Chapter 36- Ferris Wheel

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(Leo's Pov)
"Remember to meet back at the buses by nine tonight" Mrs Breeks yelled as several groups of ego students started heading off into different sections of Rieannie Carnival Grounds while I got off the EU bus "Hey" I turned my head to see a pink short-haired girl, immediately sensing what type of angel she was... a blood-bounder, like me. "You're Leo Rohit from EU, right?" "Yeah, and you are?" "Adelina Castle, student from Mount Willow" I can say now, this angel has no horrid bone in her body whatsoever "Anyway, me and a couple of my friends were wondering if you wanted to hangout with us today? Get to know each other?" "Sure, why not?" I smiled, following Adelina over to her friends. A few minutes later, we were at the arcade section of the carnival grounds just talking as two of us played games, soon out of the corner of my eye I saw Loki and one of his friends walking behind a tent "Hey Adelina, I'm just gonna find where the rest-rooms are" "Okay, we'll be here for a while anyway so take your time". I rushed off to the tent Loki and his friend were behind, sneaking into the tent without being seen, quietly walking over to the wall that the two were on the otherside of "Dude, Rieannie is seriously so cool" Loki's friend signed "Yeah, but any town in Mid at this point is better than Hell" well... guess the two just wanted a quiet place to vent about Hell and the Mid Realm... so my 'gut feeling' of lurking trouble was off? My first impressions of Loki and a couple of his mates really make me judge their book-covers so fast? Shit... now I just feel like a judgy piece of crap.

I started taking a step away from the wall- "So Shadow? Gamer Shadow? What about him did you want to talk about?" I froze at the guy's question "I almost managed to.... but that white-haired creation angel shut the whole thing down" what is Loki talking about? What happened between him, Gamer and Mangle? I mean how the fuck did Mangle get involved with him? "So what are ya gonna do?" "Try it again obviously, I got so close before... I bet I can do it again~" I quickly snuck out of the tent and ran through the crowd of people.

(No One's Pov)
"Akire! Wait up!" Gamer ran over to Akire "What-" "Can I stick with you guys?" Gamer asked as Akire folded her arms, raising an eyebrow "Why?" "I don't want a repeat of last year-" "You mean you getting lost?" Gamer nodded his head a bit "Where's the overprotective torture demon usually following close behind?" "Death um... already walked off with Anti, Alex and Noah, and I can't find them...." Gamer muttered. Akire laughed a bit "My lord- even though you kinda killed someone last week, you still are a small helpless innocent" Gamer folded his arms "Sure, you can hang with me, Isra and Sky".

Death, Anti, Alex and Noah stood at the snack truck, Death watching the other three impatiently wait for their cotton candy to be done since the guy running the truck had to make a new batch. He stood there, leaning against the truck and as soon as his friends lifted their eyes off him someone grabbed him by the arm "Sorry guys, someone's requested Death's presence at the photobooth" the three smirked to themselves as Death was dragged off "Hey- Leo, let go-" "Shut up for a sec" Leo harshly whispered, soon pulling Death into one of the small tents, then letting go of his arm. "Seriously Rohit, if you want it that bad then don't go dragging someone into a tent" "I'm not-" Leo looked at Death, immediately realizing that the demon's playing with him "You need to spend less time with Lali and Prince, they're both horrible influences" "I'd say great influences" Leo rolled his eyes at Death. After Sabina's death, the past week Death's being hanging out with multiple people, mostly Lali who happened to also be with Prince, Kitten and a few other ego students she introduced Death to... so Death's been going around getting to know or hanging out with people while Gamer and Angel were busy doing committee work. "So why did you drag me here?" Death asked, folding his arms "Loki's up to something... he's made a bet with one of his mates about Gamer, something about getting close to him to do something?" "You've got to be fucking kidding me" Death muttered to himself. "Why do I have a feeling that I now know exactly what this 'bet' is?" "I may have gave Loki the impression that I um.... I am-" "Very overprotective of your best friend?" Death nodded his head. Leo pinched the bridge of his nose "Okay- you need to find Gamer and stick with him, keep Loki away from him" "And what if emo gets suspicious?" Death snapped "Then... ago ahead with the 'plan' we talked about a few days ago-" "No way, I... I can't".

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