Chapter 87- Something Old and New

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(No One's Pov)
Skyler had woken up rather early today, already dressed in the pain black short dress she had been given. She sat on her bed as she put on the small black ballet-slip-on shoes, humming a small quiet tune under her breath as her soul stone hung lightly around her neck.
Dark had slipped into the back dress pants and black button-up shirt he had been given last night, his black obsidian soul-stone ring glimmered in the dim light as he pulled on his coat before putting on his black dress shoes.
Anti looked at his sliver ring holding his dark green soul stone as. He was sitting on his bed dressed in black pants, button-up dress shirt and dress shoes. He didn't bother putting on the coat as he simply didn't care if he had to wear it, he wanted to feel as comfortable he could meaning he was gonna leave it hidden under the mattress when it comes time to leave for the palace.
Akire zipped up her plain black dress and pulled on these black boots that crawled up a third of her shin. Akire's grey soul stone hung low around her neck as she tied her hair back into a loose braid.
Angel stood at her window, dressed in a plain black dress as she held her family journal close to her chest while she looked down at the garden below.
Gamer stood in front of the mirror wearing black dress pants, shoes and a black dress shirt with it's sleeves rolled up. Shyama stood by his side as she carefully tied a black hooded cape around his neck, a cape which almost matched hers... a small tradition that the Eclipse councilors have, wearing these capes to the ceremony. Gamer's pendant glowed softly as he stared at himself in the rusted silver mirror, fiddling with the black ring on his finger, the very ring his best friend had given him on his birthday.
Death was dressed like Dark in complete black as he walked out his bedroom door, following a tiny demon who guided him down the hallway and downstairs, meeting Rochelle at the bottom "C-can... can I go quickly see Gamer?" Death hesitantly asked Rochelle, deep down he could feel his own friend's nervousness. "You know the rules, Death. No young councilor may see each other until the second before the ceremony starts" Rochelle answered "But-" "We need to go now if we don't want to be late" Rochelle shutted him down, motioning him to follow her out the door. Death signed, following Rochelle closely

The people of Hell gathered around the opened gates, children hoisted up onto parent, family or friend shoulders to give them a good view of the awaiting ceremony taking place in the courtyard garden of Hell's Palace. People were sitting on top of fences and the roofs of buildings that guaranteed them sight to watch as seven black cars took turns dropping off its important passengers. Overlords and their families watched from within the Palace walls or the Palace balconies overlooking the courtyard garden. Across the courtyard was seven different pentagrams hand drawn in different colored salt corresponding to each Wings' color. The current Black Councilors lead each teen to on of the pentagrams as the watching audience became quiet. Standing side by side with their own colored pentagram in front of them; Dark with blue salt, Death with red, Gamer with green, Angel with purple, Skyler with pink, Anti with orange and Akire with yellow salt, all in that exact order. Satan and Aristomache walked out, standing a few meters in front of the children "Welcome all... to one of the most important and rare events performed in Hell" Satan started "Since the eighteen hundreds, Hell slowly received each of its new councilors... hidden within its heart's walls was seven glass murals, each with its own rose blooming with life, the life of our children" Aristomache gestured to the children behind her before turning back to the watching crowd. "Slowly, these children became family with a powerful bond only the ancients possessed" Satan continued as Aristomache took a step back, summoning her scythe "The heart of a family is what holds each councilor close and empowers them..." Aristomache held her scythe up to the sky "So with this twilight, let Hell's heart embrace and empower our new children" Satan finished as the blade of Aristomache's scythe glowed a dark blue.

It was now 7am, the sky darkened to a blue and purple twilight, the seven current Black Councilors stood behind the teens, hands glowing as they each quietly chanted something under their breath. Each one of the salt drawn pentagrams glowed brightly... and one by one, each kid stepped into their own pentagram. There was a bright flash of light and once it dimmed, it revealed the teens now wearing different yet completely amazing clothes.

