Roxanna Reaper between the two-" "There wont be" Rochelle assured him in a cold tone "Death is strong and one of the only people who can keep that fallen in-check, now I'd like you to leave my room and castle". "No-" "Have you forgotten?" Rochelle walked over to Michael "This is Hell, not Heaven, your authority means nothing here" she stopped right in front of the archangel "Last I checked, this isn't your territory, its Lucifer's" Rochelle leaned in close to Michael's ear "I don't care if God wants the fallen or not, because in the end another angel falls for the sins of a very attractive demon".

-Killen Base-

Lev opened his eyes as he laid on his side on the floor of the High Commander's office. He slowly sat up, looking at the silver chain still wrapped around his wrist, the dark bruises beneath the chain still marking Lev's skin "You're finally awake" Lev turned his head as Naila walked into the room "How long was I out?" "A couple of days, thought you were dead or something". Lev's eyes widened as he looked at Naila "A couple days?!" "I told John you passed out from exhaustion because of work" Naila walked over to her desk "He doesn't know what you were doing... or at least what you were attempting to do" Lev let out a sign of relief as Naila placed a book onto her desk, closing her eyes. "When are you going to stop?" Lev was confused as he looked over at the high commander whose back faced him "What?" Naila turned around, narrowing her eyes as she looked at Lev "You need to stop trying to use your seer powers-" "You seriously want me to give up?" "Not give up" Naila looked at her desk "I want you to fake it".

-Hell's Palace-

Jackal and Jadarius walked down the stairs into the Reaper Wing Prison, walking down the corridors of twelve Reaper Wing prisoners towards the thirteenth cell where the most dangerous reaper was locked up... Helena Emerson, better known as Annadite. The girl was once again in her original cell with the same old restraints; a single metal bar straight through her arm into the chest and out the other arm, hands encased in metal shackles, a metal bar pierced through her stomach into the chair with chains wrapped around Annadite, feet nailed to the floor, chained colar around her neck and lastly her metal-plated blindfold... every piece of metal, a mixture of demonglass, devilbone and iron, guaranteed absolute pain and torture to whoever wore the chains and metal. "How is she?" Annadite asked, not bothering to lift her head "Who?" Jadarius returned the question with a smirk, resulting in Jackal elbowing him in the ribs with a painted glare "My daughter asshole" "She's still in 'dead-sleep', Isabella is too weak... but we have news on what type of demon she is" Jackal said gently as Annadite lifted her head a bit. "And?" "She's a reaper, like you" "Okay..." Jadarius looked at her, not buying a single act... he banged his fist against the cell's bars "Stupid uncaring narcissistic bitch!" "Jadarius!" Jackal yelled, resulting in his cousin turning to face him "What-" "She doesn't deserve any of that-" "SERIOUSLY?!" Jadarius looked at Jackal as if he was crazy "You're siding with a killen?!" "Shut the fuck up!" Annadite yelled. Jackal and Jadarius looked at her "I never want to hear that fucking cult's name ever again!" tears ran down her face as the two demons stared at her, very confused "Those assholes can go fuck themselves- I want nothing to do with them! I don't want to be called a killen! I fucking hate them!". Annadite kept yelling and swearing as Jackal and Jadarius decided to cut their visiting hours short, and exit the Wing Prison.

Jackal closed the door to the Prison, then walked down the corridor of the Reaper Wing of the palace "Hasn't spoken a word for three or four months, why today?" Jadarius asked "Of all days, why this one-" "You're seriously not thinking he's up to something, are you?" "Of course she's up to fucking something!" Jackal rolled his eyes at his cousin as they continued to walk. "We have her daughter and her daughter won't live that long without Euanthe's aid, Annadite's not pulling any stunt until she can guarantee Isabella's safety" Jackal attempted to assure Jadarius, yet the devil stuck to his own opinion "This is why everyone recons you, Erik and Euanthe are the nice ones-" "Probably because the rest of you act like you ate fucking rotten sour lemons right after waking up everyday". There was a bit of silence until Jadarius interrupted it with his own 'surprising' question "Do you believe her?" Jadarius asked his cousin "Every word that left her mouth while we were down there with her" "I um... I'm not sure" Jackal answered, yet Jadarius glared at him "You know I don't, but you need to make up your mind now" Jadarius turned to walked the opposite way back to his wing of the palace. "Jar... come on-" "Pick your side now before they pick you" Jadarius warned Jackal as he walked down, towards the opposite end of the corridor.

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