Chapter 7- Home

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(Gamer's Pov)
It was very early in the morning, everyone saying goodbye and giving us a blue bellflower each. Iris carefully hugged me "Gonna be boring without fallen angel here" she smirked "I know, but just be glad that I'm not gonna be here" I smiled "You two were the most powerful demons that have ever came to Riverside, may you both always be welcome to Riverside" Draven smiled. I looked over my shoulder to see a few of the tribe's kids holding onto Death as an attempt to keep him here longer, of course Death was laughing a bit as he tried to reason with them... but it kind of brought a smile to my face as well "I'm gonna miss this place a lot" "You found your paradise, so it makes sense" Iris said gently while a few of the adults walked over to Death to help him pry the children off of him. A minute later "Safe travels Gamer and Death" Draven called as we started walking to the dock, waving to everyone. We got to the boat, Death untied it from the dock and got in the boat "You ready to go?" Death asked as I looked back at the camp, I turned my head back to Death, giving him a weak smile "Yeah, let's go" I climbed into the boat. Death started the engine and turned the boat away from the makeshift dock, leaving the island.

Pitch black, night already and a few minutes away from Rieannie port "So... what do we tell them? When we get back?" I asked Death "We only tell the truth to the royals, heavens and who we trust, no one else needs to know about Riverside's existence, they would've wanted that" "Yeah..." I quietly agreed with Death as blue and red flashing lights appeared in the distance. As we got closer, a bright spotlight was shone at us as we approached the docks "They're here!" someone yelled "Stop the boat and get out" another guy commanded. We did as we were told, now standing on the dock with a few policemen-....Ianthe, Erik and Lucifer were with them "We'll take them now gentlemen" Ianthe motioned us to walk over to her. We walked over "Good to see you're alive and well" Ianthe smiled a bit "Well... kind of" I unzipped my hoodie to show them the homemade bandage on my right side "The hell did that happen?" Erik asked, confusion and worry on his face "The explosion" Ianthe turned to Death "Do you know how much trouble you're in?" "Yeah and I don't give a flying fuck about what my 'punishment' is cuz Gamer's back and safe" Ianthe was silent for about thirty seconds until "Detention for the semester and cleaning duty for three weeks-" "Fine". Lucifer looked at the boat then back at us "Mind telling us where you boys just came from?" we both looked at each other, Death gestured me to tell them "After the explosion, a group of people got me out of the ruins and helped me, taking me dead east to an island called Riverside-" "That place still exists?" Erik was surprised and confused "It'll make it one of the last ancient sites still standing and untouched from all of this... Gamer, continue" Lucifer said. "There's a tribe of shadow walkers, they kept me alive and then Death managed to find the place-" "How?" Ianthe asked, looking directly at Death "The bait shop had a camera that caught the shadow walkers carrying Gamer to a boat, so I took a boat, ended up getting some information about the shadow walker boat and the direction it always comes from, the island is also surrounded by sort some of curtain that makes it invisible to outsiders.

(No One's Pov)
Ianthe sent Gamer over to the ambulance to get his injury properly looked at. Gamer of course had to take his hoodie off in order for the paramedics to get a better look at his injury. "Death, did you know Gamer has a tattoo?" Erik asked "Yeah, the one on his wrist and pentagram on his lower back-" "No, the one on the upper left of his back" Death then saw the tattoo Erik was talking about. "He didn't have that one-" "Exactly, he got it from Riverside meaning that he's a part of the tribe now" Lucifer interrupted "Why would he-" "Best to not ask" Lucifer said before walking over to Gamer, taking out something wrapped up in cloth. "Found this for you" Lucifer handed it to Gamer, Gamer unwrapped the cloth to see the dagger Lucifer gave him, steel handle, blade made of demonglass with beautiful engravings, the engraving Shadow still there "Thanks, I forgotten about it" "Well I'm guessing this year, I'm gonna have to teach you how to use it properly, and not let it leave your sight".

(Angel's Pov)
"I should've stopped him" Leo walked back and forth as the whole dorm house sat in the boys' living room "You can't blame yourself, Death was gonna put up a fight anyways" I said as the front door opened and closed, Death walked into the living room. "Where the fuck have you been?" I snapped "Looking for Gamer-" "So?" Death looked at all of us "Any luck?" someone asked "No, but I did find this kid" Death smirked as Gamer walked into the room, standing by his side "Gamer!" we all got up and crowded him. "Dude, what happened to your hair?" Anti laughed "Long story short, shadow walkers saved me that night and please no hugging, I didn't have that much luck with the explosion". Gamer unzipped his hoodie to show a huge bandage on the right side of his stomach which went down to his hip "I'm still gonna fucking hug you" I said, wrapping my arms around him, but making sure not to make his injury worse "Did you of all people miss me that much?" Gamer laughed in disbelief before I pulled away and punched him in the arm. "You're family idiot, to all of us".......

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