Chapter 78- Please Return to Normal

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(No One's Pov)
Lali walked into the school hall, walking around close by the wall as 1A's pe class continued. Lali walked over to the stage and sat down in-between Nilima and Gamer, Skyler sitting on the other side of Nilima "How's the pe punishment?" Lali asked as Nilima signed "It's getting boring practicing the same stuff over and over again" "I swear the guys are going 'soft' on me with combat training" Skyler pouted as she folded her arms. Lali looked at Gamer "What about you, Game?" Lali asked, yet the fallen didn't exactly answer her, eyes and attention glued to his phone. Lali leaned closer to Nilima "What's with him?" Lali quietly asked as Nilima rolled her eyes "He's been to that thing since school started this morning" Nilima answered as the girls looked over at Death, practicing fighting with a wooden staff "Gamer, are you supposed to be teaching the ripper demon right now?" Lali asked, only getting a small hum as a response. "Hey Gamer, am I doing this right?" Death called, yet the fallen didn't answer "Gamer?" Death raised a brow at the silence before looking over at the fallen, the emotion on his face... disappointment and completely not surprised as he walked over to the stage "Here we go" Nilima muttered under her breath. "Gamer? You listening?" Death asked, no response from his friend though. Death held out the staff and 'lightly' hit Gamer on the top of the head with it "Ow..." Gamer hissed, looking up from his phone while holding his head "What?" "You're supposed to be teaching me- this was your idea, put the phone down and help" Death told him, Gamer angrily signing as he placed his phone down and got off the stage, walking over to Death to help him practice. "Death's gotten better control over his anger" Skyler piped up as Lali raised a brow "Yeah... very impressive for the world's most overprotective ripper demon" "Why you here anyway?" Nilima asked Lali as she turned to the two girls "Free period" Lali shrugged her shoulders.

Lali looked over at Gamer an Death as the practiced "So... why exactly as Gamer been on his phone all morning?" the curious demon asked as Skyler shrugged her shoulders "Got no idea" Nilima answered as Gamer's phone vibrated. Lali looked down at the phone for a second before picking it up "Don't go through his phone" Nilima quietly snapped "Relax, I don't know his password. I'm just gonna turn it on and look at the notification he just got-" while saying so, Lali had turned on Gamer's phone to find a notification at the top of the screen, stating that Gamer got a text from Ares Bloodworth. "Holy shit- the fallen's been talking to Ares?!" Lali quietly exclaimed, putting the phone back down in its original spot "They've been talking since we got back from Hell for 'Welcome Home' week" Skyler stated "Woah wait- you gave Ares Gamer's phone number?!" Nilima asked Lali, still keeping her voice down so no one would overhear their conversation. "I did, and?" "Does Death know about this?" Nilima questioned "No" Skyler answered as Nilima glared at Lali "What-" "Are you seriously trying to play 'cupid' here?" Nilima harshly questioned as Lali rolled her eyes "Relax, it's not like this is gonna form some sort of 'love triangle'-" "That's not it". Nilima stood up, grabbing both Skyler and Lali's arms, pulling them up to their feet and dragging them across the stage, through a door, backstage, closing the door behind them. Nilima let go of both girls' arms before folding her own "There's reasons why demons like you two don't play cupid- you can't go doing crap like this to our friends" Nilima told them "Come on, there's nothing with-" "Trying to hook up someone like Gamer with dangerous people he's never met before is wrong" Nilima interrupted Lali. "Gamer's a fallen angel who's only ever dated someone once and that lasted two weeks" Nilima stated "He's fourteen in demon years, he can decide for himself if he wants to date anyone or not-" "What if he's too blind to see something then?" Lali snapped.

"We all want what's best for all our friends but come on! Gamer's that oblivious to his own best friend's feelings for him!" Lali glanced at Skyler then back at Nilima "He's too shy and awkward to make any move or ask anyone out-" "Yeah, he's shy and an overthinker, but he'll open up to the right person soon-" "Soon is now!" Lali snapped. "I'm just trying to give him the right 'push' into the right direction-" "By trying to hook him up with an overlord's son?!" Skyler looked back and forth between Nilima and Lali "Guys... it's not really any of our business who likes who" Skyler quietly said "But-" "I suggested to Gamer to text Ares back so they could be friends" Skyler told Lali. "I also told Gamer that it's best if Death doesn't know about Ares due to those two rippers hating each other" Skyler added, looking at Nilima "Don't go straight to a conclusion until you know the whole situation first".