Dark's may have looked like a plain black suit with a white shirt, yet hints and glitched red and blue were faintly hidden on his coat. Anti had black pants, a mixture of dark and light green gradient in his long-sleeve shirt, a black royal-like vest with hints of gold. Skyler's plain black dress was replaced with a reddish-pink singlet-like leotard with black lace shoulderless sleeves, a pitch black corset with gold buttons in four rows of twos, the corset's edging had a sewn on black lace skirt, she also had small black slip-on shoes with a small added heel and pink ribbons tied to her shoes that crawled up her legs, her soul stone necklace accompanied with a black gold-spiked choker. Akire's clothes were replaced with a white short-sleeved button-up dress shirt with a long-sleeve black lace undershirt, a dark red corset and a layered steampunk-styled long skirt of dark red, black and lace, several black ear piercings and cuffs accompanied by two thin rusty gold chokers around her neck along with her soul stone necklace, and black boots going a third up her shin. Death had pitch black dress pants and dress shoes, blood red dress shirt sort of ripped at the edge of the sleeves, a black tie and black vest that was also sort of ripped at the bottom, Death's soul stone ring glowing pretty brightly. Gamer's clothes were replaced with white dress pants that sort of hid most of his black boots, his shirt turned black to pure white, his cape turning to a cozy black hooded coat that almost touched the floor, ear piercings had turned gold accompanied by a thick black choker that sat above his glowing green pendant, and finally a pure white mask that covered from his eyes up with a green cross marked over the right eye of the mask. Lastly Angel, her black dress was long with gold edging and a slit in it going from the right hip down, the fabric left hip had a large gold pentagram on it, the top of the dress formed a loose hood in which was lined with white fur, black heels, gold piercings accompanied by a black lace choker and a thin gold chained choker beneath it along with her glowing red soul stone necklace, and a tiny black red-jeweled tiara.

The older Black Councilors walked over to the kids as they turned around, the Black Councilors holding out different types of 'Young Councilor' heirlooms. Dark was handed this rock-hard diamond, and once in his hand transformed into some type of black cane. Anti was given a plain black hilt with no blade attached yet once in his hands, a silvery blade appeared, its blade glowing a dark earthy green. The Phantom Councilor gave Skyler two small pink stones, at first she was a little confused until the older devil nodded to her own blades hanging by her hips. Skyler grabbed her blades, holding the tiny pink stones close to them... the two stones fused into the hilt of her blades, glowing brightly as the blades' silver turned gold. Akire was given an old black-bladed ritual dagger, one that seemed to have consumed a lot of blood in the past. Death was given the old dark-red-leathered hilt of a sword, it glowed brightly at his touch yet once he swung it down by his side, he had summoned its blade which somewhat surprised him a bit as it was made of angelsilver. Angel was given a blood red stone that was almost the size of her palm and by guess while holding it in her right hand, she summoned her scythe, the stone fusing to it immediately where the blade attaches to the staff. Lastly, Gamer was handed a small golden cylindal hilt off an old ancient staff, its shadow walker engravings glowed dark blue at his touch "Do what you normally do when summoning your strongest weapon" Shyama quietly whispered to Gamer, hinting to him what to do. Gamer took a shaky breath as he summoned his spear, the staff hilt fusing perfectly to it. The fallen stared at it in awe as him and the others turned back to the watching demons and devils.

"I give you the Young Black Councilors of Hell!" Satan announced, gesturing to all of us as all of Hell cheered loudly and one by one, each kid half transformed. Horns and tails, while Angel's pure black wings came out, large and beautiful. Gamer's greyish-black wings came out as well, smaller than Angel's yet still beautiful... but also his broken halo appeared above his head yet none of the audience showed any signs of caring about this one demon's horns, tail, wings and halo. The teens stepped out of the pentagrams, smiling at each other in disbelief and admired each other's heirlooms and new clothes. After a few minutes, the kids were lead inside by the councilors with the cheering echoing behind them. Once inside, their horns, tails, wings and the fallen's halo disappeared as the sky faded out of its forced twilight.

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