Chapter 25- Worries and Improvement [Part 2]

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(No One's Pov)
"Alright guys, gather around!" Erik called as him and Lucifer carried in the last four boxes, Ianthe walking in close behind. Everyone walked over to the three teachers as they opened the boxes. One by one, student names were called out and handed these bags containing clothes and shoes... the students however were dead confused on the situation and why the teachers were giving them these things. "These are your combat pe uniform, altered to suit each one of you" the kids looked at Lucifer, still confused yet now surprised that they actually needed such thing "These were made and provided to us by the Red Army, only due to the fact that the school curriculum is now introducing combat training as a compulsory subject in early ego courses".... if you can guess, the students were still confused. "The design and material of the uniforms is made to take direct hit, but also it's been designed to support your powers, for example" Erik gestured to Alex "Alex's uniform can support a bare minimum of a hundred-and-forty volts to the maximum of a million volts without being set on fire or disintegrating". Alex smiled in disbelief as he looked at his uniform "About the same thing with Nilima's uniform and her fire powers-" "But enough talking, go try them on!" Ianthe smiled, interrupting Erik. Her words made everyone bolt to the change rooms, a few minutes later, everyone walked out wearing their grey-and-black combat uniforms and smiles on their faces. The uniform depended on the student. All students had grey tops and pants, thin black long-sleeve shirts underneath, black gloves and black combat boots. Few had short-sleeve grey tops while others had long-sleeve yet the sleeves where rolled up, plus a few of the girls' tops were somewhat cropped to make the shirts lighter for them. Most had long pants yet few of the girls had shorts, and two of the girls had skirts with black leggings underneath. Some kids' gloves were fingerless and a few didn't have gloves. But there no absolutely no complaining.

All the students were admiring their own and others' uniforms, while the three teachers went around and explained to each student why the design of the uniform and somethings about it, yet soon one kid's lack of presence was noticed. "Hey, where did Gamer go?" Broody asked, concern and confusion in his voice "Probably still in the change rooms, I'll go get him" Leo walked into the boys' change room "Gamer, hurry up! Everyone's waiting for you" "I-I think I'll just stay in here" Leo signed at Gamer's answer, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Either you come out or I'm dragging you out in whatever you're wearing, uniform or underwear, your choice" Gamer stayed silent "One... two..." "Leo-" "Three" "N-no, don't-" Leo turned the corner and started laughing a bit "Stop-" "You look completely fine in the uniform" Gamer hid his face "Come on" Leo grabbed Gamer's arm "No, wait-" Leo dragged Gamer out of the change rooms. Everyone looked at Gamer. A few were confused, a couple smiled... the rest tried not to laugh. Gamer's uniform was like most people's; grey long pants and boots, black fingerless gloves, grey top that was somewhat cropped with the sleeves rolled up and a black long-sleeved thin shirt underneath. The top part of Gamer's uniform looked almost like most of the girls' uniform tops, yet it had a hood sewn into it. A few minutes later, after Erik talked to Gamer about the uniform, the actual lesson started... which was one-on-one fighting to test out the new uniforms.

(Gamer's Pov)
Two people at a time, fighting until one gave up while the whole class watched. I however, was getting nervous by the second, hoping for my turn to never come because this time, instead of my partner being Angel or Death or anyone else... it was Dark. This time I've ever had to go up against him and of course I was scared. I've watched him fight before, he's crazy strong and fucking scary. ..."Gamer, your uniform was designed to be lighter so you can move quicker and allow your shadow powers to be used more easily, but with that said, you have a thinner protection than everyone else... I shivered a bit, remembering a bit of what Erik said about my uniform "Alright, Dark and Gamer, you're up" I immediately started panicking as I moved to the center of the room, standing opposite of Dark. "Begin-" immediately, Dark started attacking me, I barely blocked his attacks "You can do it Gamer!" a few people yelled out which gave me enough confidence to make my move and attack.... maybe a bit too much confidence. Although I was able to punch Dark, I went for a high ass kick... only to have Dark grab my ankle. Fear took over and made me think that I didn't have any other choice but to use my powers... and while making that decision, Dark landed a lot of punches, to the point that I thought of a very short temporary escape by shadow walking onto his shoulders. I thought I could do what I did during that 'hide-n-seek' training at Vonnora Woods and at last year's camping trip, shadow-walk onto someone's shoulders then floor them. I thought I could easily do that again, to Dark... yet he easily proved me wrong.

Dark grabbed me by my waist and threw me onto the ground, then taking a step or two away from me as he tried to get his breath back. I, however was in pain and completely drained as I laid on the ground, but... I refuse to give up. Think of anything. Anything that isn't painful. Something that's the completely opposite. Something that's- ..."Death" "Yeah?" Death looked down at me "Thankyou..." I smiled a bit, Death's smile was bigger than mine "I'm glad you're happy" he said as he rested his forehead against mine... I opened my eyes as the memory played through my head. That moment, me and Death dancing at the school dance... one of the happiest moments of my life. I slowly stood up, just barely feeling the pain as the star tattoo on my wrist burned "Uh Dark, you know that saying 'karma's a bitch'?" "Yeah-" "Look behind you" Dark turned around, eyes widening a bit as I punched him in the jaw, causing him to stumble back a bit until I side-kicked his ankles, knocking him to the ground. I shadow-walked behind him, wrapping my legs around Dark's lower torso and an arm wrapped around his chest to keep him pinned, while I summoned a knife and held it to his throat. "I believe this means I won" I smiled at the three teachers as they stared at me in disbelief "How the hell-" "That was awesome!" someone yelled over the top of Lucifer.

(No One's Pov)
The class ended and all the students left with their new uniform, yet the teachers stayed behind to go over some notes "All of them did great today-" "One did a bit too good" all three of them thought about the performance of Gamer and Dark's fight earlier "How Dark threw him to the ground- he should've not been able to get up-" "Yet Gamer got back up, no sign of pain on his face" Erik finished Ianthe's sentence. "I'm actually worried about this type of improvement, especially from Gamer-" "He wasn't the only one" Lucifer interrupted Erik "Death and Noah's fight was right after and Death knocked Noah out for a good few minutes, and that was by accident" "You're thinking about something else" Ianthe caught Lucifer off-guard, yet she was completely right. Erik's phone started to ring, he got up and walked out of the hall to answer it. "It's very rare to see you of all people to be this distracted, what is it?" Lucifer looked down at his notebook "I have a bad feeling- with all these people going missing... I just don't want it to be any of these kids next" "You have the right to worry about them, you are a teacher after all" Ianthe told Lucifer, while Erik walked back into the room. "You're not going to believe this, police want to interview all torture demon students, including you-know-who" "Surely not" Lucifer looked at Erik in disbelief "He should've been taken off that list due to his history, his first year in Hell-" "Mid realm police want to take precautions". "Those involved with the Hayes Creak case shouldn't be interviewed, with that as personal history of being demon or devil, it should be enough proof that they're not cannibals and are a hundred percent innocent-" "It's mid realm police Ianthe, they're under the commands of the Council of Prodiguim, the actual government of the mid realm... they're not taking any risks"....

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