Chapter 40- Brothers and Family

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(Angel's Pov)
I was walking through the school corridors of the Block C building, I turned the corner, walking into a teacher I've never met "Sorry-" "Are you alright young lady?" I froze... it's a reaper. I looked up at the teacher, he's tall with a strong build, black hair that reminded me of Jackal, but... he had warm ivory skin, eyes also a deep ocean blue like mine. He was wearing a black suit and personalized black coat. "Y-yeah, I'm alright..." I nervously answered... I've only ever been around reapers of the Royal family, so I was really nervous "You're the reaper from EU's second-year ego classes, Angel, I assume?" I nodded my head, taking a step back "Erik's told me a lot about you and your friends, I'm rather very impressed, I barely see reapers join the ego-program anymore". He paused for a few seconds "My bloody lord- I should've introduced myself before, I'm Mr Moreno, teacher with the Mount Willow students" this... is the teacher Colby was talking about? "Reaper demon, just like you" he pointed to me as he smiled. "Although you seem a whole lot more special than me-" "How?" I asked, confused by what he meant "You spent most your demon years around the Royal family, along with that ripper, witchdoctor and shadow walker" "Oh yeah..." I thought I was onto something there, yet another fail. A couple of days ago, Gamer told me about him talking to this 'shadling' and that the Royal family was hiding something from us, although I struggled to believe it at first... I soon agreed to the possibility of it. "How is the planning for the dance going?" Mr Moreno asked "It's going alright" "Glad that you have a co-president to help you?" "That and the rest of the committee; selling tickets, organizing decoration, getting the sewing club involved as well" I signed in a bit of relief "Basically the headache we've all been dealing with". "I understand, you want to please and reward your peers with a fun night while also impressing the visiting schools" "Yeah..." I smiled as I looked at the ground.

"The dance is two weeks away, is a lovely young lady such as yourself taking anyone as a date? or perhaps a friend to accompany you?" Mr Moreno asked, raising a brow "N-nah, dances aren't really my thing and like anyone would take me... I'll just go with a group of friends" I nervously answered, if flashbacks of last year's disaster wasn't enough, the thought of Anti asking me to the dance again played on my nerves... it's not like I hate him- he's my friend, it was just too awkward, even for me. "Well-" Mr Moreno's phone went off, notifying him that he had received a message. He looked at his phone "Sorry, I have to go, see you around miss Widow" Mr Moreno walked off as I stood there for a few seconds, thinking about something- "Hey Angel" ....I barely jump or get spooked, yet I full-on flinched when Colby appeared by my side out of nowhere "C-Colby?" my heart was racing so fast... he had caught me so off-guard. "Fucking jesus christ, calm the hell down... not that fucking scary" Colby laughed as I folded my arms, starting to walk away... yet the smartass stuck by my side "Want to you want?" I spat "I have a few questions about that Widow journal-" "How was your day?" Colby looked at me, confused about why I had attempted to change the topic. I caught him off-guard "Why are you-" "We barely talk or have at least a descent conversation, why not start now?" I smirked as he glared at me "You're avoiding the question-" "No, if you want answers or want to know more about the my family journal then you need to be a lot closer to me like most of my friends" I can tell you, he did not see that one coming. "You told Leo stuff about it and he's not one of your friends-" "He figured out how to read it before I even knew about it" I snapped at him... I signed "Sorry, it's just... a bit hard to trust people" "I understand".

I looked at Colby, honesty in his words and eyes "You've got trust problems too?" "Inherited it... really-" "There you are!" Colby jumped a bit as Loki appeared by his side, placing a hand on his shoulder "Been wondering when I'd find you" Loki smirked at Colby as Colby moved away from him. "You guys know each other?" I asked Colby as he looked at the ground "Of course we do, he'd be a shitty brother if he didn't" my eyes widened at Loki's words "You guys are brothers?!" "Twins actually, Colby's the older one by an hour" I'm sure my jaw just hit the ground. "B-but you guys have different last names-" "I took our mother's last name, Colby took dad's... we have different last names due to who's powers we inherited" Loki answered as Colby kept his eyes to the ground "So your mum's a ripper demon and your dad's an inferno demon?" "Yeah..." Colby answered quietly. "And you thought you could just run and hide from me during the whole visit" Loki laughed a bit as I looked at Colby, he seemed so uncomfortable and awkward, the complete opposite of how he was acting before... and I guess Loki could see it too. "Oh come on Colby" Loki grabbed Colby's face and made him look up at his brother "Chin up, confidence and show that anger burning in your eyes" his words sounded encouraging yet filled with poisonous venom "If you're gonna carry on dad's name, might as well bring back that ripper demon attitude you managed to inherit and show that to the world-" "Like hell, I'd rather drop dead than act like you" Colby spat before walking off. Seeing that bit of Colby reminded me of how Mangle felt around a few of her 'brothers'... I glared at Loki "What-" "You should be a lot nicer to him" I spat "Why-" "He's your fucking brother! You need to at least show him some decent respect" "Why should I bother?" Loki spat back, yet laughed a bit afterwards "He never cared about me or showed me any respect, so why should he get it?".

(Gamer's Pov)
I walked into mine and Anti's room, throwing my bag onto the ground near my bed before sitting down on my bed. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before slowly exhaling... I opened my eyes, looking over at Anti's closet mirror to be met with my reflection, eyes burning bright green. Okay, now let's try it... I rolled up my right sleeve and took off my fingerless glove, revealing the star tattoo... how though? Should I just think about him? Immediately, the memory of the ferris wheel came to mind- I shook off a blush, yet the tattoo started to glow red. I looked back at the mirror... my eyes flickered red before I started feeling light headed, and the next thing a knew, I was falling onto my side... then everything went black. It felt like I had only closed my eyes for a couple of minutes.... when I finally opened my eyes, it was dark outside... I sat up, body feeling completely numb and tired. Anti walked into the room with Dark behind him "Hey, you're up-" I went to stand up, yet fell straight to the ground "Gamer, are you alright?" Dark asked as the two rushed to my side, I was so tired, it hurt having my eyes open "Mmmhnm" my throat felt sore, as if I had been screaming for an hour straight. In my head, I was freaking out yet my heart beat was slow, and I had no energy or emotion on my face "Gamer, can you open your eyes please?" Anti asked, a few seconds passed before I managed to open my eyes, looking up at the two... they both back away from me a bit. I caught my reflection in the mirror, my eyes burning green... I couldn't make it stop "Anti-" "Got it" Anti rushed out of the room as Dark leaned me against the frame of the bed. Anti came back with someone, yet my eyes had closed again "What happened?" Death's voice filled the room "He woke up from one of his dazes and just fell to the floor-" "Death, what's wrong with him?" Dark interrupted Anti.

I felt Death's hand on my shoulder "Gamer? Can you hear me?" Death whispered "Mmhm" I poorly answered "You alright?" "Nnnhm" Death caressed my face with his free hand "Can you open your eyes?" "Bur... burns" "I know, but you need to open your eyes a bit for me, okay" I opened my eyes bit, vision a bit blurry as I looked at Death. Death motioned the two out of the room, once they left, he helped me up onto my bed before rushing out of the room and running back in with a wet cloth "Lay down, close your eyes" I did as told, Death then placed the cloth over my eyes "Your dazes doing this?" "N-no". There was a bit of silence before- "Were you trying to do something? That 'phasing' thing that shadling told you?" "H-how did-" "Leo told me, said that's the reason why you've been off lately" I swear to god himself, I'm going to kill that angel in the future or at least knock him onto his ass. "S-sorry" "It's okay, just promise me you won't do that again".

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