Chapter 60- Shadows Amongst the Created Mess

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(Gamer's Pov)
I was just laying in my bed in the pitch black, it was about one in the morning. My phone went off and almost immediately, I sat up and grabbed it, going straight to messages yet I was immediately filled with disappointment... it was a text from Michael 'Hey, please call me when you get the chance' I rolled my eyes, ignoring the text as I scrolled through my contacts before pausing on one... maybe? I pressed on the contact and hesitated for a moment before sending the text 'Hey' and almost immediately 'HEY!'... Senka texted me back almost immediately and it somehow made me flinch for absolutely no reason. 'How are you? I'm sorry for scaring you guys last term when we first met' 'It's alright, really. tbh, we deserved it' 'No, it's not alright, we were guests, guests don't do things like that to their hosts' 'You do when Lucifer's involved and catches four of his own students digging their noses into shit'. To me, it felt weird. The only other shadow walker I've ever met or talked to, besides the tribe at Riverside, was Isra and it was very easy to get along with her so well because we're so much a like. But Senka, she's very open and bubbly, a social-butterfly willing to be everyone's friend. All the demons and devils I've ever met or seen were absolutely nothing like Senka. 'Fair point, scariest teacher from EU?' 'By far, it'll have to be either Lucifer or Erik, what about from your school?' I texted, interested to see if rumors of peaceful Bear Mountain High School were true 'None really, but I see why you picked two pe teachers, training with older devils or archangels is terrifying😭' 'You have no idea' I laughed a bit to myself "Guess rumors are true, completely peaceful school" I mumbled. Senka eventually stopped texting due to needing sleep for her school's practical exam so I left her be. I went back to Michael's text though... should I text back? I signed:
Hey, please call me when
you get the chance
                                                                             What do you want?
I want to talk,
                                                                             You had your chance to talk properly,
                                                                             but you just made it all about Death
                                                                             being a 'bad influence'
That's because he is, you
don't know any of his
                                                                             Because it's his past, he can tell whoever
                                                                            he wants about it and you should be ashamed
                                                                            that you invaded someone's privacy
Please call me
                                                                            Fuck off Michael, I want
                                                                           nothing to do with you or

I turned off my phone. Yeah, I was angry... Michael... I want nothing to do with him anymore... but I don't even know if I do or not because I can't even think of more then one reason to delete his fucking contact off my phone.... everything's been too confusing lately: the royal family, Michael's sudden concern for me, mine and Death's deal, that ritual back in Hell, the killens' weird interest in me.... it's too much. I don't even know what I want anymore.... at the start of all this chaos, all I wanted was freedom from everyone in Heaven... then once in Hell, I wanted to be every bit a demon and prove myself to my 'new' friends..... now I have no idea what I want. I hugged my legs, bringing them up close to my chest as I buried my head in my knees... I'm actually scared about what I want now, because now... there's a horrible idea in my head of what that want could be.

(No One's Pov)
"So?" Aristomache turned her head towards her cousin, Jackal "What?" "How did the ritual go?" he asked, keeping a bit of distance just in case Aristomache threw something, but she didn't "The temple priestesses were a bit confused of why we changed the Blod-binding ritual to a Ekte Blod ritual, but... it was successful" Aristomache answered, grabbing a book from the shelf of her study. "And?" Jackal hinted, wanting to know more of what happened during the ritual "The water changed color... pride was the last color shown... I felt all seven's power, their scents-" "So they really are..." Jackal couldn't finish his sentence. "Unfortunately yes, that is the whole purpose of the Ekte Blod ritual... to double check it's the right people" Aristomache opened the book, flicking through the pages "Send the invitations, don't give names or explain anything, to any attending, it will remain as much as a surprise to everyone" "Ari? Are you sure?" Jackal questioned his cousin. "Yes, I'm sure... it's almost my deadline for the truth anyway".

-Killen Base-

Lev walked down the corridor into the command room, John standing in front of him "Sir-" "I have a name, use it" John interrupted a bit harshly as Lev glared at him "John, you wanted to see me-" "Give me your wrist" John ordered, Lev held up his wrist with the silver-chained bracelet wrapped around it, noticeable bruises beneath the chain. After Lev being locked in the medic wing for an hour or two, John went the to medic room and placed the chain back on Lev's wrist, despite it not working on him that much. John cut the chain off with his demonglass blade before inspecting the seer's wrist "Does it hurt?" John asked, no emotion in it whatsoever "Not really" Lev answered, looking at the ground to avoid John's eyes. John caressed Lev's face with his hand, making the seer look up at him "You haven't been sleeping either" "How could I after someone sent two people to their death?" Lev somewhat snapped "I warned you-" "I know... and I should've listened" John's rusty-gold eyes stared into Lev's jade-green eyes. "I'm sorry I ignored your words of warning...." John's eyes softened a bit as Lev quietly signed "I'm sorry for using my seer powers without permission-" "No" Lev looked at John, confused "I'm glad you went against my orders" John held Lev's hand "And I don't want to see you hurt yourself again..." Lev looked at the silver-chained bracelet on the ground. "That mean... the chain-" "Isn't going back on- I can't stand the sight of you hurting yourself just to give everyone or at least me a warning about something so obviously dangerous" John gently made Lev look back up at him "I mean it when I say I care about you, Levan". John gently kissed the demon, and no matter how much Lev hated it... he didn't fight him on it, cuz right now... he knew this was John being absolutely honest, this was a side to the devil he rarely sees.

John pulled away, smiling a bit "Thank you, Lev" Lev froze up a bit... that was the first time John had ever used his preferred nickname "For what...?" Lev asked, confused by why the devil was thanking him "For sticking around longer than everyone else"....

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