Chapter 32- Three Schools

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(No One's Pov)
The guest dorm houses are located on the far north-east of the dorm block, numbered Ø1, Ø2 and Ø3. There were only three of these guest dorms as only two or three schools visit EU at a time. These dorm houses were the same set up as the EU student dorm houses, yet the guest dorms were a bit smaller. An example of this is that instead of two people per room, there was four to six people per room due to bunk beds therefore the guest dorm houses, there'd be only three rooms per floor. One of these guest houses could host up to about eighteen people. This is where the three visiting schools were staying, their teachers jumbling up and mixing the schools so the students could get to know each other. It's now almost ten at night and at the moment, few of the girls of the visiting schools were arguing "What's wrong with the idea- it means EU's status and presentation drops-" "Mercy, just because you hate four certain demons doesn't make a good enough reason to get revenge or take it out on a whole school, a school that has given us the opportunity to train with two of the best pe teachers that the mid realm has to provide". A pink short-haired girl with brown eyes and freckles hung upside-down from the top bunk that she shared with Senka, her pajamas covered in paint stains "Adelina is right, we should be getting along with the EU students" a pale girl with long rainbow-gradient hair and lilac purple eyes piped up "Sure Vaiva, everyone should always agree with Adelina" Mercy said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

"Mercy-" "What do you want Loki?" Mercy hissed at the demon standing outside the door "Uh... Miss Breeks sent me to tell you guys that your group is doing training tomorrow morning instead of the afternoon, you guys need to meet Lucifer and Mr Phantom at the school fields at nine" "Thanks Loki, such a sweet heart" Vaiva smiled brightly, causing Loki's cheeks to redden a bit "N-no problem, see you guys tomorrow". Loki rushed off as Naomi sat up "That's got to be the first time I've ever seen that demon flustered" "Mostly because people are rarely nice to him" Brooklyn smirked at Vaiva "Vi, be honest... you have a thing for Loki?" "Oh good heavens no, I'm just nice to everyone" Vaiva grabbed her pillow and held it in front of her face. "Besides, to think of someone like that is totally not myself, even simple talk about it makes me shiver with fear" Vaiva buried her head in the pillow as Naomi leaned on the rail of her top bunk, smirking at Vaiva "Now I really want to know what Vaiva's like in-" "Naomi! That's highly inappropriate" "I agree with Adelina... only this once" Mercy said while Adelina held back a smile. "Oh come on! She's a creation angel, apparently one of the most innocent-minded-" "There's a time and place for that nonsense, and this is diffidently not it" Mercy snapped "Although you are a demon, you are also an ego student of Coral Coast High, during the Boronia Shield Visit, you are expected to be on best behavior". Naomi signed, climbing down from the top bunk and walking out the door "Where are you going?" "Fucking hell Mercy- I'm going for a walk" Naomi slammed the front door.

(Gamer's Pov)
I walking by the eastern side of the dorm block, moonlight lighting up most of the area- I bumped into someone and fell to the ground... I did it again. I got so distracted by my thoughts and was off with the stars- "Sorry Gamer, I didn't see you" of course... Naomi. "You're so small, guess it's harder seeing you in the dark than anyone else" "Yeah, sure..." I stood up, dusting myself off "What are you doing out at this time of night?" she asked "Not curfew yet and Eclipse Wing demons find night more calming than day... what are you doing out here?". Naomi folded her arms, glaring at the guest dorm houses "Just going for a walk to calm myself and keep myself from ripping a throat out... Mercy is a real fucking pain in the ass" "She was like that back in Hell" I was trying to think of a way to escape the conversation when- "I talked to Loki"....shit. "Why did you tell him that Death wouldn't be interested in me?" "U-uh....." fucking hell, I just dug my own grave there "W-well uh... um" "Do you have a problem with me hanging out with Death?" "Ye- no! No I don't, it's just I uh...." how the fuck do I get myself out of this?! Naomi smirked "You jealous that I took your boyfriend?" she mocked "Death isn't my boyfriend- we're just friends" "Yeah right" Naomi grabbed my wrist and pulled up my sleeve to reveal the star tattoo "How'd you get this then?~". There is no way in hell Death or anyone else told her that I'm a fallen angel, especially not while there are a group of demons and devils trying to get me and kill them in the process. "How did you-" "You keep the wrist covered up twenty-four-seven... plus you easily hear word about a fallen coming into Hell and being property to a blood-haired ripper demon" Naomi let go of my wrist as I glared at her "So yeah, I knew what you were by noticing exactly who your boyfriend is-" "We're just friends".

"It's impossible for two people to be 'just friends' with the person they kissed multiple times-" "Says the slut chasing after the torture demon" I snapped "Which by the way, you're wasting your time because he isn't into crap like you"... yeah, I've might've went over a line, yet Naomi didn't seem hurt at all by my words, in fact... her devilish grin just grew wider. "I know... because he's into crap like you" I quickly shook off the blush that tried to crawl onto my face "W-what?" Naomi started laughing "Are you seriously that blind? A demon would never stick around an angel that long" Naomi laughed "Innocents are pure, unmarked and innocent-minded, take it from the demon you just called a slut... angels make great prey-" "Death is nothing like that!". Naomi folded her arms, raising an eyebrow "Oh really-" "Yes really! He's kind, a gentleman, a bit overprotective of his friends and loves killing people, but also he is a torture demon and my best friend" I was really trying to keep my anger in, trying to not let it slip "What if he never met you in Heaven? What if you were the one who ended up wondering into Hell?" Naomi asked... and of course I started thinking of the possibility. If I wondered into Hell? A whole bunch of shit would have happened to me as an angel.... rape, torture, and if I then ended up meeting Death after that, what would have happened instead of him taking me in and teaching me to be a demon or helping to at least protect me? No.... I know Death. He wouldn't do anything to hurt an angel... unless they were exactly like Leo. "Death will either be mine or yours" Naomi leaned in close to my face "'re meant to commit sin one day innocent, there'll be a day you won't be able to escape it... or won't be able to help it~". "Is that a bet?" "Not really, just a fact" Naomi started walking towards the western-side of the dorm block "I'm not gonna sin" I growled "We'll see about that!" Naomi laughed a bit as she walked off, leaving me alone with my broken thoughts.

I sensed it, only the tiniest bit but I still sensed it. I looked over at Naomi.... how?... for a split second I sensed a torture demon, more or so a Ripper demon scent from Naomi. Every time I've been near her since she got here, she had a lustful scent, one mostly Phantom Wing demons and devils have, so why did I just... I have to talk to someone about this, I have to talk to Isra.....

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