(Leo's Pov)
Me and Isra snuck out of the school hall a few minutes ago just to search the library shelves for something yet we were unsuccessful... until Isra thought of another place we could search.

We walked down yet another corridor before stopping in front of a door "Storage room two, as said" Isra smiled a bit before opening the door. We walked into the room as I closed the door behind us, immediately finding Lucifer in there as well, going through a box of paperwork "Mr Morningstar?" Isra said, raising a brow as we walked towards him, he looked over at us "What are you doing in here?" Isra asked "I could ask you the same, skipping pe aren't we?" Lucifer smirked at us... we forgot to take off the pe uniform before sneaking off. "Now I don't exactly care what you two do in your free time or the actual reason you skipped class, but I must ask you to take it to another storage room" Lucifer turned back to the box he was going through "I mean that is another form of 'working out' in its own way-" "We're not... a hundred percent not in here for that" I assured Lucifer. "Then why is an angel and demon doing in a storage room?" Lucifer questioned "Further research, why are you in here sir?" Isra asked again as Lucifer signed "Well if you really must know, this is my punishment" Lucifer gestured to the whole room as we looked at him with confused faces. Lucifer rolled his eyes "Ianthe's punishing me for sneaking students off school grounds and 'bringing them into the hands of the Grey Leader himself', I have to sort through the storage rooms' paperwork and archives while your class does constant pe lessons" Lucifer explained as me and Isra held back a laugh. I've never heard of a teacher getting a punishment for breaking school rules before, it's actually quite funny. "Enough about me, what's this research the two of you are doing?" Lucifer asked "Well we were wondering... is there any more books on Hell in the library?" I asked as Lucifer froze "It's just... we went through all books in the library already and found nothing we were looking for" I stated "And I thought that since the storage rooms have archives and records of the school, that maybe there'd be a lost book or two on the subject?" Isra added.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but any other books on Hell within the school are actually restricted" Lucifer answered my question, both me and Isra signed in defeat "But..." we looked back at Lucifer "Any 'restricted' books a often kept in Ianthe's office, but you didn't hear that from me" Lucifer winked at us. "Thanks sir" Isra smiled a bit "No problem, just get back to class before Erik notices the two of you are gone" Lucifer told us "If him or Ianthe find out you were here with me, I'll never hear the end of it".

(No One's Pov)
Lev opened his eyes a bit, finding himself in the base infirmary. Lev looked to his left, seeing John asleep in a chair by the bed yet holding Lev's hand. Lev carefully and slowly sat up, holding his head with his free hand before realizing something- Lev checked his pockets, taking his hand out of John's as he started panicking "No no no..." Lev started looking all over the bed, even checking his pockets over and over again for something as his eyes began to tear up. "Where is... no, please..." Lev's breathing got faster as he panicked more, tears running down his face as his hands started shaking a bit. John opened his eyes, woken up by Lev's broken words and sentences "Levan-" "I can't... I-I..." Lev held his chest, struggling to breathe. John went to touch his shoulder yet Lev moved away from him "Levan, what's wrong?" John asked, worry drowning his words as he watched Lev desperately look through his pockets again. John dug his hand into his pocket and took something out, leaning over Lev and putting the necklace he grabbed around his neck. Lev looked down at the necklace John just put on him, noticing his heart stone hanging from it like a pendant "I got you heart stone back from Grey Leader" John told him "It's safe" he assured Lev "I-I'm sorry... I..." "It's okay, just breathe... the stone is safe". Lev's breathing slowed down a bit, holding the necklace close to his chest as he calmed down "I..." Lev looked at John with his tear-streaked face "I put in a word with Grey Leader..." Lev's eyes immediately filled with worry "'re now 'grounded' due to injuries and health... Grey Leader won't be taking you out of the base for a while-". John was frozen as Lev attacked him with the surprise hug "Thank you..." Lev quietly cried, John carefully hugged him back, just thankful to have Lev back and well.

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