Chapter 38- Late Night Spying

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(Gamer's Pov)
I was sitting in my room on my bed, Virus sat next to me as they chewed an old pen while I read one of my history textbooks out of boredom. I heard a knock on the door "It's open" I called, not bothering to lift my eyes from the book as the door opened and closed, a familiar scent catching me completely off-guard. I looked up from my book "Lali?" "Hey, wondering how you're going... with the whole visit and all" "I'm fine" Lali had never talked to me before without another person present... or that person being Death himself "Sorry, this must seem weird to you... just thought- a friend of Death's is a friend of mine, you know?" I smiled a bit "Well I'm not that interesting, but I'm honored that you consider me as a friend" that brought a smile to her face. Lali's actually not that bad when you're alone with her, Death told me once that she can easily tell what makes you comfortable or not... she also knows I'm a fallen so anything completely inappropriate that she's use to, she knows not to say it around me. "Gamer!" Chase ran into the room, looking as if he just ran a marathon "Chase-" "I tried convincing them not to, but...." he was really struggling to catch his breath "Chase, calm down" I got off my bed and walked over to him as Lali held his shoulder "Leo, Alex, Dark, Death.... at the guest dorms, earsdropping-" I ran out of the room, down the hall and out the front door, towards the east-side of the dorm block. A minute later, I made it to the guest dorm houses, seeing the four idiots I call friends sit outside under the window of one of the rooms. I walked over, making Death jump a bit as I tapped his shoulder "What the hell are you idiots doing?!" I whispered harshly, kneeling so no one inside could see me "Sssshhhh!" "Don't 'ssshhh!' me! you're gonna get yourselves caught!" I quietly snapped back at Dark- someone walked over to the window, opening it and looking out... "Oliva?" "Sorry, thought I heard something".

These idiots were lucky enough that I had powers that could make us somewhat of invisible. My eyes burned green as I looked up at the ginger-haired pale green-eyed girl, watching her close the window and blinds, soon hearing her footsteps traveling away from the window. "You guys are so fucking lucky-" "Quieten down emo" Death whispered as Alex grabbed out his phone and a cord "What is he-" "Shut up" Leo flicked me in the head. Alex plugged the cord into his phone then the other end into a small silver bracelet around his wrist, he then placed his hand on the wall while opening an app he made himself on his phone, his eyes glowing a unique bright blue. The screen showed low camera-like point-of-view of the bedroom a few of the students were standing in, talking. "You need to stop thinking that someone's following ya, you're not that interesting" "I know Mercy" how the hell "That's awesome-" "How are you doing that?" Dark interrupted Leo "Electric-elementals learn to adapt and improve their powers with some tech skills" Alex seemed proud of himself "Second time making one of these and I had to test it out before this" the four of us went silent, looking at Alex with worried faces. "Who did you try it out on?" Death asked "Gamer talking to himself" Alex admitted- wait "You spied on me-" "You were having some sort of fight with yourself about being bored... then I got bored and turned it off" he... he heard me talking to the shadling? But he thinks I was talking to myself? I looked at Alex's phone, recognizing Mercy and Oliva, but the other three girls I didn't know "That's Adelina-" "Brooklyn and Vaiva" Death interrupted Leo... guess I've been too busy to even go around and get to know the vs students. "Not her fault though, there's still a killing kidnapper on the lose" "Adelina, the day I care about a 'killing kidnapper' will be the first day of being a human ego" this feels wrong- they're just having a plain old conversation about crap we all hear on mid realm radio stations.

Oliva sneezed, an electrical-surge ran around the room, the phone sparked as Alex got zapped, jumping away from the wall "Fuck!" he hissed "Forgot they had an electric-elemental angel with them" he picked up his phone "I'm not gonna be able to hear them with her in there" "So what are we gonna do?" Dark asked "You guys still- my fucking god..." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "G̶̕͜â̵̙m̸͉̔é̵͇ŕ̶͖" I turned my head to see the stalking shadow "Y̴̙͊o̷̹̒u̵̱͝ ̷̿͜t̵̢́r̸̨̂ý̶̨" "But-" "T̷͖̀ṟ̷̈u̴̟̅s̷̬̅t̸͉͋ ̶͕̎m̵̯͊e̶͗ͅ" I thought for a second, debating whether or not it was a good idea, but... "Let me try something" they turned their heads, looking at me with confused faces. I moved closer to the wall, placing my hand on the wall "D̶͕͆ȍ̵̩n̸͖̈'̸̫̒t̵̜͑ ̴̳́f̶͇̅r̶̡̂ẽ̸͉a̴̟͌ǩ̸͇ ̷͈͋o̵̼͊û̸͓t̷͇̅" the shadow whispered before placing their hand on mine- I blinked, finding myself laying on the ground inside the guest dorm... inside the room the five girls were in. I sat up, looking around the room... everything seemed black and white with a blue tint to it, I looked down at my hands... they were translucent. I stood up, looking at the girls "Mercy, chill out for a second-" "I will when everyone just backs off" Mercy snapped at Brooklyn... they couldn't see me at all... I could move through solid objects like a ghost. "Have you been able to convince them to not do it?" Vaiva asked Mercy "No matter what, those fucking crack-heads do the total opposite". "So they're still gonna find a way to 'prank' EU?" Oliva asked "Yeah, one of them kept going on about having the 'greatest' plan to do it... fucking hate those assholes"- I moved back from the wall, trying to catch my breath as I freaked out... I felt like there was no air in my lungs, as if I was drowning almost... I felt completely numb and weak. Death held my shoulders "Game? What happened?" he asked, worry and concern twisted into his voice "W-what happened?" I could just barely talk "Your eyes went completely white, you looked like your soul left your body-" "You looked like you were dead!" Leo interrupted Dark as I sat there, trying to comprehend if what happened... actually did happen.

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