Chapter 65- Rave Raceway

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(Death's Pov)
It was Friday afternoon, school finished about an hour ago. I was sitting on my bed in mine and Dark's dorm, going through one of my textbooks while Dark was getting ready for... something. "Come on, Dark-" "For the last time, no" Dark groaned as he checked his phone... no matter how many times I ask him about where he was gonna go tonight, he will just repeatedly say 'a night out with friends' and if I ask him if I can come, its always 'you won't like it and complain the whole time'. "Please-" "No" Dark signed, texting someone "How would you even know if I'd like it or not if you won't tell me where you're going?" "Because-" "I'm gonna find out about it anyway-" "Yeah, you will when you see me there" Dark grabbed his jacket as he shoved his phone into the pocket of his pants. "What's that suppose to mean-" my phone buzzed, a text from Prince "What the-" "I've gotta go" Dark walked out of the room, my attention then going back to my phone 'Hey, come to my dorm right now! Bring Gamer too!' I raised a brow as I texted back 'Why?' 'Just hurry up or we leave without you' Prince immediately sent back. Okay... this is very suspicious, even for Prince... I signed, getting off my bed and walking out of the room, down the hallway to Gamer and Anti's room. I knocked on the door "Come in" a muffled voice called, I opened the door to see Gamer sitting on his bed reading an old book, no sign of Anti in sight "Where's the other demon?" "With Angel, Akire and Mangle upstairs, talking about the secret assignment" Gamer answered. He looked up at me "You need anything?" he asked, marking the page of his book before closing it "Uh yeah- Prince texted me, needs us at his dorm" "He ever said what for?" he asked, I shook my head. Gamer rolled his eyes, signing as he got off his bed "Alright, let's go". We walked out of our dorm house over to 1C's dorm house, knocking on the front door to have Declan answer it. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" he asked, opening the screen door "Prince texted us" "Okay" Declan letted us in.

We walked down the hallway to Prince's room, the door was open. We poked our heads in, seeing Prince talking to Kitten "Hey, what's going on?" I asked the two as Lali appeared behind us and pushed us into the room, closing the door behind "Lali-" "Don't want anyone else hearing this" she interrupted, leaning on the door. "Okay, seriously- the hell is going on?" I asked again "An invitation to the 'Crusade Rave' at Addersfield" Lali answered "You... are inviting us to a rave?" Gamer questioned "Why?" "Because this particular rave has been the very one Mid realm police have been trying to shut down for years" Prince explained, excitement in his voice. "They've also been trying to arrest the organizers as well but it's too hard for the police to ever find where the rave is" Kitten added "Okay well that doesn't explain why you want me and Gamer to go" I folded my arms "This rave is only for those under the Threat, Flare and Phantom Wings-" "Gamer's under the Eclipse Wing" I pointed out as Prince smirked. "That's where we find the loop hole... only exception with outsiders is if they're 'with' someone who's under one of the three Wings" Prince stated while Gamer's face went a bit pink "No-" "Well either that or Gamer tries using the ripper blood to get in" "Also no, the ripper blood is too dangerous for him- he almost killed a killen with it-" "That's why we're suggesting the first option" Lali said. I looked at the ground, angrily signing "Fine... Gamer?" I looked at the fallen as he looked back at me, biting his lip before looking away "Fine" "Great!" Prince smiled, turning to Kitten. "Kitten, Gamer needs an outfit for tonight" Prince smirked "Oh my god- yes! Let's go!" Kitten grabbed Gamer's arm "Wait, hold up-" Gamer was dragged out the room and down the hallway, Lali rushing off after them as Prince looked at me "Do you-" "No" I glared at him "I wasn't gonna suggest anything like that, I was just gonna ask if you had a leather jacket and jeans to throw on at you dorm" "Why-" "To look the part obviously... unless you want to end up sticking out like a sore thumb". I signed "I'll be back in a couple minutes".

I came back to 1C's dorm house in sneakers, dark-blue jeans, red t-shirt and black leather jacket. As I walked over, I saw Lali, Kitten and Prince waiting on the veranda with two people behind them, one was Red and the other... oh god... remember how Prince told Kitten to give Gamer an outfit to 'bend in' for tonight? Well... I seriously think these guys are just always looking for ways to 'play' with my head. Gamer was wearing a black singlet cropped-shirt which had a bright neon-green 'x' on it, a pair of very dark blue (very short) shorts with black fishnet stockings underneath, small black boots, black hoodie tied around his waist, black fingerless gloves, black ear-piercings (one being a black cross earring on his left ear), his green pendant and a dark red choker. I froze up a bit as I looked at Gamer... oh god, oh god, oh god- "Cool, you're here, now we can go" Lali smiled "Y-yeah... why is Red coming-" "He's under the Flare Wing, and is kinda our 'back-up' plan if we can't get Prince in" Lali answered, walking down the steps and motioning all of us to follow her toward the back of the dorm block. "Back up plans... you guys have been planning this crap for a while now, haven't you?" I asked as we walked "You can never be too careful" Kitten chimed as I looked at Red in the corner of my eye, he had his arms folded and eyes to the ground. I've only ever spoken to Red once, but that was only when Prince introduced us to each other... Red's always quiet around others, yet a stuttering mess whenever Prince is around... other than that, he was just another young angsty demon teenager. We reached the end of the dorm block, finding Lucifer leaning against the fence behind some trees "Just you six?" "Yep" Lali answered as we walked up to the teacher. Lucifer waved his hand over part of the fence, opening some sort of... portal? "Okay, this will get you to the subway near gate seven, train to Addersfield leaves in exactly ten minutes and train back leaves at eleven forty-five" Lucifer gave Lali the train tickets needed "Come back to the gate seven and reopen the portal in order to come back, okay?" she nodded her head.

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